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Example sentences for "astrogator"

Lexicographically close words:
astride; astringency; astringent; astringents; astrogation; astrolabe; astrolabes; astrologer; astrologers; astrologic
  1. By the stars, he could be the best astrogator in the universe, but--but he's so undisciplined.

  2. Guatt Kirbey and the Mardukan astrogator who was helping him made it within a light-minute.

  3. The normal-space astrogator conferred with him; Alvyn Karffard, the executive officer, joined them.

  4. They jumped in to six light-minutes, and while Valkanhayn's astrogator was still fiddling with his controls they began sensing radar and microray detection.

  5. Sir Thomas Kobbly fancied himself as a landscape-painter and spent most of his time arguing techniques with Vann Larch, and Steven's tutor, Captain Rainer was a normal-space astrogator and found a kindred spirit in Sharll Renner.

  6. He swung the blaster toward what seemed to be a faint sound near the astrogator unit across the room.

  7. It was a game he would end at the first sound of movement from the astrogator unit across the room.

  8. I was in the control cabin with Lieutenant Spender, Third Officer, when Lieutenant Harding, the Astrogator entered.

  9. I was helping the astrogator get the constants for the planet .

  10. Take a look at the gravy board, Ren," Ford Gratrick, the astrogator said.

  11. He went over and over the data of the course the Astrogator had set.

  12. He had sat down at the controls, and even the astrogator had been surprised at how confidently he took over the role of pilot, how he got the idea at once.

  13. Take that model of a spaceship they had brought to school one day, with a retired astrogator to explain to the pupils how the thing was run, and how it avoided stray meteors.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "astrogator" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.