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Example sentences for "eyther"

Lexicographically close words:
eyot; eyots; eyrie; eyries; eyry; ezt; faa; faace
  1. Oceane into the litle worlde of Brytannye, being neuer exiled from thence, nor frome those, whome eyther honor, amytye, or dutye doth combyne.

  2. But the sence ys good, as well that they dyd ryde one euerye syde of hym, as of eyther syde of him.

  3. Unto my moost faitfull brethern, John Bokkyng and William Worcestre, and to eyther of theym.

  4. Where fore I pray zow send me a kopy of the dyssecharge whyche ze have of my Lord of Wynchester that ze told me that ze had, bothe for my dyscharge and zowyrs wat sum ever that be callyd upon of eyther of us here after.

  5. Item, I pray yow send me some secret tydyngs of the lyklyed of the world by the next messenger that comyth between, that I may be eyther myryer or ellys mor sory then I am, and also that I may gwyd me ther aftyr.

  6. Mastyr Brews seyd that he wold shortly have eyther more lond in joyntour then Sweynsthorp and x.

  7. For thys mater is to all usse eyther makyng or marryng.

  8. Mimisis, that is folowing eyther of the wordes or manoures whereby we expresse not onlye the wordes of the person, but also the gesture: and these foresayd sixe kindes Quintiliane dothe put vnder Prosopopeia.

  9. Inordinate is, when eyther order or dignitie lacketh in the wordes: and the kyndes ben these: [Sidenote: Tapinosis.

  10. From thys differeth not when we do not simplye shewe forthe the matter, but reherse also those thynges that eyther go with it, or folowe it, as thus: We thanke the of thys warre.

  11. There is another kynd of amplifiyng called reasonynge, when of those thinges that eyther folowe or go before, the hearer doth gather how great that thynge is that we wolde to be amplified.

  12. By ficcion, eyther in one degree, or in many.

  13. Before I forget Cesar, eyther the Parthian shall drynke of the flud Araris, or Germany of Tigris: here is left out, shall drynke.

  14. In heuen or in erthe eyther elles in hell.

  15. I cannot finish this Hundred, with the relation of many more Gentlemen, eyther through want of them, or in my selfe.

  16. The Seaholme roote preserueth eyther in sirrup, or by canding, is accepted for a great restoratiue.

  17. As for my carryage hee knew hee was to tune it at a key, eyther high or low, or as hee list.

  18. It was then the lawe in Rome, that if anie man had a fellon falne into his hands, eyther by breaking into his house, or robbing him by the high way, hee might choose whether he would make him his bondman, or hang him.

  19. That eyther I shal love or elles be slawe.

  20. Would I were with him, wheresomere hee is, eyther in Heauen, or in Hell Hostesse.

  21. From Camp to Camp, through the foule Womb of Night The Humme of eyther Army stilly sounds; That the fixt Centinels almost receiue The secret Whispers of each others Watch.

  22. But if by excesse a man must in eyther part offend, I permit rather to watch to muche, then to lie in bedde to longe: so that in watchinge, there be no way to surfetting.

  23. Wherewith the Schultish was not offended: and when he would eyther descende into the pit, or come vp againe, blessing himselfe with the signe of the Crosse, he neuer receiued hurt.

  24. And it hath come to passe likewise, that some eyther slaine in the warres, or otherwise deade naturally, haue called vnto their acquaintance béeing aliue, and haue bene knowne by their voice.

  25. Moreouer those things whiche these counterfeite soules doo speake, eyther agrée with the holy Scriptures, or else are contrary vnto them.

  26. For I nothing doubt, but that eyther your Lordship would prescibe all things according to the rule, or be willing to examine againe, and againe, all things according to it.

  27. Democracy, I do not conceyve that ever God did ordeyne as a fitt government eyther for church or commonwealth.

  28. Kinge recorded by Walsingham, that matters of peace were managed by menne of weakest sufficiency, by whose councell eyther ignorant or corrupt, &c.

  29. Thar haint been a shot fired at eyther on 'em this hul day.

  30. And wot ye weAEsAEs and not wene, Whan eyther of hem had other sene, 1560 Smertely {they} rerid her dede.

  31. At a shedynge of a rome Eyther departed other frome, As I vnderstande.

  32. And their end is eyther hanginge, whiche they call trininge in their language, or die miserably of the pockes.

  33. These begge money; eyther when they come at Farmours howses they wyll demaunde Baken, eyther cheese, or wooll, or any thinge that is worthe money.

  34. THese walkinge Mortes bee not maryed: these for their vnhappye yeares doth go as a Autem Morte, and wyll saye their husbandes died eyther at Newhauen, Ireland, or in some seruice of the Prince.

  35. London, (over Blacke Heathe) eyther wyth fruite or with pescoddes' (p.

  36. I had of late yeares an old man to my tennant, who customably {a greate tyme went twise in the weeke to London, eyther wyth fruite or with pescodes, when tyme serued therefore.

  37. So we maye chaunce to set in the stockes, eyther be whypped, eyther had to prison house, and there be shackled with bolttes and fetters, and then to hange on the gallowes.

  38. If the doore be eyther bolted or lockt, if it be not opened vnto them when they wyl, they wyl breake the same open to his farther cost.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eyther" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.