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Example sentences for "that while"

  • So that while atomism at a given level may not be a final or metaphysical truth, it will describe, on every level, the practical and efficacious structure of the world.

  • Strange prepossession, that while part of human life and mind was to be an avenue to reality and to put men in relation to external and eternal things, the whole of human life and mind should not be able to do so!

  • The more aristocracy appeared, the more it was despised; there was a visible imbecility and want of intellects in the majority, a sort of je ne sais quoi, that while it affected to be more than citizen, was less than man.

  • What is this more or less than to tell us, that while we have no national system of commerce, the British will govern our trade by their own laws and proclamations as they please.

  • The Saviour approved his love, "in that while we were yet sinners, He died for us.

  • At least so it was, that while my geological researches did nothing for me at this time, my letter in the procession controversy procured for me the offer of a newspaper editorship.

  • The beauty of the season is but half developed, so that while there is enough to yield present delight, there is the flattering promise of still further enjoyment.

  • His natural abilities for war were so happily tempered, that while a rare prudence might be seen in all the enterprises of his younger years, an equal courage showed itself in the last exploits of his declining age.

  • The last and perhaps the most important distinction is, that while in the body of an animal only a special tissue is endowed with feeling, in a society all the members are endowed with feeling.

  • That while at first so simple in structure as to be considered structureless, they assume, in the course of their growth, a continually-increasing complexity of structure.

  • Observe, then, that while in the early history of such a continent a carboniferous period could not occur, the occurrence of a carboniferous period would become probable after long-continued upheavals had uncovered large areas.

  • But the danger is, that while a man grows better pleased with himself, he may be growing less pleasing to others.

  • He was a man of sound civil wisdom, correcting things in general by threats rather than by severity, so that while he governed the province, which he did for some time, nothing happened deserving of particular notice.

  • So great was his authority, that while he was feared he was also greatly loved as his men's comrade in their perils and dangers.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that while" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    only remains; that all; that body; that church; that could; that country; that even; that from; that her; that hour; that kind; that land; that letter; that name; that party; that point; that power; that region; that respect; that she; that side; that that; that there; that woman; that year; that your