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Example sentences for "became aware"

  • The confounded basement was as still as a grave and I became aware of my heart beats.

  • He became aware of grey hairs curling over the nape of the neck.

  • And between the howls of the wind I became aware of a strange noise from seaward--a booming, or rather humming most like that which a locomotive sometimes makes when blowing off steam.

  • I had not sat five minutes alone with him in his bureau, before I became aware of a sense of ease in his presence, such as I rarely experienced with strangers.

  • It was not until he had reached his own room and was tying his necktie that he became aware of a sound that lingered unpleasantly in his ears.

  • At the same moment he became aware that a woman was entering the room.

  • He lay in bed, glancing through its pages, until suddenly he became aware that he was reading with interest.

  • So deeply had my every thought become merged in these musings that Craig, slipping silently as a ghost from out the engulfing darkness, laid hand upon my bridle-rein before I became aware of his approach.

  • I had gone a hundred yards or more, this thought still in my mind, when I became aware that he was calling after me.

  • Suddenly he became aware of a strange feeling at the nape of his neck.

  • He became aware of a measured concussion and the clash of glass, far away in the distance.

  • Out he shot into Hill Street again, three hundred yards from the tram-line end, and immediately he became aware of a tumultuous vociferation and running people.

  • Then I became aware of a blare of music, and looking along the street saw a number of people advancing out of Russell Square, red shirts, and the banner of the Salvation Army to the fore.

  • But sleeping beauties and unkempt grounds went from him in a flash when he became aware of a sound which was like the sound of voices.

  • He was not, as a rule, a demonstrative man, but he became aware that he would like to dance and sing, and probably he would have done both if it had not been for the servant in the next room.

  • He became aware after a long time of voices below, and turned upon his elbows to look.

  • He became aware that a man who was walking slowly up and down a path inside the high iron palings was in some way familiar to him, and his eyes sharpened.

  • But even before he ceased speaking I became aware of an excited conversation which was taking place in some apartment above.

  • He might have investigated further, but he became aware of a dull and regular sound in the room behind him.

  • Zahara, a student of men, became aware of a mild interest.

  • Kneeling there and looking into his upturned eyes, I became aware that my position was not an enviable one, particularly since I felt little disposed to set the law on the track of the real culprit.

  • As I put my foot over the threshold, I became aware of the figure of a youth about my own height, and habited in a white kerseymere morning frock, cut in the novel fashion of the one I myself wore at the moment.

  • And as he sat looking at the white face, he became aware of what might be a little tinge of colour--the faintest possible--upon the lips.

  • But her start when first she became aware of his presence, did not fail, notwithstanding his conceit, to satisfy him that such was not her intent.

  • Whereupon, for the first time, he became aware of one of the rivermen, pipe clenched between his teeth, watching him sardonically.

  • After a moment he became aware of a figure at his elbow.

  • I became aware, too, of the approach of a mysterious freedom.

  • Then gradually I became aware of the vast field, which was more brown than green.

  • I became aware that I was gradually losing the sensation of being cut off from intercourse, at any-rate that the sensation was losing its painfulness.

  • He became aware of an extraordinary loneliness of soul, an isolation in the deepest regions of his soul from all others.

  • He stood some time considering and listening to the silence, till he became aware that it was not silence.

  • He became aware of a library attendant down the room leaning forward over his desk, gnawing the tip of a paper knife after the fashion of South Kensington library attendants, and staring at him curiously.

  • He became aware of another girlish figure in a dark dress on his right.

  • He became aware of her hand upon his shoulder, that she was bending over him.

  • He became aware of a peculiar sensation down his back, that he tried to account for as a draught.

  • All at once, I became aware that a sound broke the inconceivable stillness.

  • Then, as I stared, I became aware that I could see the edge of the lifeless sun, glowing like a great crescent-moon.

  • Then, immediately, I became aware that it was coming toward me, swiftly and silently.

  • Gradually, I became aware of a faint, distant whining.

  • He took up the bridle rein, wheeled, placed one foot into the stirrup, intending to mount, when he became aware of a shadow looming near him.

  • Before it reached his lips he became aware of a movement among the three men--Garvey had left them and was standing beside him.

  • Calumet was puffing abstractedly at a cigarette when he became aware of a rush of air as the gray shape flashed up from the ground.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "became aware" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    became acquainted; became apparent; became bishop; became clear; became conscious; became convinced; became customary; became editor; became exceedingly; became head; became involved; became necessary; became pastor; became professor; became quite; became secretary; became very; bless them; break bread; ideal form; long slender; powdered alum; publicly display; referendum held; reserve corps; the field