Work of an anonymous author, among the supposititious works of St. Augustine] that "Adam did not possess the Holy Ghost.
Naturally, as the plan is entirely supposititious and is to take effect at some indefinite time in the future, all the factors that will be in existence at that time cannot be foretold exactly, and therefore must be estimated.
A very simple drill would be the mere transfer of the fleet to a distant point, when in supposititious danger from an enemy, employing by day and night the scouting and screening operations that such a trip would demand.
As the King speaks in a Law Court only through the mouth of his High Chancellor so Apollo speaks in the supposititious law action through the mouth of his Chancellor of Parnassus, who is Lord Verulam, i.
My wife had apparently told her aunt of my supposititious inclinations; they had wept in each other's arms; they had apperceived together; awful thought, they had apperceived ME.
His active little mind ferreted out supposititious disasters with alarming realism until our nerves were unstrung by the constant effort to guard against the possible calamities that he suggested.
I want you, I said, by way of parallel, to imagine a supposititious son who is brought up in great wealth; he is one of a great and numerous family, and has many flatterers.
The danger may be illustrated by a parallel case:--Imagine a person who has been brought up in wealth and luxury amid a crowd of flatterers, and who is suddenly informed that he is a supposititious son.
Their condition is ingeniously compared by him to that of a supposititious son, who has made the discovery that his reputed parents are not his real ones, and, in consequence, they have lost their authority over him.
The same jury determined the case of a widow who feigned herself with child in order to exclude the next heir and when she was suspected of trying to palm off a supposititious birth.
Do you remember them, thesupposititious nieces, aiders and abetters in our stock-jobber's forged will?
But, leaving out of view the inherent absurdity of the doctrine of a physical resurrection, there is a fatal difficulty in the way of both these supposititious modes of mutual knowledge in another world.
He alludes to the trick already referred to as common among the Greeks, of the nurses and midwives secretly introducingsupposititious children; see l.
So really and so vividly did this supposititious life excite me that I have actually found myself with tears in my eyes through the pathos of these unsubstantial visions.
I became suddenly a millionaire by the death of a supposititious uncle in the East Indies, and immediately proceeded to lay all my treasures at her feet.
Their charity must have its proper stage, their sentiments the proper objects,--and their imaginations the undisturbed right to revel in the supposititious grievances of the far-off wretched and oppressed.
It is such a purely supposititious state of things that I cannot see how I can answer your question.
He might put the supposititiouscase of a friend, and ask what the friend ought to do.
Having taken me by the hand, whilst he was practising all the amenities with his countenance, he opened the parlour-door, where the supposititious visitor was expected to be found, and lo!
The three candidates who were contesting the 'great fight' for the representation of Westminster are represented according to their supposititious characteristics.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supposititious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.