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Example sentences for "hand from"

  • I pick my apples by hand from a step-ladder, and sort into two classes--sound, wormy and windfalls.

  • We pick by hand from a ladder, and sort and place in piles in the cellar, each kind by itself.

  • So you shall have many days to ponder what I have said, and to ask your own heart whether it will say "yes" or "no" to me when I stretch out my hand from my throne and ask you to come and sit beside me and rule my people with me.

  • In spite of the débâcle which had taken place in the early summer of 1915, the information coming to hand from Russia in the War Office later in the year was not wholly discouraging.

  • To pass the consignment through from the United Kingdom (where a large supply had just come to hand from America) would mean missing the ship.

  • I tried to withdraw my hand from that of my companion, and to remove myself a little from him.

  • I removed my hand from my eyes, and looked at him.

  • I sought to extricate my hand from hers, in which I succeeded with some difficulty.

  • You will not withdraw this generous hand from an old man who looks to you as his last hope?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hand from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    broil them; closer examination; considerable distance from the; deep voice; face against; hand and; hand barrel; hand conflict; hand dealer; hand door; hand fight; hand figure; hand from; hand grenades; hand shall; hand side; hand went; handle them; hands and; handsome face; handsome fortune; handsome house; handsome present; handsome woman; toward evening; when viewed