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Example sentences for "allness"

Lexicographically close words:
alligators; alliteration; alliterations; alliterative; allmost; allo; allocate; allocated; allocating; allocation
  1. Allness of Truth Mind, supreme over all its formations and governing 209:6 them all, is the central sun of its own systems of ideas, the life and light of all its own vast creation; and man is tributary to divine Mind.

  2. Divine allness 287:9 We call the absence of Truth, error.

  3. The 267:6 allness of Deity is His oneness.

  4. God is All, and by virtue of this nature and [5] allness He is cognizant only of good.

  5. The Scriptures plainly declare the allness and oneness of God to be the premises of Truth, and that God is good: in Him dwelleth no evil.

  6. But now let us show how all Mrs. Eddy's juggling with words, all her assertions of the goodness of all and the allness of good, do not help her to get rid of evil.

  7. It will be seen that the objection merely restates the allness of God under a different form; and this brings us to the very heart of the matter.

  8. There is no real Divine Immanence which does not imply the {25} allness of God.

  9. For the phrase and the Idea of the "allness of God" see also Rudimental Divine (i.

  10. Does not this whole tangle serve yet once more to illustrate the futility of that doctrine of Divine allness which we have seen successfully masquerading as Divine immanence?

  11. The counterpart of the theoretical allness would be the practical nothingness of God.

  12. We have been told of late that "there is no Divine immanence which does not imply the allness of God"; we reply that there is no sane and sober theology which will not feel called upon to challenge this fundamental error.

  13. God's law reaches and destroys evil by virtue of the allness of God.

  14. It was not to appease the wrath of God, but to show the allness of Love and the nothingness of hate, sin, and death, that Jesus suffered.

  15. You mean that we must hold so perfectly to the allness of Good, that no shadow of ignorance can ever darken our vision or our consciousness.

  16. But there are not very many quick cures, comparatively, though it is the quick cures we should aim for and expect, for the cure is always in the degree of our realization of the allness of God.

  17. When the will of man is at one with the will of God, when man realizes his mortal nothingness and the allness of God, there is divine and perfect healing.

  18. In the first place we must know that the ultimate is always in the Now, and that by holding to our highest statements with that thought, we can rest in the consciousness of the allness of Good as Grace has expressed it.

  19. Bring your whole confidence, your trust, your knowledge of the allness of good, and the nothingness of evil.

  20. It is the prayer that manifests man's oneness with the infinite mind as its image, reflecting a knowledge of the allness of good and the consequent unreality and powerlessness of evil, the lie about it.

  21. Nay, not believing only, but understanding the allness of God as good, and the consequent nothingness of evil, all that seems to oppose Him!

  22. When Josè met Carmen she was holding steadfastly to her vision--the immanence and allness of God.

  23. By knowing its nothingness, and by knowing the Allness of his Father, infinite Mind.

  24. Always her concern was for others, others who stumbled and drooped because of the human mind's false, unreal, undemonstrable beliefs and ignorance of the allness of God.

  25. These works were the 'signs following,' and attested their knowledge of the allness of God.

  26. Thereafter he wrote out each lesson for her, carefully wording it that it might contain nothing to shock her acute sense of the allness of God, and omitting from the vocabulary every reference to evil, to failure, disaster, sin and death.

  27. His difficulty was that, having proclaimed the allness of spirit, God, he had proceeded to bow the knee to evil.

  28. He loved his enemies with a love that understood the allness of God, and the consequent nothingness of the human concept.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    all; cosmos; creation; entirety; macrocosm; nature; oneness; plenum; system; totality; wholeness; world