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Example sentences for "strangled"

Lexicographically close words:
stranger; strangerhood; strangers; strangest; strangle; stranglehold; strangles; strangling; strangulated; strangulation
  1. The microscopic shingle—for shingle it is—of West Bay has for centuries been the enemy of the place and has practically strangled it.

  2. He sat astride upon my shoulders, and held my throat so tight that I thought he would have strangled me, and I fainted away.

  3. He has strangled the true Fatima, and disguised himself in her clothes with intent to murder me.

  4. And as one sees most fearful things In the crystal of a dream, We saw the greasy hempen rope Hooked to the blackened beam, And heard the prayer the hangman's snare Strangled into a scream.

  5. She was quite unconscious of anyone's presence, and moaned softly in a strangled fashion.

  6. The blue became deeper, the strangled air assumed a thick gray color and emerged in a fit of sputtering querulousness.

  7. Though his father had been hanged or strangled for plotting against the life of the chief who ruled then, Ratu Joni succeeded in making his way to the fore in Fijian politics.

  8. You ground your cruel boot-heel into the brow your false lips had kissed a thousand times; you strangled my life out with the hands that had caressed me uncounted times!

  9. Bernardino Antinori, whom you had strangled in prison!

  10. I record that on such a day in such a year from the Incarnation, Francesco de' Medici caused the Cavaliere Bernardino Antinori to be strangled for adultery with the lady Eleonora di Toledo, wife of Don Pietro dei Medici.

  11. She had judged me aright--I was furious; and had I met the youngster in that hour, with these hands of mine I would have strangled him.

  12. A terrible cry broke upon my sleep, as of a man being strangled and crying for help.

  13. But the weight of sorrow and longing on the strong nature, untried by emotion, strangled the rising fear, and Tessibel advanced a step to the pebbly path.

  14. It strangled his class ardor and made conscientious study impossible.

  15. I could have strangled Krumbauer and then chopped him into bits.

  16. This Thug, in his profession, was a very active man; He strangled eighty men the year to practice he began.

  17. It was rumored that it was no case of self-murder, but a case of murder by the barrister, who had strangled his dishonored victim, and had then thrown her into the river.

  18. Eight hundred prisoners had been secured in the Matanzas Jail; of these two hundred were shot without trial, the remainder, for the most part, strangled in their dungeons.

  19. With a gasp as the pungent liquid almost strangled me, I opened my eyes to find that the physician's arm was supporting my shoulder and his hand holding the spoon to my lips.

  20. I could have strangled Lillian Gale in that moment.

  21. American, with astonishment so genuine that Brayham strangled with suppressed chuckles, and the bearded mouth of Commander Courtley assumed the curve of a sly smile.

  22. The answer was strangled between a laugh and a sob.

  23. All at once that strange smell that was in the room when you came almost strangled me; but as I bit my lips harder, down came a wet cloth over my face.

  24. A sudden splash near him brought a strangled sob to his lips; the touch of something against his body made him cringe.

  25. An instant later his clawing fingers caught at a thrusting root, his feet struck bottom, and with a strangled sob he half pulled himself, half crawled onto a slippery shelf of rock.

  26. Moreau and Pichegru conspiracy against Napoleon; Pichegru found strangled in prison; Moreau exiled; Duc d'Enghien captured and shot; twenty persons guillotined.

  27. Paul, Czar of Russia, struck down by Prince Zubov and strangled by the prince's followers.

  28. When the gun is discharged, the loon does not rise from the water; it Lewis became badly strangled when the other boys him.

  29. No doubt the half-strangled being would be dead enough after a night in the ---- cellar.

  30. A strangled death-rattle issued from the group.

  31. There is also a colonel who loves her and for that reason loses his life and a certain Mustapha, who tries to kidnap her on the colonel's account and also loses his life for that reason, strangled by a Senegalese.

  32. Most men thus circumstanced contrive to buy or brutally manage to enforce their independence; but many vegetate without hope, strangled by parasites.

  33. But the girl was staunch; she held her peace, saved her lover; and the queens strangled her between the mats.

  34. He wrenched and pressed at the cords, almost strangled and had to stop, the sweat pouring into his eyes, his heart pounding on the rope that cut into his chest.

  35. Had I strangled this woman in a fit of blind passion, it would not have so degraded me as this impudent comedy.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strangled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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