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Example sentences for "narcissistic"

Lexicographically close words:
napping; naps; naptha; narcissi; narcissism; narcosis; narcotic; narcotics; narcotine; narcotism
  1. The rise of a unified, industrially mighty and narcissistic Germany led to two ineffably ruinous world wars.

  2. The rise of a unified, industrially mighty and narcissistic Germany erased most of these achievements.

  3. Whether it emerges from its narcissistic cocoon to become a leading and guiding social force, is doubtful.

  4. For a full discussion of the anaclitic and narcissistic types of object-choice compare 'Zur Einfuehrung des Narzissmus.

  5. Being in love is based upon the simultaneous presence of directly sexual tendencies and of sexual tendencies that are inhibited in their aims, so that the object draws a part of the narcissistic ego-libido to itself.

  6. If therefore in groups narcissistic self-love is subject to limitations which do not operate outside them, that is cogent evidence that the essence of a group formation consists in a new kind of libidinal ties among the members of the group.

  7. We see that the object is being treated in the same way as our own ego, so that when we are in love a considerable amount of narcissistic libido overflows on to the object.

  8. Armed with stereotypes - those narcissistic defence mechanisms that endow their propagators with a fleeting sense of superiority - an ethnic group defines itself negatively, in opposition to another.

  9. The Balkan intellectuals chose narcissistic self-absorption and navel gazing over "other-orientation".

  10. Or, again, the love of attention may be simply a sign of arrested development, a fixation of the Narcissistic period of childhood which loves to look at itself and make the world look.

  11. He is fixed in the Narcissistic stage of his life, and is unadapted to the world of social relations.

  12. From psychoanalysis we look over the boundary which we are not permitted to pass into the activity of the narcissistic libido and thus form an idea of the relations between the two.

  13. The importance of the narcissistic object selection and the clinging to the erotic significance of the anal zone seem to be their most essential characteristics.

  14. In contradistinction to the object-libido we also call the ego-libido narcissistic libido.

  15. The second is the narcissistic which seeks its own ego and finds it in the other.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "narcissistic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acquisitive; autistic; complacent; conceited; consequential; egocentric; egotistic; egotistical; grasping; greedy; individualistic; narcissistic; overweening; pompous; possessive; proud; remote; selfish; smug; vain; vainglorious