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Example sentences for "uniting"

Lexicographically close words:
united; unitedly; unites; uniteth; unities; unitive; units; unity; unius; univalent
  1. And most of the earliest forms were "comprehensive," uniting the characteristics of two or more later groups.

  2. This work," says its advertisement, "is designed as an easy means of uniting Instruction with Pleasure .

  3. In 1798 he examined the traces of the old canal of Necho and his successors, and ordered Monsieur Lepère to survey the isthmus and prepare a project for uniting the two seas by a direct canal.

  4. Much light was thrown by these discoveries on the progress of the ceramic arts, and many links uniting the Greek pottery with the Egyptian pottery were here for the first time traced.

  5. Uniting at El Arish, the army marched on Gaza and took possession of that town, dispersing some soldiers of the Pasha of Acre.

  6. He regards with the utmost unconcern, or with inconceivable frivolity, the fact that upon those who come after him will devolve the impossible labour of rebuilding a shattered empire, of re-uniting a divided kingdom.

  7. The grand junction canal commenced, uniting the Trent with the Mersey, and opening a water communication with both the east and west coasts of England.

  8. Thus uniting the houses of York and Lancaster, blending the Roses.

  9. He formed a plan for uniting Sweden, Russia, Prussia and Austria, with himself at the head of the confederacy.

  10. The Caledonian canal, uniting the British sea with the Atlantic ocean, was opened.

  11. If any happiness were reserved for me, I feel that it would be in uniting my wrecked and wretched fortunes to yours.

  12. Gradually the passage became more confined, until the oars had scarcely space to pull between the banks, while branches of oak and beech uniting above our heads, gave an additional darkness to the evening.

  13. Lastly, the strong "British" sentiment of Ulster barred the way to any weakening of the tie uniting Ireland to Great Britain.

  14. It flows into Alabama, and after uniting with the Tallapoosa, a few miles below Wetumpka it forms the Alabama river.

  15. He had a grey body, and a red foxy tail, with the belly, nose, and tips of the ears black, thus uniting characteristics of three varieties.

  16. Now if the quantity of fire before contained or diffused in the snow and salt was expelled in the uniting of the two matters, it must be driven away either through the air or the vessel containing them.

  17. Its birth must have taken place after Menes had, by uniting the various tribes under his own sceptre, caused the whole race to take a distinct step onwards in civilization.

  18. That evolution forms a complete organic whole, with a birthday, a deathday, and an unbroken chain of cause and effect uniting the two.

  19. These latter divide and subdivide within the body of the caterpillar, the branches of one often uniting with those of another, thus forming a really complicated arrangement of air pipes by which the supply of oxygen is distributed.

  20. Plate IX) is easily identified by its rich olive green and brown wings, the fore pair of which have very conspicuous patches of deep olive, sometimes uniting to form a continuous central bar.

  21. I am happy," said the venerable Rector, "that I have lived to see this day; and more happy that Divine Providence has conferred on me the office of uniting you in the bands of matrimony.

  22. In a few weeks or days, you, who are now an inhabitant of earth, will be a glorified spirit, beholding the face of the Holy One, and uniting with the saints in heaven in the grand chorus of adoration and praise.

  23. As we have seen, the old bonds of blood kinship uniting the gentile bodies had become inefficient, because they were dependent on the condition, now no longer a fact, that all gentiles should live on a certain territory.

  24. And Bancroft relates that the Indians of the Californian peninsula celebrate certain festivities uniting several "tribes" for the purpose of unrestricted sexual intercourse.

  25. This was no less than a plan for humbling the house of Austria, and establishing a more perfect balance of power in Europe by uniting into one state the seventeen Flemish provinces.

  26. The correctness of the doctrine which makes that prelate a spiritual chief, or the propriety of uniting temporal with spiritual power, are questions to be settled elsewhere.

  27. When the Grangers began to speak of their function in terms of business and political cooperation, the forces against which they were uniting took alarm.

  28. We can see him uniting himself with the sun-god, and then absorbing the rest of the Egyptian gods into himself.

  29. Man, by his recollection, makes the past a part of the present, and his foreknowledge adds the future thereto, thereby uniting the three in one.

  30. Instead of uniting scientific interpretations to ancient traditions, it modified and moulded the old traditions to suit the apparent requirements of science.

  31. Beyond these peninsulas, and bounding the continent on the south, is the Mediterranean, nearly two thousand miles in length, isolating Europe from Africa socially, but uniting them commercially.

  32. Regarding it as furnishing a bond for uniting not only the various nations and tribes of his empire, but even families and individuals together, he ever extended to it a wise and liberal protection.

  33. Combination of forms is a surface decoration obtained by uniting straight and curved lines.

  34. Organzine silk is produced by uniting a number of strongly twisted threads.

  35. Antislavery men were thus uniting in their cause, but unfortunately they were, with rare exceptions, devoid of the earnestness which characterized their opponents.

  36. What about Pan-Americanism, the sentiment or system which aims at uniting all the American republics?

  37. We have discussed Americanismo, the sentiment or system which aims at uniting the Latin-American republics.

  38. Heretofore nations had acquired new territory merely to enlarge the extent of their provinces or subject states, never with a view of uniting the acquired territory with the original system, allowing it equal political privileges.

  39. Later, from uniting forces in war came a union of action among adjoining towns during peace.

  40. As this personality does not exist aside from the persons of those uniting their resources, it must be created.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uniting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accession; accompanying; addition; adjunct; agglutination; agreeing; amalgamation; annexation; approaching; associated; attachment; centripetal; coincident; collective; combined; combining; concerted; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; conjoint; connecting; connection; cooperative; coordinate; focal; harmonious; increase; joining; joint; junction; juxtaposition; meeting; merging; parasitic; radial; radiating; reinforcement; saprophytic; supplementation; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; tangential; union; united; uniting; unity