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Example sentences for "medicinal"

Lexicographically close words:
medicated; medication; medicatrix; medicinable; medicinae; medicinall; medicinally; medicine; medicined; mediciner
  1. A medicinal substance in the form of a bolus or mass, designed for introduction into the vagina; a vaginal suppository.

  2. A medicinal confection made of freshly gathered vegetable substances mixed with finely powdered refined sugar.

  3. It is used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

  4. A prescription or recipe for the preparation of a medicinal compound.

  5. A solution (commonly colored) of medicinal substance in alcohol, usually more or less diluted; spirit containing medicinal substances in solution.

  6. A medicinal agent designed for administration in the form of inhaled vapor.

  7. A genus of leeches, including the common medicinal leech.

  8. The medicinal virtues of these plants are, however, apparently limited and unreliable.

  9. Medicinal and other virtues were ascribed to the fruit and leaves and even to the shade of this remarkable tree.

  10. In the western part of the country there are several medicinal springs, to which, about the end of summer, great numbers of people resort, as much for the sake of escaping the heat in the low country, as for drinking the waters.

  11. The medicinal virtues of many herbs are known to the Knisteneaux; and they apply the roots of plants and the bark of trees in the cure of various diseases.

  12. The exuviae of a Grasshopper called Semmi or Sebi, Kempfer tells us, are preserved for medicinal uses, and sold publicly in shops both in Japan and China.

  13. The medicinal virtues of the Cimex are given by Pliny (doubtless quoting Dioscorides, ii.

  14. One Midē´ thought it related to a particular medicinal tree which was held in estimation beyond all others, and thus represented as the chief of the earth.

  15. The Midē´ has pulled up a medicinal root.

  16. About four miles farther to the southwest than the Redoubt, is situated the Sitka Hot Springs, possessing valuable medicinal qualities, and used for more than a century as a health resort.

  17. As a medicinal agent it has long been employed in this country.

  18. They used it, both for medicinal and toilette purposes.

  19. The composition and properties of the individual alkaloids have been extensively studied, because of their medicinal uses.

  20. The characteristic property which assigns any given plant extract to this group is that it has a strikingly characteristic odor or taste, often accompanied by some definite physiological effect, or medicinal property.

  21. Some of these have considerable commercial value for medicinal or technical uses.

  22. Most of them have a bitter taste, and many of them have marked physiological effects upon animal organisms, so that they are extensively used as narcotics, stimulants, or for other medicinal purposes.

  23. That is the only medicinal use of the river Aire, near Leeds.

  24. The medicinal qualities of the mistletoe tree were also in high repute.

  25. The wood is brought to market in the shape of chips, but for medicinal purposes the thick spongy bark of the root is prepared, and it is found extremely valuable as a powerful stimulant, sodorific, and diuretic.

  26. This substance, at once medicinal and tinctorial, exudes in a liquid state from wounds made in the bark of the trees; it solidifies spontaneously in the vessels wherein it is collected.

  27. The species generally recognized as best adapted for medicinal purposes are those with oboval and those with obtuse leaves--Cassia obovata and Cassia obtusifolia.

  28. One sees at once that these are not medicinal maxims, but excellent advice--concentrated sermons, after our English manner.

  29. But, above all, he had the acid or tang of poison needed to make the true, the medicinal maxim.

  30. But he has the inborn love of maxims, all the same, and, though they are too often as long as a book, or even as a preface, his maxims sometimes have the genuine medicinal taste.

  31. The most famous product of Lemnos is the medicinal earth, which is still used by the natives.

  32. Tis under the dominion of Jupiter, and is the most medicinal of all the Quick-grasses.

  33. These are the herbs medicinal for your grief.

  34. Smallage is hotter, drier, and much more medicinal than parsley, for it much more opens obstructions of the liver and spleen, rarefies thick phlegm, and cleanses it and the blood withal.

  35. Culpeper, the man that first ranged the woods and climbed the mountains in search of medicinal and salutary herbs, has undoubtedly merited the gratitude of posterity.

  36. Illustration] Select Medicinal Aphorisms and Receipts, for many diseases our frail natures are incident to.

  37. Nature has also made the region a special gift in the laserpitium or silphium, which was regarded by the ancients as at once a delicacy and a plant of great medicinal power, and which added largely to the value of the country.

  38. The Cyrenaic silphium, of which we hear so much, as constituting the main wealth of that province, was valued chiefly for its medicinal qualities.

  39. Its medicinal effects can only be determined by a thorough trial.

  40. Illustration: Map] This is the Purest and Most Effective of all Medicinal Spring Waters.

  41. As a consequence the Babylonians, although they made some progress in medicinal methods, and more especially in medical diagnosis, never dissociated medicinal remedies from the appeal to the gods.

  42. The latter gives the mother a medicinal potion, and the child is cut out of the womb.

  43. This constituted the medicinal phase of the priest's labors, and marks the connection between magic and medicine.

  44. In London, grocers sold herbs for medicinal as well as eating purposes.

  45. By the latter he was recommended to Dr Thomas Beddoes, who was in 1798 establishing his Medical Pneumatic Institution at Bristol for investigating the medicinal properties of various gases.

  46. As fresh water was comparatively strange to them it is not surprising that some of them detected an indescribable taste which they were readily persuaded to believe was proof of a medicinal character.

  47. But the medicinal cream of tartar is in appearance quite different from these dark-coloured dregs; it is perfectly colourless.

  48. It is insoluble in water, but is soluble in oils, in which state, as well as in its solid form, it is frequently applied to medicinal purposes.

  49. Far from it, for castor oil is a vegetable oil, expressed from the seeds of a particular plant; and has not the least resemblance to the medicinal substance obtained from the castor.

  50. Sulphat of soda, commonly called Glauber’s salt, is another medicinal salt, which is still more bitter than the preceding.

  51. The root, like its English medicinal congener, has a strong and peculiar smell.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "medicinal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.