Echinacea is said to be an alterativeand to promote perspiration and induce a flow of saliva.
The roots are employed in medicine for their tonic, alterative and diaphoretic properties.
The root is used for its alterative properties in treating various diseases of the skin and blood, and in certain cases in relieving pain and allaying inflammation.
Burdock root is used as an alterative in blood and skin diseases.
A course of iodide of potassium is likewise frequently beneficial; but it must be employed only in alterative doses, and persevered with for a considerable period.
Should the liver be sluggish, mildalterative doses of the grey powder may be sprinkled upon the food, and will thus be taken without the necessity of forcing the animal.
A pill containing any sedative, with an alterative quantity of some expectorant, may be given three times daily; but when the fit is on, I have gained the most immediate benefit by the administration of ether and opium.
It is not very powerful in its action; its effect upon the system being quite as much alterative as laxative.
Alterative doses only should be administered; and the drug ought to be continued for three months at least.
The treatment is not to be laid down; attention to the food, and medicines of an alterative nature calculated to affect or improve the secretions, are most likely to be of service.
Nearly every alterative drug has had its period of popularity.
When the alterative properties of arsenic became a therapeutic fad this produced good effects.
It forms an excellent blistering and alterative application, and is of special advantage in newly formed or recently discovered exostosis.
Sometimes, however, preference may be given to a lotion possessing a somewhat different quality, the alterative consisting of tincture of iodin applied to the inflamed spot several times daily.
The lameness will often yield to the blistering action of cantharides, in the form of ointment or liniment, and to the alterative preparations of iodin or mercury.
They possess also certain alterative properties, making the coat smooth and glossy.
Grass is indispensable to growing stock, and there is little or no doubt that it acts as an alterative when given to horses accustomed to grain and hay.
An alterative ball should be given daily and a physic ball occasionally.
Universal experience appears to show it to be a most valuable alterative when judiciously administered.
The following are a few useful horse-balls: =Alterative Balls.
In small doses it appears to be both alterative and tonic, rapidly diffusing itself through the body, and exerting a stimulating action on the organs of secretion.
Buchanan, of Glasgow, as producing the alterative effects of iodine, without the usual irritant action of that medicine.
An excellent alterative pill; very useful in lepra, in secondary syphilis affecting the skin, and in various other chronic cutaneous diseases; also in dyspepsia and liver complaints.
The hydriodates of these valuable vegetable alkaloids afford the specific alterative action of iodine without such disagreeable results as the iodism produced by the ordinary iodides.
The label states that the nostrum is a: “Disinfectant, astringent and local alterative of the greatest virtue.
Sal Hepatica is a saline combination containing the alterative and laxative properties similar to the natural ‘Bitter Waters’ of Europe with the addition of sodium phosphate.
Acid, Nitric: as alterativewith infusion of cinchona.
Ichthalbin: internally, as alterative tonic and regulator of digestive functions.
Alterative and Hematinic; substitute for arsenic, without untoward action on stomach.
Burdock is a valuablealterative in diseases of the blood.
He was put upon a tonic and alterative course of treatment, which also embraced the use of such medicines as have been found to exert a specific, tonic action upon the muscular tissues of the heart.
Alterative medicines are indicated to purify the blood.
We can confidently recommend this compound whenever an alterative is required to cleanse the blood, tone the system, increase its nutrition, and establish a healthy condition.
The "Favorite Prescription" is a special tonic for the affected parts, and the "Golden Medical Discovery" is the best generalalterative of which we have any knowledge.
This thorough alterative course, if well persevered in, together with the use of alkaline and vapor-baths, will generally prove very successful.
The effects of the "Golden Medical Discovery" upon the system will be gradual, and the alterative changes of tissue and function generally somewhat slow.
An alterative medicine belongs to a class which is considered capable of producing a salutary change in a disease without exciting any sensible evacuation.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" as one of the best preparations of the alterative class.
It many cases, it is well to accompany its use with alterative treatment, for which the "Golden Medical Discovery" will be found especially effective.
In addition to the alterative properties combined in this compound, it possesses important tonic qualities.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and, if the blood be disordered, no better alterative can be found for domestic use than Dr.
The following alterative may be mixed in the food:-- Powdered marshmallows, 1 ounce.
It possesses laxative, diaphoretic andalterative properties, and is extensively employed, both internally and externally, for diseases of the skin.
The bark of sassafras root is stimulant, and possesses alterative properties.
Its alterative effect may be increased by combining it with sassafras, (which see.
I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr.
In such cases there is an alterative regimen of remarkable efficacy: it is a starvation-diet of letting alone.
As their alterative effect is from the absorption of the water, the quantity taken should be small.
The water of this spring is a pleasant cathartic, and has also alterative and tonic properties, and is moreover a very delightful beverage.
The Empire is highly esteemed for the treatment of obscure and chronic diseases requiring alterative and diuretic remedies.
Drank in moderate quantities throughout the day, it is a delightful, wholesome beverage, its effects being alterative and slightly tonic.
The reputation it had long sustained as a powerful alterative for the cure of blood diseases was confirmed; and for several years this water has been used with growing confidence and wonderful results.
The dry and powdered juice has been used in small doses as an alterative in the treatment of tuberculous leprosy, but it has not given results any better than many other drugs.
In India it is used for the piles and as an alterative for bilious disorders.
Dymock observed in Goa that this plant could be gotten in all the shops of the herb-venders, and that it was widely used as an alterative in mild fevers in combination with "Hydrocotyle Asiatica and Adiantum lunulatum.
In India the roots are used to obtain an astringent and alterative effect and form part of a well-known aphrodisiac mixture called Musla-Samul.
As a purgative the dose is from two to four pills for a grown person, and as an alterative and substitute for blue mass and to act on the liver, one pill once a day or every other day.
Dose: As an alterative and to act on the liver and secretions, from two to five grains two or three times a day.
Uses: Valuable in liver complaint, torpidity of the liver, and as an alterative to act on the secretions of the system generally.
The treatment previous to the expulsion of the mole should be gently alterative and tonic; the chylopoietic functions should be kept in regular action, and the strength sustained.
Give a dose of purgative medicine, such as Epsom salts, and then follow up with a course of alterative medicine.
Concurrent with these external remedies, the child should take an alterativepowder every morning, or, if they act too much on the bowels, only every second day.
Give the patient internal medicine to disinfect the stomach and for its alterative action on the blood: for this purpose use tincture of iron 4 drams, simple syrup, add to make 4 ounces.
Sarsaparilla in these cases, with attention to diet and air, will always prove a better alterative than any form of mercury.