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Example sentences for "struggling"

Lexicographically close words:
struggle; struggled; struggler; strugglers; struggles; strugglings; strugling; struk; strum; strummed
  1. They saw a boy running towards the town, and nearer them a man struggling with another, whom he had caught about the middle, and was dragging towards the side of the road where it dropped, hundreds of feet, into the gorge below.

  2. And I call any war glorious that is for the liberation of people who have been struggling for years against the cruelest oppression.

  3. Every time I began to lose consciousness I started up in a fright, and saw the May Queen going down into the sea again; and fancied I saw the captain struggling in the cabin.

  4. With a smile of great contentment on her face she crept noiselessly toward the struggling men.

  5. Soon he saw that it moved now and then, as if struggling to rise.

  6. It is to the struggling father that this triumph of pedagogue workmanship must be chiefly ascribed.

  7. But Boccaccio is not the author, to whom Calvin, or even Celio Curione would have recommended one struggling with religious doubts and difficulties to resort.

  8. Olympia was the wife of a poor man, and one struggling with difficulties of no ordinary kind.

  9. They saw a dark, round object close to the struggling jacana, that resembled the head of a human being, whose body was under water!

  10. But long before the beam was kicked, the occupants of both had forsaken them, and were to be seen, some of them clinging to the branches of the sapucaya, some struggling beneath against the storm and the current of the Gapo.

  11. It stood solitary and alone, about a quarter of a mile from the edge of the forest, and as much nearer to the craft, still struggling through the wind-lashed water.

  12. Adeline and Hortense should end their days in struggling with poverty, while she, a visitor at the Tuileries, would lord it in the fashionable world.

  13. Ah, if only you knew how I longed for some fellow-creature, even a tyrant, who would have something to say to me when I was struggling in the vast solitude of Paris!

  14. That will be asking our men to give up all they have been struggling for.

  15. More than half the Flagg men tumbled into deep and muddy water and threshed helplessly in a struggling mass until the others laid down their weapons and pulled the drowning men out.

  16. Mern, managing a few oaths of his own after struggling out of the amazement stirred by this ferocious attack.

  17. Even love at first sight, if such could be the strange new emotion struggling within him, could not enable him to leap the barrier of the cashier's cold stare and rush away without paying scot.

  18. Her emotions were struggling from the fetters with which she tried to bind them.

  19. Vigo, winding his arms round Lucas, who was struggling furiously for liberty.

  20. Monsieur," I began, struggling to put the case clearly, "I learned of the plot by accident.

  21. It was too dark to see much save a mass of struggling figures, with every now and then, as the steel hit, a point of light flashing out, to fade and appear again like a brilliant glow-worm.

  22. An address to the British public was issued, setting forth the barbarism of the North against the South, struggling for her rights.

  23. All energy and life were gone; we saw only a family struggling against fate, and yet clinging with a death-grapple to the system that was precipitating their ruin.

  24. Doubleday was holding the flank against Stuart, and Meade was struggling alone.

  25. A man, with a female form clasped to his breast, was feebly struggling with the waves.

  26. Back to our glorious manifesto the struggling nations look; and when they wish to arraign their tyrants, that indictment is their text and guide.

  27. There were intervals when life, like the flicker of an expiring lamp, appeared successfully struggling with death; but these occasional brightenings were always succeeded by a more entire prostration and languor.

  28. In an instant the horse wheeled to avoid the thrust which the wounded buffalo often makes; but Blackwolf's victim was stricken in a vital part, and he rolled over struggling and bleeding in the throes of deadly agony.

  29. The struggling wretches vainly raised their arms from the foaming waters, and implored help from those who could have saved them had they so willed it.

  30. After a world of tugging and struggling a miserable spavined nag was pulled from a corral to the patio, and secured to a post.

  31. It was not surprising that the two lads, living in that superstitious age, began to wonder if the spirits of the lake were not arrayed against them, struggling to keep them from the wonderful island where the sands were of gold.

  32. Instantly they were over the side, struggling for a foothold on the slippery pebbles, as the receding wave tried to drag them back.

