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Example sentences for "awaye"

Lexicographically close words:
awards; aware; awareness; awash; away; aways; awayte; awe; aweary; awed
  1. Wherby it is proued that without dout, the handsome diligence, or carelesse negligence, is the sauing, or casting awaye of many.

  2. Euery daye, whan he came to dresse her, he bare awaye some what of her householde stouffe, table clothes, candelstickes and disshes.

  3. This doctour thought that the vnderstandynge, and nat the noyse, hadde feared awaye the byrdes.

  4. Thus thynkynge and dredynge diuers thynges, he passed many nyghtes awaye without slepe.

  5. To whom mayster Skelton sayde: I praye the, gette the awaye fro me: for thou lokeste as though thou camest out of helle.

  6. So he layde a medycyne to her eyes, that shulde not be taken awaye the space of v dayes, in whiche tyme she myghte nat loke vppe.

  7. And now they renne awaye fro me, As bestes on a rowe; They take no more heed of me Then they me never sawe.

  8. If thou be a good felowe, as men do the call, 190 Laye awaye thy bowe, And take thy sword and buckeler in thy hande, And see what shall befall.

  9. The knyght stert out of the dore, Awaye was all his care, And on he put his good clothynge, 175 The other he lefte there.

  10. I holde well with youre counsell, but I can not awaye with the paynes.

  11. Againe forgette not that swete babe be gotten of both your bodies what thin beste thou to do with that, wilte thou take it awaye with thee?

  12. Augustine doth also putt awaye the similitude of the stoicks / whiche is.

  13. Vindicated to Christ alone all thinges that concerne saluaciõ / and taken the same awaye from others / saying.

  14. Sum being taken vpp half alyue were thrown awaye as thoughe they hadd beene deade.

  15. Again that which Paule doth affirme that they be commaundements of men that tourn awaye the truthe?

  16. Wherfor les I shuld be constrayned to confession / and so denie the faithe / I retayne faith in my harte / and by holding my peace I do dissemble for a tyme / I do not vtterly denye nor throw awaye all Religiõ.

  17. Caste not awaye therfor your confidence / which hath a greate recompense of rewarde.

  18. Yet truly no men / nor ony companye of men shuld cause a christian to caste awaye this fredom and libertie.

  19. These sacrificers therfore in taking awaye of the cupp frõ the people they do committ most shamefull sacriledge.

  20. My father he is a baron bolde, Of lynage proude and hye; And what would he saye if his daughter 75 Awaye with a knight should fly?

  21. He sett his foot into the stirrup, And awaye then he did ride; She tuckt her girdle about her middle, And ranne close by his side.

  22. The baron he stroakt his dark-brown cheeke, And turnde his heade asyde, To wipe awaye the starting teare, He proudly strave to hyde.

  23. Then must wee hyde our hedds, or scape awaye by flight; But when wee had inklinge our treasons were descryde, Away awaye in haste twas then no tyme to byde.

  24. Which shipp wee 341 have nowe made reddy, with no small charge to our employers, purposely to send her unto you, to bring awaye boath your selfe and the rest of the factors, with all the Compa.

  25. If the full quantetie cannot be provided in dew tyme, then furnish what you cann, for wee will that no busines shall hinder the shipps and your coming awaye from thence in dew tyme to performe her voyage unto this port of Batavia.

  26. But, if any such debts shalbe yett standing out, it concernes you that made them [to receive them] in before the shipp come awaye from thence.

  27. They are not suffitient to performe what they have undertaken, for they spoile all they take in hand; so that what you have agreed with them for is meerely cast awaye and lost to the Honnorable Compa.

  28. Honnourable our Genneral and Councell in India, for disolveinge this factorie and comeinge all awaye with the firste of the moonsone for Batavia; which, God willinge, wee entend to performe with all convenientsie.

  29. And for all such provitions as wee have given order unto Mr. Cockram to provide for this place, you are to see them furnished in due tyme, that soe the shipp may take the best season of the monsonn to come awaye from thence.

