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Example sentences for "astrological"

Lexicographically close words:
astrolabe; astrolabes; astrologer; astrologers; astrologic; astrologically; astrologie; astrology; astronauts; astronomer
  1. The beginnings of astrological theory are probably to be recognized at a very early period.

  2. They become more complicated in civilized times--they are mingled with elaborate astrological ideas.

  3. Other astrological texts indicate that the terms 'male' and 'female' are employed as expressions of greater or less brilliancy.

  4. A similar astrological interpretation is offered by Jastrow of a passage (to which attention was called by François Lenormant) in which a female Dilbat and a male Dilbat are spoken of.

  5. To enter and consecrate a house at the wrong astrological moment would bring in its train a number of domestic disasters.

  6. From birth to death, most of the important transactions of life are controlled by astrological considerations.

  7. It is wonderful how many events in the life of a family come within the realm of astrological guidance and control.

  8. Were the boy and girl born under astrological conditions which harmonize; or does her horoscope so conflict with his that their dissonance would bring evil and misery to the family?

  9. The allegorical figures contrived for these abstractions by astrological paganism did not even perish with it.

  10. According to the astrological theory, the Elysian Fields were in the sphere of the fixed stars (Macrobius, Comm.

  11. Reitzenstein, to whom belongs the credit of having shown the strength of this astrological fatalism (see infra, n.

  12. Another more purely astrological theory, that was undoubtedly a development of the former, taught that the soul descended to earth from the heights of heaven by passing through the spheres of the seven planets.

  13. I shall cite a passage in which the influence of the astrological religion is particularly noticeable (col.

  14. We do not know of one astrological treatise, or of one manuscript of the Carlovingian period, but the ancient faith in the power of the stars continued in secret and gained new strength when Europe came in contact with Arabian science.

  15. The influence of the astrological ideas was felt by the Arabian paganism before Mohammed; see supra, ch.

  16. Above all, his reasoning was penetrated by the supposed astrological influences of the stars and their significant relation to human fate.

  17. It is interesting to note that even in those days the doctrines of the astrologers still found a considerable degree of credence, and Flamsteed spent a good deal of his time in astrological studies and computations.

  18. It seems, nowadays, strange to find that such thoroughly scientific observations of the new star as those which Tycho made, possessed, even in the eyes of the great astronomer himself, a profound astrological significance.

  19. A room fitted up for astrological labors, and provided with celestial charts, with globes, telescopes, quadrants, and other mathematical instruments.

  20. In the seventh century the Japanese adopted these banners; but as time went on they dropped many of the quaint astrological designs so dear to the heart of the Chinese.

  21. Astrological designs in ancient days figured upon the Chinese banners, and Professor B.

  22. I show here the title-page of a popular book by one of the most famous of the English astrological physicians, Nicholas Culpeper.

  23. The literature of the seventeenth century is rich in astrological treatises dealing with medicine.

  24. In the tract on phlebotomy I see nothing modern, and here again he is everywhere dominated by astrological ideas--"Sapiens dominatur astris.

  25. Petrarch nevertheless often fiercely attacks the astrological arts, and is distinguished in this respect from even the most enlightened men of his time, including Boccaccio.

  26. Even the hard-headed despot of Milan once deferred a military expedition because an astrological friend of Petrarch's declared the proposed time to be unpropitious.

  27. It is also remarkable that the astrological worship of the Muyscas came to the table-land of Bogota from the eastern side, from the plains of San Juan, which extend toward the Guaviare and the Orinoco.

  28. When this gateway was finished, he shut himself up for two days in his astrological hall, engaged in secret incantations; on the third he ascended the hill, and passed the whole day on its summit.

  29. He gives astrological diagrams showing when the various herbs should be picked.

  30. Thurneisser was one of the foremost exponents of astrological botany.

  31. This astrological lore from the famous man who combined the professions of priest, physician and astrologer in the reign of Edward VI.

  32. The later seventeenth-century herbals are marked by a return to the belief in the influence upon herbs of the heavenly bodies, but it is a travesty rather than a reflection of the ancient astrological lore.