  33. He landed on the sand close to where the old squaw was struggling in Le Forgeron's grasp, and brought a stout stick, that he had used a few moments before to kill a snake, down on the Blacksmith's neck and shoulder.

  34. Step back in thought to the twelfth century, and we find civilization struggling for its very existence.

  35. Eleven ships he took, and cast their crews into the sea: 500 men, save one, a Gueldrian, struggling in the calm summer waters and stretching out their hands to a foe who knew no pity.

  36. The government is struggling to upgrade education and technical training, to privatize commercial and industrial enterprises, to improve health services, to diversify exports, to promote tourism, and to reduce the high population growth rate.

  37. Faced with a multitude of economic difficulties, the government has fallen in arrears on long-term external debt and has been struggling to meet the stipulations of foreign aid donors.

  38. Yet it still is struggling with privatization of large state enterprises and with bank reform.

  39. A wealthy country, Austria joined the European Union in 1995 and, like many EU members, is adjusting to the new European currency and struggling with high unemployment.

  40. Mayeroff's (1971) caring ingredients are useful conceptual tools when one is struggling to know self and others as caring.

  41. Here have all pains and joys gathered, the hopes and fears and shames of a daughter of the dust; here love springs up struggling toward immortal life.

  42. And again, the less declining families are prevented, by artificial supports, from falling into the great mass of the people, the more rapid and vigorous will be the ascent of those who are struggling upwards.

  43. May the needy, suffering, and struggling ones all about us gather strength because of our devotion to Thee.

  44. Contrariwise, another was struggling with the waves, when the steel came up and encompassed him.

  45. Then he attacked the vanguard and burst into the thickest of the enemy, driving the Swedes struggling in a panic every way with spear and sword.

  46. Next moment she was sweeping superbly toward her carriage, with her gentlemen in waiting struggling for the opportunity to do her service.

  47. You can fly into a hundred "tiffs" of angry disappointment with me while I am struggling to utter the soft answer that turneth away the wrath of one.

  48. The country was poor, and struggling with new conditions, and great financial crises swept over it.

  49. To him, brooding over the outpourings of Luella Granville Waterman, there entered Pugsy Maloney, the office-boy, bearing a struggling cat.

  50. Gripping the struggling rent collector round the waist, and ignoring his frantic kicks as mere errors in taste, he lifted him to the trap-door, whence the head, shoulders and arms of Billy Windsor protruded into the room.

  51. To serve the struggling interests of the Company seems to have been his highest motive, and there can be no doubt that he served them with equal sagacity and success.

  52. A naturalistic view of the world, without faith, was struggling for supremacy; science had to proclaim it as higher enlightenment, and vehemently urged freedom in its behalf.

  53. You probably have not the faintest idea into what a mass of individual problems the main questions must be dissected, nor what a multitude of heterogeneous views are struggling here against one another" (p.

  54. Take the tenement-house woman, the wife and mother who is struggling to bring up a family under conditions which constantly make for evil.

  55. As I stand here tonight my thoughts go back to the time when Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Miss Anthony were pioneers struggling for this righteous cause.

  56. There is not a class of voters in the United States today which has lifted one finger to get the ballot, yet the women of this country have been struggling sixty-five years for the right to a voice in the Government.

  57. The note was first struck in America and yet women today are struggling here for what we have had in Australia for years, and we have proved all the statements and arguments against woman suffrage to be utterly without foundation.

  58. One by one his twenty planks slipped from under him, and then he found himself struggling in the lowest depths.

  59. Matt shook his head, a wan smile struggling with his shame-faced expression.

  60. She stifled her sobs like a soothed child, and sprang up with a smile struggling through rain-clouds.

  61. She turned her head again, and the smile was struggling back, and her voice had an echo of the old enthusiastic ring.

  62. I don’t keep away from society, I dance and paint, but throughout all I am struggling against the bad-self.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "struggling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    backward; fighting; grinding; hardworking; plodding; plugging; quarrelsome; straining; striving; struggle; struggling; sweating; warlike; warring; working