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Example sentences for "begetter"

Lexicographically close words:
begat; begause; begemmed; beget; begets; begetteth; begetting; beggar; beggared; beggarly
  1. No doubt, he then approaches her with the intention, which afterwards he carries out, of renouncing woman, the begetter of all evil in the world, which makes such monsters of wise men.

  2. But a new addition to this weariness of life is the contempt of all earthly aspirations: the aversion to Nature as the begetter of sin.

  3. Neither am I the only begetter of the fancies I am about to set forth.

  4. It is the Wherefore of the Sphinx; it is the Wherefore that corrodes the marrow of the soul; it is the begetter of that anguish which gives us the love of hope.

  5. In a text belonging to a still earlier age, the deity is mentioned as the begetter of a king whose name is read Lugal-zaggisi.

  6. Father, begetter of the gods and of men, establishing dwellings and granting gifts, Calling to sovereignty, giving the sceptre, who decreest destinies for distant days.

  7. Thorpe's friend in trade, because while wishing him all happiness and eternity Thorpe dubs him 'the onlie begetter of these insuing sonnets,' is not formidable.

  8. That a Christian named Antonio should be the cause of the ruin alike of the greatest Jew in Elizabethan England and of the greatest Jew of the Elizabethan drama is a curious confirmation of the theory that Lopez was the begetter of Shylock.

  9. Would it not be possible for ambition--in its eagerness to be the last devotee of all the ages--to become the begetter of a final church music, as it has been the begetter of the final church architecture?

  10. Indeed, if one were set upon the indictment of a single chemical element as the begetter of consciousness, the prisoner at the bar would have to be copper.

  11. He was neither a wit nor a croquet champion, a hypnotic force nor a begetter of amateur theatricals.

  12. The dedication is in these words: "To the onlie begetter of | these insuing Sonnets | Mr. W.

  13. Our readers will remember that one of the chief points in the enigma of the sonnets is the dedication, and it runs thus: "To the onlie begetter of these ensuing Sonnets, Mr. W.

  14. Every begotten being desires to unite with the principle that begets it, and loves it, especially when the begetter and the begotten are alone.

  15. Now when the begetter is supremely perfect, the begotten must be so intimately united to Him as to be separated from Him only in that it is distinct from Him.

  16. One single letter of Thy Book is the mother of all utterances, and a word therefrom the begetter of all creation.

  17. Begetter of intelligence reached by intuition, not reason, iii.

  18. Begetter of intelligence must be simpler than it, iii.

  19. The principle upon which he becomes the child of the mother's husband is that the begetter conceals himself and never wishes to have him.

  20. If however, the begetter expresses a wish to have him and rear him, he should be regarded as the begetter's.

  21. The son begotten upon a maiden by one who does not become her husband, and born after her marriage, is regarded as belonging not to the begetter but to the husband.

  22. The likeness of the begetter to the begotten is on account not of the matter, but of the form of the agent that generates its like.

  23. As the begetting of the Son is co-eternal with the begetter (and hence the Father does not exist before begetting the Son), so the procession of the Holy Ghost is co-eternal with His principle.

  24. Again, the seminal power acts by virtue of the soul of the begetter according as the soul of the begetter is the act of the body, making use of the body in its operation.

  25. Hence the very fact that in God a distinction exists of the Begotten from the Begetter as regards relation only, belongs to the truth of the divine generation and paternity.

  26. But it is not a material principle, because in God nothing material exists; and therefore it is, as it were, an active principle, as the begetter is the principle of the one begotten.

  27. Now the individual form in things created constitutes the person begetting, but is not that by which the begetter begets, otherwise Socrates would beget Socrates.

  28. Further, a begetter is more common than father; for every father begets; but it is not so conversely.

  29. Generation is from the substance of the begetter in animals and plants, inasmuch as the semen owes its virtue to the form of the begetter, and inasmuch as it is in potentiality to the substance.

  30. Therefore the more proper name of the divine person is begetter and genitor than Father.

  31. In the first and principal place, there has been a tendency, almost general, to dethrone Walter Map from his old position as the real begetter of the completed Arthurian romance, and to substitute the Troyan.

  32. O father, begetter of all, who lookest upon the creatures of life, who thinkest of them!

  33. One form of the legend makes Tammuz the begetter of autumn vegetation.

  34. Henceforward we hear nothing more of Apsu, the begetter of all things, Tiawath's spouse, nor of Mummu, their son.

  35. It is in this way alone that Merodach, the last-born of the great gods, can be regarded as the father and begetter of the gods (see pp.

  36. They reverenced the sacred 'shu' stone, the begetter of fire and of life fostered by heat,.

  37. With the same significance the deity is addressed in the following couplet: Mother womb begetter of all things Who has taken up his exalted habitation among living creatures.

  38. Father, begetter of all things, Who lookest upon all living things.

  39. Creator of the upper universe, builder of the mountains, Creator of the gods, begetter of the goddesses.

  40. The Assyrian deity is also credited with the creation of gods and goddesses: Creator of the gods, begetter of the goddesses.

  41. The title of Father is also assigned to the deity as creator of men and all living things: Father, begetter of gods and men, Who dost build dwellings and establishest offerings.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "begetter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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