Sidenote: The Constitution alterable by the people, not by the States.
The very fourth commandment, however it was a perpetual law as to the proportion of time, yet was alterable as to the seventh day.
Divines, indeed, do rightly require that those alterable circumstances of divine worship which are left to the determination of the church be so ordered and disposed as they may be profitable to this edification.
That ancient discipline and policy of this church which is contrary to the articles of Perth, and whereunto we are bound by the oath, was well grounded upon God’s word, and therefore should not have been ranked among other alterable things.
They hold their own faith and doctrine alterable at will, and are continually changing it.
Now poles, bridges and structures are less movable, less alterable than any of the other parts of a transportation system, and likewise the bony element in man makes him less alterable in every other way than he would otherwise be.
The provisions with respect to this second order fall within the class of enactments which are alterable by the Irish Legislature.
Affecting this Act, except in so far as it is declared to be alterable by the Irish Legislature.
It is worth while to note that, even under a sane and normal Federal system, the Irish Constitution would be less easily alterable in either direction than under the plan of treating her as a self-governing Colony.
Like all Constitutional Acts, it will only be alterableby another Imperial statute, which, if it were needed, should be promoted by Ireland.
It is not shackled with a Bill of Rights, and every part of it, is at any time, alterableby an ordinary Legislature.
Our conditions vary, even more and rapidly, and we have to have something much more rapid and alterable than instinct.
On and after the appointed day this Act shall not, except such provisions thereof as are declared to be alterable by the Legislature of Ireland, be altered except-- (a.
On and after the appointed day this Act shall not, except such provisions thereof as are declared to be alterable by the Legislature of Ireland, be altered except-- (a.
The Constitution is alterable in a particular manner therein pointed out, namely by the co-operation of the British Parliament and the Irish Parliament.
These bodily ornaments and endowments do not perfect or better a man as a man, they are but the alterable qualities of the vessel or tabernacle of a man, in which other baser creatures may far excel him.