So he bade make ready the commissariat and prepare munitions of war and went in to his wife, who was now five months gone with child; and he put under her astrologers and mathematicians, to whom he appointed stipends and allowances.
NOTE 1] But the Great Kaan was informed by his Astrologers that this city would prove rebellious, and raise great disorders against his imperial authority.
The Great Kaan plants these trees all the more readily, because his astrologers and diviners tell him that he who plants trees lives long.
Then the Christian astrologers read a Psalm out of the Psalter, and went through other incantations.
NOTE 1] And when he had got ready this handful (as it were) of his troops, he ordered his astrologers to declare whether he should gain the battle and get the better of his enemies.
At the end of his brief reign he was put to death: the decree of the stars was fulfilled by this sacrifice; and Abbas, who reascended his throne in a most propitious hour, was promised by his astrologers a long and glorious reign.
The King and his council approving of their notion, the physicians and astrologers together expected the first unfortunate day, which, according to their superstition, was to be followed in the evening by a propitious hour.
On a favourable day fixed by the astrologers the temporary king was conducted by the mandarins in triumphal procession.
Moreover they feared the astrologers and soothsayers, that they would read in the heavens that a male child was concealed there.
He was of most noble birth and most suitable character and had, besides, encountered danger through being slandered by astrologers [who declared that he should be sovereign.
The astrologers he banished from Rome, yet he consulted all of them who were distinguished, and through the influence of Barbillus, a man of that profession, allowed the Ephesians to celebrate some sacred games.
Upon reaching Rome and adjusting affairs to suit him, he issued a bulletin banishing theastrologers and commanding them by this particular day (mentioning a given date) to leave the whole country of Italy.
And he would have slain Nerva, had not one of the astrologerswho favored the latter declared that he would die within a few days.
Indeed, Vitellius himself deemed himself of so little account that he made fun of the astrologers and used their prediction as evidence against them, saying: "Certainly they know nothing who declare that I shall become emperor.
Remember the prediction of the astrologers at the birth of your nephew Boabdil.
They called to mind all that had been predicted by astrologers at the birth of their ill-starred sovereign, and all that had been foretold of the fate of Granada at the time of the capture of Zahara.
The astrologers had seen something, but they knew not what, and they announced a message, the import of which they did not comprehend.
The child foretold by Pharaoh's dreams and by his astrologers was brought up and kept concealed from the king's spies.
The day Moses was set adrift in the little ark, the astrologers had come to Pharaoh and told him the glad tidings, that the danger threatening the Egyptians on account of one boy, whose doom lay in the water, had now been averted.
Sir,' said he, 'all the astrologers and doctors who have hitherto pretended to cure the princess were fools in comparison with the last.
Not one of all those manyastrologers and magicians I have introduced before made such haste as yourself to a place whither I fear you will come but too soon.
Th' astrologers keep such houses when they sup On joints of Taurus or their heavenly Tup.
Even soothsayers andastrologers were not lacking, who in the last hours before marching wished to draw his horoscope for the viceroy; there were even practisers of the black art who wished to sell unfailing amulets against missiles.
In the temple of Hator the pharaoh passed quickly through the school of medicine, and listened without great interest to predictions given by astrologers concerning him.
I am writing to our deputies--the astrologers and pilots--to place entire confidence in you.
Another letter of the same date as the preceding commands the astrologers and pilots named as deputies to summon to their councils those who, though not named on the commission are there to give their opinion and advice.
It was signed at the bottom by the astrologers and pilots alternately in the following order: D.
The new Governor had consulted the astrologers of Bushire to determine the most propitious time for his entrance into the town, which, by their predictions, was at three hours before sun-set on the 19th.
He told us that we were now departing at a most lucky hour, for that this had been the morning fixed some time ago by the astrologers as the most fortunate for the Prince to leave his capital, preparatory to his usual summer campaign.
