I was on a high plateau, yet I felt myself to be alone with the immensity that properly belongs to plains alone.
Altogether I felt myself in the world again, and as I was on a good road, all down hill, I thought myself capable of pushing on to the next village.
As it was I pushed upward through their immovable host in some such catching of the breath as men have when they walk at night straining for a sound, and I felt myself to be continually in a hidden companionship.
I felt myself flushing up to the forehead, yet I managed to say: "But if he is practically married to the other woman.
I felt myself a bit of a hypocrite in all this, but the doctor's boy did not know that, and I noticed that as I passed my people in review he only said "Is she any good?
I felt myself flushing up to the eyes at the woman's impudence, and it added to my anger that Alma herself was standing at the head of the stairs, looking on and listening.
Instead, he again pressed me to accept his offer, and even to set up an establishment with his money, and we had very nearly had another quarrel when, for the second time, I felt myself obliged to decline his generous offer.
The sight of this cheerful life scattered the evil dreams that had tried to master my soul, I felt myself so young and strong in the midst of a vast, powerful stream which drove me along but did not overpower me.
The image of myself reflected in the mirror contrasted dreadfully with the girl I viewed in the picture albums to such an extent that physically I felt myself to be an entirely different person.
Within the realm of intelligence, I felt myself to be quite small; knowledge is infinitous, and to claim praise for assimilating such a minute portion as was encased in my mind seemed unfit.
As he uttered these words, I felt myself seized on the other side by the firm hand of our devoted guide.
I felt myself quite a new man, ready to go anywhere my uncle chose to lead.
I felt myself revolving in air, striking and rebounding against the craggy projections of a vertical gallery, quite a well; my head struck against a sharp corner of the rock, and I became unconscious.
I felt myself grasped by the Professor's sinewy hand, dragged along, hurled down, shattered into little bits.
Still the temperature kept rising, and I felt myself steeped in a broiling atmosphere.
But the snow was melting away from my legs, the balmy warmth of the stove was shedding a pleasant influence over my feelings, and I felt myself reviving in this mixed atmosphere of tobacco-smoke and burning pine-wood.
The night air was keen and sharp, but perfectly calm, and I felt myself awakened to the highest degree, almost as if my senses were volatilised by the still and ice-cold air.
In a moment he was in a full glow of conversation, and I felt myself elevated as if brought into another state of being.
This stroke stunned me a good deal; and when we had sat down, I felt myself not a little embarrassed, and apprehensive of what might come next.
I felt myself slightly at a loss in the presence of his repressed feeling, and as I did not think myself sufficiently acquainted with him to offer any word of sympathy, I said nothing.
But since it didn't seem to represent the property of any member of the household, I felt myself justified in folding it carefully and putting it in my pocket.
After this exhibition of anger on his part, I felt myself in an unpleasant position.
I felt myself invested, all of a sudden, with the apostolic state.
I felt myself all on a sudden inwardly seized, which continued more than five hours, all the time of the ceremony, when our Lord made a new consecration of me to Himself.
I felt myself set on fire by her noble, generous spirit.
When I learnt that this young missionary had died before he had set foot on the field of his labours, I felt myself drawn to invoke him.
I felt myself truly a queen and took advantage of my title to obtain every favour from the King for His ungrateful subjects.
Not knowing how to play like other children, I felt myself a dull companion.
I felt myself a child; the sap of life mounted again into my veins as it does in plants.
I felt myself in the temple of the infinite, in the presence of the worlds, God's guest in this vast nature.
With varied aptitudes and a fair intelligence, I had no dominant tendency, no imperious faculty, so that while by virtue of capacity I felt myself free, yet when free I could not discover what was best.
I felt myself soothed, grateful, melted; a mood of serenity and contemplation took possession of me.
I felt myself shrink a little from the kiss, and my color rose in spite of myself.
I felt myself so strong, so sunburnt, so ruddy, and with such a strength and wealth of life, in presence of this delicate and hesitating boy.
I felt myself rising as it were both in mind and courage; I found myself quite another being; I discovered in myself what I had no idea of, and I joyfully reproached myself for having been so long ignorant of it.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "felt myself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.