  30. Where after he had seene the bloude Of Jesus Christ thus shed, And to the crosse his bodye nail'd, Awaye with speed he fled Without returning backe againe 45 Unto his dwelling place, And wandred up and downe the worlde, A runnagate most base.

  31. Nether can actuall synne be washed awaye with oure werkes/ but with Christes bloude: nether can there be any other sacrifice or satisfaccion to Godward for them/ saue Christes bloude.

  32. Nowe fame flew abroade, blasing that Mutezuma feared the Christians, wherevpon all the Totonaques prepared themselues for the warres, taking cleane awaye from Mexico their tribute and obedience.

  33. The baron he stroakt his dark-brown cheeke, And turned his heade asyde To whipe awaye the starting teare, He proudly strave to hyde.

  34. Therfore these Ladies thinking to carie awaye some part of the glorie, which one alone hoped to atchieue vpon this gentleman, were contente to assent to the other's liking.

  35. And beholde, they raysed a wyld beast, which with greate swyftnesse leapte ouer the nettes and ranne awaye with greate spede.

  36. For what rigor or affliction soeuer Fortune offred, coulde neuer before that tyme put awaye the meanes from writing one to an other, but onely the vices before named, and the foolish and wicked loue wherin he suffred him selfe to fall.

  37. This daye Richard Tyler broughte in his fine accordinge to a former order for puttinge awaye (i.

  38. Ordered that when any prentise dothe goo awaye from his M{r} the same M{r} shall bring in his Indenture and here to remayne tyll the prentice come agayne and to be regestred.

  39. I went into the souldans hoast, 45 Being thither on embassage sent, And brought his head awaye with mee; I having slaine him in his tent.

  40. He bare his clubbe upon his backe, Hee stoode bothe stiffe and stronge; 130 And, when he had the letters reade, Awaye the lettres flunge.

  41. His nobles all this counsayle gave, That earlye in the morning, hee Shold send awaye an herauld at armes, To aske a parley faire and free.

  42. And excepte the God of my father/ the God of Abraha and the God whome Isaac feareth/ had bene with me: surely thou haddest sent me awaye now all emptie.

  43. Yf ye shall take this also awaye fro me and some mysfortune happen apon him/ then shall ye brynge my gray heed with sorow vnto the grave.

  44. And when he harde/ that I lyfte vp my voyce and cryed/ he left his garment with me and fled awaye and got him out.

  45. And vnto the sonnes of his concubines he gaue giftes/ and sent them awaye from Isaac his sonne (while he yet lyved) east ward/ vnto the east contre.

  46. Then she sayde vnto Abraham: put awaye this bondemayde and hyr sonne: for the sonne of this bondwoman shall not be heyre with my sonne Isaac: But the wordes semed verey greavous in Abrahams syghte/ because of his sonne.

  47. Tha will I sende and fett the awaye from thence.

  48. And Ioseph toke them awaye from his lappe/ and they fell on the grounde before him.

  49. Be it established also by this present Assembly that no crafty or advantagious means be suffered to be putt in practise for the inticing awaye the Tenants or[248] Servants of any particular plantation from the place where they are seatted.

  50. Heare nowe them, and beare awaye wyth you the saiynge of || an vnthriftie seruaunt, whyche is more wyttier then all the paradoxes of the Stoickes.

  51. As somtyme a whole bucke of clothes caryed awaye at a tyme.

  52. I thinke verely, that if some of these Lubbars had bene there, and practysed amongest others, I beleue they woulde haue carryed awaye the beste games.

  53. Then when the day doth appeare, he rouses him vp, and shakes his eares, and awaye wanderinge where he may gette oughte to the hurte of others.

  54. So I went awaye from hym, and glad was I.

  55. The monkes kept them undre dust, ye ydle headed prestes regarded them not, theyr latter owners have most shamefully abused them, and ye covetouse merchantes have solde them awaye into foren nacyons for moneye.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "awaye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.