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Example sentences for "conceiveth"

Lexicographically close words:
conceivable; conceivably; conceive; conceived; conceives; conceiving; concent; concentered; concentrate; concentrated
  1. Yet even then, when lust conceiveth and bringeth forth sin, this may comfort and bear up the heart of a poor believer.

  2. Yet we may not say, that there is no grace in the soul, or no measure of mortification attained, where lust sometimes not only enticeth, but conceiveth and bringeth forth sin.

  3. So Cardan conceiveth the tail of Ursa Major peculiarly respecteth Europe: whereas indeed once in 24 hours it also absolveth its course over Asia and America.

  4. A Woman that hath but one Child, they express by a Lioness; for that conceiveth but once.

  5. The Pope ful of innocence Conceiveth in his conscience That it is goddes wille he cesse; Bot in what wise he may relesse His hihe astat, that wot he noght.

  6. The learned Casaubon conceiveth that a Dialogue might be composed in Saxon onely of such words as are derivable from the Greek, which surely might be effected, and so as the learned might not uneasily find it out.

  7. The intellect conceiveth of it (truly) as good, by a simple apprehension.

  8. As long as a man conceiveth of religion as it is, even the most sweet and delectable life, so long he will follow it willingly and with his heart, and despise the temptations and avocations of fleshly gain and pleasure.

  9. Many Mola's and false conceptions there are of Mandrakes, the first from great Antiquity, conceiveth the Root thereof resembleth the shape of Man.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conceiveth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.