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Example sentences for "concerted"

Lexicographically close words:
concerns; concernyng; concernynge; concert; concertante; concerti; concertina; concerting; concertmaster; concerto
  1. A military enterprise, which they had concerted early in the spring, was immediately undertaken.

  2. This last measure had been previously concerted with the general, who knew that all men, however different in affections, expectations, and designs, united in their detestation of the long parliament.

  3. No sooner was Strafford's arrival known, than a concerted attack was made upon him in the house of commons.

  4. The fleet appeared before Rochelle; but so ill concerted were Buckingham's measures, that the inhabitants of that city shut their gates and refused to admit allies of whose coming they were not previously informed.

  5. Yesterday, at the Council of War, however, he was compelled to acknowledge his error when I handed him a scarlet handbill calling upon the British to make a concerted attack upon us at ten o’clock.

  6. At last, however, the welcome word came to us, on the morning of October 4th, that at ten that night we were to make a concerted attack upon the Germans.

  7. In playing at sight, or in the performance of concerted music, this is of great importance.

  8. Is there a concerted project amongst ony o' ye, an' are ye waiting for an opportunity to carry it into effect?

  9. So well had they concerted their plans, that the house was surrounded before any one knew of their being in the neighbourhood.

  10. A number of the blacks escaped to the mountains where they dwelt as maroons; and in 1638 a concerted uprising proved so formidable that the suppression of it strained every resource of the government and the white inhabitants.

  11. Had the negroes in general possessed any means of concerted action, they might conceivably have played off the British and American belligerents to their own advantage.

  12. It was the news or suspicion of concerted action by them which alone caused widespread alarm and uneasiness.

  13. There not only would the quaint melody of the negro "spirituals" swell instead of the more sophisticated airs of the hymn book, but every successful sermon would be a symphony and every prayer a masterpiece of concerted rhythm.

  14. No concerted efforts were made either to confine or to destroy it.

  15. This was an obvious precaution against a wave of concerted invasion by the fear obsessed horde beyond the Channel.

  16. In consequence of the many repeated aggressions of the savages, an expedition was this fall concerted against their towns on the Wabash, to be carried into immediate execution.

  17. He is firmly convinced that through perseverance and concerted action the cause of Peace will eventually triumph over all the dark forces which threaten the welfare and progress of the world today.

  18. From Worcester the disorders spread into adjoining counties; and something like a concerted movement upon Boston and Cambridge seemed to be preparing.

  19. In the ranks of the Federalist party were the wealth and intelligence which made possible concerted and rapid action.

  20. This happy result had not been achieved without some concerted action among the Federalist leaders.

  21. As a party they made no concerted effort to nominate candidates.

  22. And with the emptying of their long guns the Americans drew their short ones, and in a concerted ripping crash the forty-fives volleyed death and dismay into the oncoming cannibals.

  23. Thus, while keeping their ears open for any sound of a concerted movement from behind, the visitors could use their eyes to inspect the huts nearest them.

  24. The piece has each time to be produced afresh by the concerted action of the players who will bring it on the boards.

  25. And from the latter of these places, some fifty miles east of Turfan, commenced that concerted movement with his superior, Tso Tsung Tang, which was to overcome all Kashgarian resistance.

  26. These concerted movements of the army south of the Tian Shan placed the country as far west as Karashar in the possession of the invader.

  27. Faces blanched, bodies stiffened; a concerted breath, like a sigh, rose into the flat, desert air.

  28. There was a concerted movement; the Vigilantes were shoving the crowd back, clearing a space in the center.

  29. The concerted movement had come from them.

  30. It was believed to be a concerted movement, and was on the point of success, when the troops arrived.

  31. One of his agents concerted with several old convicts to carry out a burglary in a rich man’s house.

  32. In that same second, while the moment of unguarded surprise still held their captors, another concerted rush was made for the mountainous apparition in the doorway.

  33. Unfortunately the pigs were refreshed also, and had apparently taken advantage of the halt to concoct some plan of concerted action.

  34. It is a concerted harmony, no mere solitary bugle call; and those who march to it are more or less consciously swayed by a new rhythm.

  35. Whether it was concerted by the whole gang beforehand, we know not, but while the captain was treating and entertaining the merchants under the awning upon the quarter deck, as is the custom in those hot countries, three of the seamen, viz.

  36. This is a concerted plan, and I shall not be so weak as to be the dupe of so gross an artifice.

  37. It may tolerate the existence of its fellows but it has no communication with them; it never imitates, never learns from them, is incapable of concerted action with them.

  38. As a matter of fact, I and my associates had impoverished ourselves trying to support the stock in the open market against the concerted attacks of rival promoters and other powerful interests on whose financial corns we had tread.

  39. In her very preface, we have an evidence of her having been the victim of as well concerted and admirably conducted a hoax, as was ever played off upon any one--it surpasses that which was put upon poor Malvolio in "Twelfth Night.

  40. This well concerted plan of revenge was carried into a terrible execution; and the aggressor who had caused it was among the victims.

  41. But the banquet is ready, the Suitors, who have been plotting against the life of Telemachus, enter; they are divided among themselves, and can show no concerted action.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "concerted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accompanying; agreeing; associated; coefficient; coincident; collective; combined; combining; commensal; common; communal; communistic; concerted; concomitant; concordant; concurrent; conjoint; conniving; cooperative; coordinate; fellow; harmonious; joint; meeting; mutual; parasitic; reciprocal; saprophytic; special; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; united; reciprocal; saprophytic; special; symbiotic; synchronous; synergistic; united