  33. The above is an astrological calendar giving the times when herbs should be gathered.

  34. This riddle is solved by the passage in Dion Cassius referred to, in a manner such that the astrological origin of this nomenclature must be undoubted.

  35. The astrological distribution of the hours between the planets according to their successive order in the heavens thus explains the apparent disorder which occurs in the week.

  36. Fulke's Metromachia and his Ouronomachia, with the rest of those intricate astrological and geometrical fictions, for such especially as are mathematically given; and the rest of those curious games.

  37. To what end are all those astrological questions, an sit virgo, an sit casta, an sit mulier?

  38. A horoscope; the diagram of the aspects of the astrological houses.

  39. Refer now to the sign Cancer, and carefully study out the parallel upon its astrological planes and also under its Occult aspects, as given forth in the "Light of Egypt," Vol.

  40. Then place the twelve tablets in place of signs, exactly as they would occur in an astrological figure.

  41. How beautiful the harmony and contrast of the constellation and its astrological representative.

  42. We have given quite sufficient of its astrological aspect in the second part of "The Light of Egypt," Vol.

  43. Unquestionably, the astrological law is the true system of medicine, which treats disease by sympathy or by antipathy, according to the nature of the case, and the efficacy of the remedies at hand.

  44. That immaculate conception of pure love of the soul for its other half, upon the astrological plane, becomes refracted and reacts as compassion and pity.

  45. The sign Libra in the Zodiac, in its astrological aspect, is a very external correspondence of all the foregoing.

  46. To the Initiate into Urania's mysteries it is unnecessary to draw a parallel between the constellation and its astrological sign.

  47. Astrological charts formed a large proportion of these picture-writings.

  48. How long will it be before we get rid of this queer old astrological superstition?

  49. With an Ephemeris and another astrological book, I made out and copied in six hours Mdlle.

  50. We shall conclude our astrological strictures with the following advertisement, which affords as fine a satirical specimen of quackery as is to be met with.

  51. It confutes, according to Knight's own ideas: it alleges a few scattered facts in favour of astrological productions, which may be picked up in that immensity of fabling which disgraces history.

  52. Old Robin's almanack was evidently the best of the time, and free from all the astrological cant with which Patridge's Merlinus Liberatus was filled; against which Poor Robin did not a little declaim.

  53. Grew, and others, were members of the astrological club.

  54. It has been reported of several persons famous for their astrological skill, that they have suffered a voluntary death merely to verify their own predictions.

  55. Of course Chaucer uses exaltation here (as in other passages) in its ordinary astrological sense.

  56. The Angle Meridional was an astrological term.

  57. It is an astrological work, entitled Conclusiones Judicii composite per Domnum Johannem de Lyniano super coronacione Domni Urbani [343] Pape VI.

  58. A great portion of the medical science of the middle ages depended upon astrological and other superstitious observances.

  59. Each sign of the zodiac, containing thirty degrees, was divided into three equal parts, each of ten degrees, called faces in the astrological jargon of the time.

  60. The reference is, of course, to the old astrological belief about fortunate positions of the planets; cf.

  61. The word casus is here used in the astrological sense of 'dejection.

  62. Campanella's view of the present conditions and prospects of knowledge is hardly less sanguine than that of Bacon, and characteristically he confirms his optimism by astrological data.

  63. Madame Morrow is the only one of the fortune-telling fraternity in New York who refuses to dispense her astrological favors to both sexes.

  64. This was the astrological chamber; the mystic room into which visitors were conducted to have their fortunes told.

  65. Natural events outside the body served as indicators for selecting the time, site, and frequency of bloodletting during the Middle Ages when astrological influences dominated diagnostic and therapeutic thought.

  66. Drawing is of a man with astrological signs and instructions in German in balloons pointing at 25 points of his body, of which 4 are symmetrical.

  67. Concentric scales mark hours of the day, days, months, and special astrological numbers.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "astrological" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.