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Example sentences for "contrasted"

Lexicographically close words:
contrary; contrarye; contrarywise; contrast; contraste; contrasting; contrasts; contravene; contravened; contravenes
  1. The Sulpician cast a keen glance from under the white eyebrows which contrasted with his hale, sunburned face.

  2. A sort of passionate insistence contrasted oddly with the ordinary calm preciseness of Pierre Le Ber’s level tones.

  3. Such is the ethics of God as contrasted with the ethics of Greek philosophers.

  4. The radical and characteristic idea concerned in this term polemic is found in our own Parliamentary distinction of the good speaker, as contrasted with the good debater.

  5. I contrasted it with "artifice," and my phrase "Artist with a big A" was another hint to you that the word must be handled cautiously.

  6. And in its documents contrasted with its divines?

  7. Brief as was that interview of mine, I could not help noticing how perfectly calm and self-possessed he was, for his demeanour greatly contrasted with the anxious or excited bearing of his subordinates.

  8. I never once saw Chanzy excited, in which respect he greatly contrasted with many of the subordinate commanders.

  9. The water, too, was almost calm, ruffled by a faint breeze that contrasted vividly with the strong wind but a few hundred yards astern.

  10. This was strangely contrasted with the absolute silence which prevailed in the rooms solely occupied by men.

  11. I contrasted their means of judgment with their daily lives.

  12. I was indeed, in many respects, less capable than many of my colleagues, and it is not impossible that my apparent pride may have contrasted with my real deficiency.

  13. The letter then went on to describe the state of Ann Palmer’s body, though not exhumed until eighteen months after death, and contrasted it with that of the brother, and concluded with the passage given in the text.

  14. In a subsequent part of his charge, when dealing with the evidence for the defence, he contrasted the evidence of Myatt in contradiction to that of Brooks and Fisher, and left the jury to draw their own conclusion which they would believe.

  15. In these points he may be contrasted with Cicero.

  16. In an interesting passage he complains of the comparative poverty of his subject as contrasted with that of Livy: "Ingentia illi bella, expugnationes urbium, fusos captosque reges libero egressu memorabant; nobis in arcto et inglorius labor.

  17. The modern character of Terence, as contrasted with Plautus, is less apparent in his language than in his sentiments.

  18. The reigns of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian produced a series of writers who all show the same characteristics, though necessarily modified by the tyranny of Domitian's reign as contrasted with the clemency of those of his two predecessors.

  19. When heard alone, he seemed excellent, but when contrasted with a greater rival, his faults at once appeared.

  20. In Greece Aeschines shows some traces of an Asiatic tendency as contrasted with the soberer self-restraint of Demosthenes.

  21. With this he contrasted what would have been a true Prussian policy, a policy which Frederick the Great might have followed.

  22. Bismarck often contrasted this with the very great powers over their own members possessed by the British Houses of Parliament.

  23. Is it wished to compare the corolla, apart from its sexual relation, with an organ in animals, it can only be contrasted with the highest nervous organ.

  24. Cromwell instantly started for Scotland, with a considerable force, and attacked the royalists at Dunbar, where he encouraged his own troops by a quantity of religious cant, which contrasted strangely with the sanguinary nature of his object.

  25. With a sudden access of energy, which contrasted strangely with his former feebleness, he rose and confronted her.

  26. As you did, for example," she retorted, filled with anger over his present solicitation for her welfare, as contrasted to his treatment of her on another occasion.

  27. The chill of the mountains contrasted sharply with the slumberous luxuriance and color of the plains.

  28. A man who is dealing with animals or plants under domestication may proceed by one of two well-contrasted methods.

  29. It is the result of insect choice, a genuine case of selection as contrasted with elimination.

  30. I could not help laughing aloud at the extreme energy of this sudden communication, contrasted with the deep silence that went before and followed.

  31. The fact is, the deposited detrital sediments around the continents occupy an area small when contrasted with the vast stretches of the land.

  32. The sanitary state of the army at that time contrasted very favourably with its condition some two months later in the year.

  33. It was impossible not to revert in imagination to the scenes of blood and strife of which Koryta has been the site, as contrasted with its appearance at that moment.

  34. After keeping me waiting for some time in a very cold vaulted room, these two came to me, though their reception of me contrasted very unfavourably with that of the simple village priest.

  35. In Munkacsy’s “Milton Dictating to His Daughters,” the broad white collar of the poet contrasted with his black velvet suit, is well balanced and distributed by the medium tones of the three dresses.

  36. When positive cloud motion is desired these oppositional masses may become very suggestive of wind, different strata showing a contrasted action of air currents.

  37. How beautifully is this race of beings contrasted with the men and women actors in the scene, by a single epithet which Titania gives to the latter, 'the human mortals'!

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contrasted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.