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Example sentences for "anye"

Lexicographically close words:
anxiously; anxiousness; any; anya; anybody; anyfink; anyhow; anymore; anyone; anyplace
  1. My lord aftr right hertye recommendacyons this shalbe to Certiffye yow of the receipt of your lettere and being veray Sorye of molestacyon doo aduyse yow not to suffr anye of the kynges Courser men to lye with yow.

  2. For when he passed the Sees to wyn the ryght in Fraunce he began fyrst to lay Seige to Bolayn, or euer he wold enter anye farther in to the land.

  3. Neyther is there anye ieopardie that they shulde be ignoraunt in the peoples tonge, for thei shall learne that whether they wyl or not by companye of men.

  4. It is sayde that beares caste oute a lumpe of fleshe wythout anye fashion, whych wyth longe lyckyng they forme and brynge into a fashyon, but there is no beares yonge one so euyll fauored as a manne is, borne of a rude mynde.

  5. And yet no kynde of brute beastes looketh for anye rewarde of theyre yong for their noursynge and teachynge, excepte we luste to beleue that the Storkes noryshe agayne they dãmes forworne wyth age, and bear them vpon their backes.

  6. And if you shewe them a better waye, they answere they were brought vp after thys fashion, and wyll not suffer that anye chyldren shulde be in better case, then they them selues were when they were chyldren.

  7. If anye fylthe fall vpon the yonge chyldes skyn, thou puttest it away, and dost thou infect the mynd wyth so foule spottes?

  8. What neede is it, say they, of anye learnyng, they shall haue inoughe?

  9. I come not at that yet, yf my husband wer very sad at anye tyme, no time to speake to him.

  10. It is a man of asubtyll and wylye wytte, whyche wythout a vysarde is ready to playe anye maner of parte.

  11. Coveiteth he noon erthely good, But hevene riche blisse, Hath he anye rentes or richesse, Or anye riche frendes.

  12. And I confesse to you besides, that I haue most euidentlye perceiued how a certain loue hath lodged in your gracious hearte, wherwith you bare me greater affection, than you dyd to anye other within the compasse of your family.

  13. Thou knowest him not, hee neuer did thee anye good turne or pleasure: nor yet thou nedest not hope henceforth to haue any pleasure at his hands.

  14. And feare not to receiue anye euill of them, nor yet to feele anoyaunce, for wee wyll take vppon vs by honest meanes to craue pardon for thy fault how haynous so euer it be.

  15. Is there anye blot which more spotteth the renoume of man, than not confessing receiued benefites and pleasures perfourmed in our necessity?

  16. Yf anye man knowis utheris of better qualiteis within the Churche then these that beis nominated, lat thame be put in electioun, that the Church may have the choise.

  17. Yf anye of the nominated be noted with publict infamye, he aught to be repelled; for it is not seamlie that the servand of corruptioun shall have authoritie to judge in the Churche of God.

  18. The churche is round lyke a temple, it is more larger than anye temple that I haue sene amonges the Iues.

  19. He was strictly warned by the judge not to "use any private lecture or expositions of Scripture or catechisinge of his schollers in the presence of anye .

  20. He being demaunded how he knoweth when anye man is bewytched: He sayth that he knew it partlye by the Feries, and saith that ther be .

  21. Avi-kwa{th}anye appears from the town of Needles as a blue peak the summit of which is visible over the plateau that bounds Mohave valley on the east.

  22. Item whether there be within your Paryshe anye that dothe favoure, or is suspected to .

  23. King Edwarde the sixte, or the booke of Communion, or anye booke prohibited or forbydden to be redde or taught, or to set forth any noughtye opinion or doctrine.

  24. Oyle and Chrisme, bearyng of Palmes or Candelles, buryinge of the deade, or praying for them, speciallye in sayinge of Diriges and Commendations, or in usinge anye other laudable or Godlye Ceremonye or usage of the Churche.