His attitude, then, seems to be thatastrologers may forecast the future, but that their ability to do so depends on the assistance of demons, and that the drawing up of nativities is merely a pretence to cloak this partnership.
The Stoics say there are over thirty of them, and certain astrologershave written down their names and qualities.
Urban VIII was equally savage in 1631, in ordering relaxation for any one who should consult diviners or astrologers about the state of the Christian Republic, or the life of the pope or of any of his kindred to the third degree (Bullar.
In spite of these examples, the profession of astrology continued to flourish unchecked, and astrologers were indispensable officials in the courts of princes and prelates.
Commonwealth the most learned, the most noble, and the most conspicuous characters did not hesitate to consult astrologers in the most open manner.
The tide ebbed at its usual hour, flowed to its usual height, and then ebbed again, just as if twenty astrologers had not pledged their words to the contrary.
People flocked from far and near to his house at Mortlake to have their nativities cast, in preference to visiting astrologers of less renown.
The following story afterwards got into circulation, and has been often triumphantly cited by succeeding astrologers as an irrefragable proof of the truth of their science.
The most celebrated astrologers of Europe, three centuries ago, were alchymists.
He did not doubt, however, that the two astrologers feared God, and therefore he had a good opinion of them.
In France and Germany astrologers met even more encouragement than they received in England.
A large comet appearing in 1628, the opinions of astrologers were divided with regard to it.
So called becauseastrologers looked towards the east or ascendent.
Having assembled the Brahmans, astrologers and those versed in incantations, a grand rite was got up, sacrifices made, and a solemn decree of banishment was pronounced against Mari, the cholera goddess.
As usual with all Moslem monarchs, he summoned his astrologers on this happy event.
Behold the prediction of the astrologers verified.
The astrologers countenanced them in their foresight, predicting everything in his favor that could make a perfect prince and a prosperous sovereign.
So,” said he, “the critical period pointed out by the astrologers is arrived: my daughters are at a marriageable age.
The prediction of the astrologers caused him but little disquiet, trusting to his ingenuity to guard his daughters and outwit the Fates.
Pico even took the trouble to check off the astrologers inductively, and found that in the course of a month three-fourths of their weather prophecies turned out false.
The first result of his book was that the astrologers ceased to publish their doctrines, and those who had already printed them were more or less ashamed of what they had done.
But even without this severity of morals, the astrologers might be highly respected and show themselves everywhere.
Sometimes it is not easy to make out whether }n important political events the stars were questioned beforehand, or whether the astrologers were simply impelled afterwards by curiosity to find out the constellation which decided the result.
In fact, he was anything but liberal, and was ready, for example, to send the astrologers to the same stake at which he afterwards himself died.
It is also probable that the advice of the astrologers was often determined by political calculation not less than by the course of the planets.
The worst class of astrologers were those who used the stars either as an aid or a cloak to magical arts.
From these it is clear that the astrologers found twelve signs of the zodiac did not give them enough play.
And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.
But even with this increase of material, the astrologers found the astronomical data insufficient for their fortune-telling purposes.
Until astronomers had determined the apparent orbits of the planets, and drawn up tables by which their apparent places could be predicted for some time in advance, it was impossible for astrologers to cast horoscopes of the present kind.
After this obscurity had been cleared up, there was a still further advance to be made before the astrologers could have adopted their strange grouping of the sun and moon as planets equally with the other five.
The calculation of a horoscope is therefore a straightforward business, but, as astrologers all admit, its interpretation is where the skill is required, and no real rules can be given for that.
During this interval he called upon his astrologers to ascertain, by virtue of their art, and to declare in presence of the whole army, to which side the victory would incline.
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth and the year 1560, three judicial astrologers met in Preston, for the purpose of raising a corpse by incantations.
The last of the astrologers was Morin, best known as the opponent of Gassendi.
Astrologers were consulted by small and great; the Galli or eunuch-priests of Cybele were among the most influential bodies in Rome; and the impure goddess Isis was universally worshipped.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "astrologers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.