What remedy can there be for this situation, but in a change of the system which has produced it in a change of the fallacious and delusive system of quotas and requisitions?
In short, he found Himself still footing a delusive round, Remote as ever from the self-display He meant to compass, hampered every way By what he hoped assistance.
Now, however, that first step had been achieved, before the delusive expectation of Persian gold was dissipated.
To find that which was real, and which lay as it were concealed behind or under the delusive phenomena of sense, they had recourse only to mental abstractions.
If Calvinism be the doctrine of our Church, then are the Catechism, and the Order for the Ministration of Baptism, the most absurd and delusive compositions by which the minds of men were ever led astray.
From this transcending and false use of the categories, arises the transcendental appearance which decoys us beyond experience, by the delusive pretext of widening the domain of the pure understanding.
It is clear that Washington had great suspicion of the motives of France, and was anxious to control the tendency of many of his fellow-citizens to be led away by the delusive fancies of that regenerated country.
To both a delusivedream is sent urging them to proceed.
Mr. Jevons speaks of Agamemnon's "confidence in the delusive dream" as at variance with his proceedings, and would excise II.
The campaign was for the Serbians simply a series of rearguard actions encouraged at first by the delusive hope that the Allies might yet be in time.
Wilt Thou indeed become to me like a delusive stream, Like waters which are not lasting?
With this conviction upon him, he implores the populace of the capital to substitute an inward and real for an outward and delusive purification.
Against these and their delusive promises, the volume of Jeremiah's past discourses would constitute an effective protest, and a complete justification of his own endeavours.
All this time I've been the slave of others--and I return to a perfect mountain of unforwarded (by a rash and delusive policy) postal matter.
Those blinded by the mysterious, delusive spirit of iniquity considered such language against the “holy church” as blaspheming against God.
We understand by this that the world on the whole shall be reveling in the delusive seductions of a lewd, lustful, idolatrous religion, making the times like it was in the days of Noah.
The binding of Satan refers to some time when the delusive charms of heathenish worship were largely cleared away and there became a greater universal knowledge of the true God.
The same hidden mysterious delusive spirit has so intoxicated its subjects that they consider such speech as blasphemy.
It is very dangerous anddelusive to encourage the heart to hope for a home in heaven when the flesh still loves this world.
There is in this hierarchy an enchanting, delusivespirit that has intoxicated her subjects.
She has prepared a potion of charming delusive spirits, by which she has intoxicated and inflamed the blood of nations.
This delusive scheme often proves a success, allowing the flesh to go on reaping its carnal lusts with the soul endeavoring to satisfy itself with the hope of rest above.
The quiet and stillness which reigned around, even when the enemy were lurking nearest and in greater numbers, inspired many too, with the delusive hope of exemption from risk, not unfrequently the harbinger of fatal consequences.
They were not permitted to proceed far under this delusive supposition.
A careful reading of THE LIGHT OF EGYPT discovers the beginning of a new sect in Occultism, which will oppose the grafting on Western Occultists the subtile delusive dogmas of Karma and Re-incarnation.
Have I the strength and manly courage to bear the disappointment born from a delusive hope?
If this Queen ever loved any one it was the Earl of Leicester, the man who sent his lovely wife, Amy Robsart, to a cruel death in the delusive hope of marrying a Queen.
The delusive promises of the relief which was to come with union were not fulfilled.
The imagination drank the living stream, and we realized anew what delusive food the imagination furnishes in an actual strait.
There are reviving signs of breaking away, delusive signs that create momentary exhilaration.
Nothing can be easier or more delusive than to explain all this wild part of the Orphic cosmogony as an allegorical veil of any modern ideas we choose to select.
It is the great modern protest against unreality, against the delusive shams which now masquerade as verities.
The philosopher of British Socialism tells us: "Socialism is the great modern protest against unreality, against the delusive shams which now masquerade as verities.
Yet oft the lightning's glare Darts sudden through the cloudless air:-- Then in thy short delusive day Of bliss, oh!
All the images of my happy childhood were revived in hues of delusive brightness--while the future lowered before me black as the grave.
Democracy, once modelled into suffrages, furnished with ballot-boxes and such like, will itself accomplish the salutary universal change from Delusive to Real, and make a new blessed world of us by and by?
Then he saw how he had been deceived; that the delusive form had been sent by the Evil One, to induce him to disobey the command of the Church.
I shuddered lest the hope so strongly entertained should prove delusive in the end.
Fabian, in a scarcely perceptible voice, "or a delusive vision which will quickly disappear?
The sad fate which threatens the man, to whom I looked for the realisation of my hopes, proves to me that in both cases I have entertained a delusive dream.
The long day of shadowy promises and delusive dreams was over; and the oracular expounder of mysteries was at last gripped by the hard realities of the taxes.
Yet partially withdrawn as he was from active life in the House of Commons, Mr. Gladstone was far too acute an observer to have any leanings to the delusive self-indulgence of temporary retirements.
The objects about us are mere delusive shadows or mirage, the product of the imagination alone.
The successive steps of such a progression follow one another so imperceptibly that there is a delusive appearance of permanence.