As showing the purely coincidental character of such resemblances, we may mention that this same rare pattern occurs again in our Black Guillemot (Uria grylle) and in the Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata).
The faculty or act of perceiving, as though visually, with some coincidental truth, some distant scene.
Where experimental thought-transference is concerned--even where the commoner types of coincidental phantasms are concerned--the second formula seems a needless and unprovable variation on the first.
It must be remembered, in the first place, that all these veridical or coincidental cases stand out together as a single group from a background of hallucinations which involve no coincidence, which have no claim to veridicality.
The lower mean size of litters was in part coincidental with a high population level and the higher mean of the two later years was in part coincidental with a low population level.
Further, he did not bother, save that there was a companion association, namely, that their occasional disappearances into the beyond was likewise coincidental with the Arangi's departure.
That their appearance was coincidentalwith the arrival of the Arangi was an association that occurred as a matter of course in Jerry's brain.
The phantasm is called coincidental if it represents a known and distant person who is later found to have been dying or in some other crisis at the moment of the percipient's experience.
Coincidental apparitions have been explained by the theory of telepathy (q.
If the telepathic theory of coincidental hallucinations be accepted, we have still to account for the much more common non-coincidental apparitions of the living who do not happen to be in any particular crisis.
Almost all known apparitions may accommodate themselves to one or other of the categories given, whether they be pathological, coincidental or spontaneous, induced, permanently localized, or sporadic.
And mingled with it, in a general way coincidental with it in the plane of the same space, we could see now the tenuous shapes of our own world.
It occurred to this soldier that they were putting them in spaces coincidental with the building's foundations.
The general reader, even if credulously inclined, is more staggered by a few examples of non-coincidental hallucinations, than confirmed by a pile of coincidental examples.
It is the story that takes the public: if we are to be fair we must give the non-coincidental story in all its features, as is done in the matter of wraiths with a kind of message or meaning.
Now it seems to be a defect in the method of the friends of wraiths, that they do not publish, with full and impressive details, as many examples of non-coincidental as of coincidental hallucinations.
Mental suggestion on this limited scale, is a phenomenon much less startling to belief than the reality, and causal nature, of coincidental hallucinations, of wraiths.
They see phantasms of the dead, and coincidental hallucinations.
If anything extraneous could encourage a belief in coincidental and veridical hallucinations, it would be these 'Oppositions of Science.
Now, how does this theory of false memory bear oncoincidental hallucinations?
It contends that brain-changes and states of consciousness are merely coincidental in point of time, and do not ever influence each other.