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Example sentences for "mortified"

Lexicographically close words:
mortice; morticed; mortices; mortification; mortifications; mortifies; mortify; mortifying; mortis; mortise
  1. I thought the purple velvet lady would have been really upset and mortified at her mistake.

  2. Most assuredly she hoped it would not be, and equally assuredly she had no idea she was hoping it; verily, her feeling towards Antony was one of mingled anger, indignation, and mortified pride.

  3. A feeling of mortified pride mixed itself with the sense of insecurity which I experienced on my approaching these parties of foreign soldiers, whose presence had made a desert of our capital.

  4. But I was not a little mortified to find you say nothing about your intention to ride to Jersey.

  5. Mr. and Mrs. Witbeck made many inquiries about you, and appeared much mortified that you did not accompany me.

  6. Monsieur Maupertuis is highly mortified that you should suppose him so ignorant as to have lost himself on the road.

  7. I am mortified with the reflection that they were ever yours.

  8. I am mortified that not an officer on the ground has shown any activity to detect the plunderers or their spoil.

  9. I am mortified at the interruption it met, and impatient to renew the theme; to renew it in a more pleasing manner than even your letters afford.

  10. Indeed, from the friendship which subsisted between us, I was in expectation of hearing frequently from you, and, to tell the truth, was not a little mortified that I was passed over in silence.

  11. I have been too much mortified on that subject to remove it at once.

  12. I am much mortified that Captain Brown should have merited your putting him in an arrest.

  13. She had not the generosity to struggle against her mortified feelings, or to spare those of Marion, but from day to day her wayward mind seemed to cherish the chagrin which inch by inch consumed her.

  14. Poor Dixon would be mortified if she knew what I thought of her 'delicious mixture' at, probably, 3s.

  15. And this pravity or inherent, original sin may two ways be said to be mortified radically, or virtually, or inceptively before any inherent change in them: 1.

  16. But the better any thing is, the more loathsome it appeareth when it is mortified by hypocrisy and dead formality, and turned into a mockery, or an affected, scenical act.

  17. In that it is mortified in their parents from whom they derived it, who have the power of choosing for them; and, 2.

  18. Moreover, he was mortified at losing the two games of billiards, when so great odds had been given him.

  19. Mark, mortified by the collapse of his sensation.

  20. But a week remained of the term, and the punishment was mild, but both boys were mortified and left the study crestfallen.

  21. Some way the story came out, and Bertha sobbed away her mortified feeling.

  22. It is not right to laugh at old persons," Bertha said, summoning all her courage; yet she was mortified and humiliated in the extreme.

  23. Sometimes the poor little woman was fearfully rebuffed and mortified by a fretful exclamation from the poet.

  24. But if she was pained in seeing her darling in this state, and blushed at the vulgarity of his manners or his awkwardness at the table, she was still more mortified at the tone of contempt with which her husband's friends spoke of her son.

  25. The holy bishop was exceedingly mortified at this accident, and out of his own patrimony made amends to every one even among the rebels for all losses they had sustained, which unparalleled charity gained him all their hearts.

  26. He was humble on the highest pinnacle of honors, and mortified amidst pleasures.

  27. The mortified lives of all the saints who arrived at a familiarity with God in holy prayer, are but a comment upon, or sensible examples of, the indispensable gospel precept of dying to ourselves.

  28. She even managed to sit at her meals in a painful and mortified position, being careful to pass every moment of her life in the practice of mortification.

  29. Besides, while the details of his work, the more he got settled in them, were not to his taste, he was daily mortified to find himself ignorant of matters which the stupidest clerk in the office seemed to know by instinct.

  30. We try to cheer her up, but she is so cast down and mortified to have to live, as she says, on charity.

  31. It would be mortified to hear the talk of the excursionists, which is more about the quality of the tables and the beds, and the rapidity with which the "whole thing can be done," than about the beauty and the sublimity of nature.

  32. I have a friend who says she should be mortified if she reached heaven and there had to confess that she never had seen Europe.

  33. Next day, Dorothy, becomingly mortified because the good news had come to her through her father out of Smythe.

  34. Afterwards, in private, she mortified the strain of coquetry that made such shame possible.

  35. Soon afterwards, the wearied and mortified English returned to their camp.

  36. Chandos was deeply mortified at the loss of the abbey, it being within the scope of his seneschalship.

  37. Deeply as you have mortified me, I have not the heart to see you thus wretched.

  38. I am afraid that little affair of yesterday has mortified her to death.

  39. In one case, of a young woman aged twenty, the mesentery was filled with obstructed glands and the intestines mortified in different places.

  40. The girls who died most usually became mortified in the pudendum.

  41. In another, almost the whole mesentery was mortified and there was an anthrax or carbuncle at the upper fore part of the armpit.

  42. She sprang to her feet, so mortified at being caught in this secret quest for beauty that her embarrassment left her speechless.

  43. I don't see what ever put such a silly thing into my head," said Mary, finally, beginning to feel mortified as she realized what an excitement she had created for nothing.

  44. It mortified her to be obliged to confess that she had not discovered any, and she thought, as she nervously fingered the pages and looked down at her toes, "That's what I got for trying to appear smarter than I really am.

  45. Mrs. Lively was mortified and subdued at being convicted of all the mischief which she had so persistently charged to her husband.

  46. He left his bed, not stealthily: he was not of a nature to be specially mortified by discovery.

  47. But will the flesh be mortified by any real rough sackcloth and ashes?

  48. To be the object of scorn to a barbarian, not only mortified the pride of Pizarro; but excited such resentment in his breast, as added force to all the other considerations which prompted him to put the Inca to death.

  49. I'm inclined to think that she is deeply mortified at the false position in which Sibley has placed her, and is too proud to make explanations.

  50. I am mortified with myself beyond measure, and I am bitterly ashamed that my aunt, her own mother, should have so grossly misjudged her.

  51. But the mischief was done; my wife started up and was mortified beyond measure that she had treated her guest so rudely.

  52. I am mortified beyond expression, and suppose I shall never hear the last of it," and she burst into a hysterical passion of tears.

  53. She dropped her fine eyes, mortified by this home-thrust.

  54. This desertion mortified the sharers in Sacchi's company, and they whispered their misfortune in my ears.

  55. Maffei between his teeth, downcast and mortified to an extent which moved my sympathy.

  56. But soon, mortified at being held at bay by an unarmed man, they drew their sabres, and rushed upon the beggars.

  57. MaƮtre Jacques, mortified and ashamed of his mistake, now approached and stammered a few excuses.

  58. The keeper, who was deeply mortified at seeing the fabric he had raised with such indefatigable labour, overturned in a moment, protested that nothing of the sort had ever happened before.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mortified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abashed; afflicted; agitated; ascetic; ashamed; astringent; austere; bad; beset; bothered; chagrined; chapfallen; confused; contaminated; corrupt; crestfallen; crushed; decomposed; discomfited; discomposed; disconcerted; diseased; disquieted; distressed; disturbed; embarrassed; festering; foul; gangrened; hangdog; humbled; humiliated; infected; morbid; mortified; pathological; peccant; perturbed; poisoned; putrefied; putrid; remorseful; rotten; rotting; septic; severe; shamed; shamefaced; spoiled; stern; tainted; troubled; ulcerated; uncomfortable; uneasy; upset