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Example sentences for "comes home"

  • Tell her father everything as soon as he comes home; you've no choice.

  • Your father walks about day after day trying to get work, and how do you meet him when he comes home?

  • What's Sidney goin' to have when he comes home?

  • He just sits down and practises physical culture with a newspaper when he comes home--now ain't that the truth?

  • Can't a man who works hard all day have a little rest when he comes home?

  • Dúgay nga muulì, I’ll give him a good cussing-out when he comes home.

  • Gisirmúnan siya ni Máma kay tagdugay nga mupaúlì, Mom gave him a scolding because he comes home late.

  • Mataudtauran pa dagway úsà siya muulì, It will probably be some time before he comes home.

  • I shall tell him as soon as he comes home.

  • If you will only take no further notice, and say nothing to your father when he comes home, it will be helping me sufficiently.

  • He lived with his mother in that house before she died, when he was a little boy; and when he comes home from a voyage now, and is staying with his friends in Melcheapen Street, he likes to go up there and have a good look at it.

  • It is all to let Miles have the pleasure of telling when he comes home.

  • It does not commit him; it is before he comes home, on Wednesday," said Herbert.

  • If he be forced to stay out a sermon, he pulls his hat over his eyes, and frowns out the hour; and when he comes home, thinks to make amends for this fault by abusing the preacher.

  • When he comes home, those wonders serve him for his holiday talk.

  • At last he comes home again, towing his booty; she rushes down to the beach and helps the other women to bring his prey ashore, while he quietly puts his weapons together and goes up to his house.

  • You'd better escape if life is dear to you, or my son, when he comes home, will eat you!

  • My son is kind, but if he comes home hungry he might want to roast you and eat you for his supper.

  • Why can't she get her children washed afore he comes home?

  • I comes home a-pondering, and at the corner of the lane I catches sight of a certain gentleman loitering about in the shade.

  • But even if he comes home poor, I know he will be good and true to me," she concluded.

  • If I should double my money, as you say I will, how father would laugh when he comes home.

  • He'll be such a joy to you when he comes home.

  • If you could have a fortune for him when he comes home--well, that would be the making of him.

  • He'll be wiser by the time he comes home.

  • He finds it disconcerting when he comes home in the evenings after the anxiety of his days, dog-tired and needing sympathy, to find that his wife has an attack of nerves, or a feverish desire to go out and "see something.

  • He would like her always to be sitting in the drawing-room when he comes home, in a pretty frock, with a novel in her lap, with a smile in her eyes.

  • When he comes home she is so snappy and irritable that he becomes silent over the dinner-table, and then she quarrels with him for his silence.

  • Across the world the gleaming steel Holds out its lure for men, But no one finds his comfort real Till he comes home again.

  • Gruagach would take the life of me," said she, "when he comes home, if I gave you as much as one drop.

  • I'll pay him for this when he comes home!

  • When he comes home to-night and asks for you, take no meat from him, but go to rest in the tank when he tells you.

  • I'm going to tell your father when he comes home to-night what a sympathetic daughter I have.

  • Don't sass me that way or I'll tell your father when he comes home to-night.

  • I'm going to tell him a few things when he comes home to-night of what I go through with all day in his absence.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comes home" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    answered them; comes about; comes back; comes down; comes forth; comes forward; comes from; comes home; compact limestone; dozen rods; everybody said; fortnight later; grafted trees; impossible for; killed them; litmus paper; man with; noble lady; opposite the; somewhat curious; tablespoons sugar; the right; took upon; tropical fruits; true greatness; wilful murder