  25. Item whether you know of anye Patrones or other having advowsons, that have .

  26. At length one of them saide: "Let vs consider whether ther bee anye comminge into the Chamber besides the doore.

  27. All which she gaue her husbande's companion to vnderstande, who would not beleue her, knowyng that hee had neither by thought or deede done anye thing whereof his companion had cause to be offended.

  28. And do not thinke, that I can or will at anye time hereafter chaunge this mine opinion, reciting this my last adieu with great sorrow and griefe.

  29. If these want honny at anye time, then doe they eyther kill, or driue quite away the drone Bées.

  30. And Aristotle declareth the Bées to be the clenlyest amongst all other beastes, bycause in flying abroad, they shed then their dung from them, leaste anye sauour or stincke of their dung be felte in their cotages or hoales.

  31. Bycause that if you shoulde distill it so often ouer, vntil it will congeale or stiffen no more in the receiuer, then shall you make it ouer hotte, and so quicke in the mouth, that it is not possible by anye meanes to drinke it downe.

  32. The selfe-same healeth places grieuously burned, without appearaunce of anye scarre afterwarde, by often applying lynnen cloutes dropped in it.

  33. Although (gentle Reader) I haue not given thee anye labour of mine owne, but rather haue collected the sayings and writings of manye aunciente authours, yet I trust they shall be well accepted of thee without offence.

  34. And if anye desireth to haue waxe whiter than this, then let him do the like, as abouesaide, but boyle the waxe oftner.

  35. If anye also happeneth to be diseased with the bloudy flixe, by stuffing a yong Pigeon with newe waxe, after rosting the same, and eating the fleshe thereof, doeth in shorte time after staye the same.

  36. Now after the hiues be gelded, and that anye shall haue ouerthwart or crossed combes at the entrance of the hiue, those then shall be so conuerted, that the parts behind maye be emptied & left void for another time.

  37. Haketon is a slevelesse jackett of plate for the warre, couered withe anye other stuffe; at this day also called a jackett of plate.

  38. Also when bloude rotteth in anye member, but it be taken out by skill or kinde, it tourneth into venime'; Batman upon Bartholome, lib.

  39. Whan he hadde all sayde, the pope asked: Is there anye thynge elles?

  40. She aunswered y{t} she never sowght anye waie bye him, but he was in fault him sellfe.

  41. But if she would not condescend thereto, he would not goe w{th} her in anye wise.

  42. Verely, your grace thinketh plainly all time lost, that is not bestowed vpon learnyng, which is a verie rare thyng in anye childe, and rarest of all in a Prince.

  43. Nowe, if pleasure brynge felicitie wyth it, or helpe in anye wyse vnto the furderaunce of vertue: we see playnly that this kynde of lyfe is fardest from al pleasures.

  44. Doo you then thyncke that anye affliction or tourment can disquiet those that prepare them selues wyth a chearful hearte and a stedfast hoope vnto the kyngedome of God, wher as the course of this lyfe is nowe so shorte?

  45. Yea when they are required of theyr hygher poures / as ministers of theyr furie / to destroye and ouerthrow the gospell / then they neyther sturre nor speake anye thing at all / but do as they are biddẽ.

  46. If anye be called vncircũcised / let hym not be circũcised.

  47. Wherof the Emprour in the Code doth saye / that yf he shulde commaunde anye thinge agaynste righte / he wolde not that any suche decree of his shulde auayle in iudgementes.

  48. Of this corrupt affection yf thei be cleare / and only for Religions sake do resiste the wicked proceadinges of theyr hygher princes and Lordes / let them not thincke that they do herin anye vnrighteousnes at all.

  49. The very same thinge is to be sayde / where a kinge or suche which do retayne the supreame auctoritie / do commaunde or determyne anye thynge againste right.

  50. Custumary of London: "Also yf there be anye paryshe clerke that ryngeth curfewe after the curfewe be ronge at Bowe Chyrche, or Saint Brydes Chyrche, or Saint Gyles without Cripelgat, all suche to be presented.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.