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Example sentences for "agaynst"

Lexicographically close words:
agathodaemon; agatized; agave; agayn; agayne; agaynste; agaze; age; agean; aged
  1. As in the oracion that Porci[us] Chato made agaynst the sumptuousnes of the women of Rome / thus begynnynge.

  2. COnfutacio[n] is the soilyng of suche argumentes as maye be induced agaynst our purpose / which part is but lytle vsed in an oracion demonstra- tiue.

  3. IF euery man my lordes and maisters of this citie wolde obserue and kepe the ryght and maiestye of a man agaynst his owne wife / we shuld haue ferre lesse en- combrance now with the hole thronge tha[n] we haue.

  4. As they that ple- dyd Clodius cause agaynst Milo / myght on this maner haue vsed seiunction.

  5. As Tully argueth in his oracion for Milo agaynst Clodius by raciocinaci- on to proue that it was he that layde wayt [E.

  6. A like ensample is in Tul- lies oracion / that he made to the people of Rome for Pompeyus / to be sente agaynst Mithridates.

  7. Three Brains are too little agaynst one that is resolved to cheat.

  8. Yet it cannot be right to take up Arms agaynst constituted Authorities?

  9. About One o' the Clock, was rouzed (though Anne continued sleeping soundly) by hearing Father give his three Signal-taps agaynst the Wall.

  10. Cicero agaynst Catiline: when they coulde not lyue honestlye, they had rather dye shamefully.

  11. Subiectio, when we axe of oure selfe what can be saide agaynst vs, and answere to our selues thus: ¶ Shall we tary in synne?

  12. Yea but he brought a greate army agaynst you?

  13. Sidenote: Epiplexis] Increpacio, Cicero agaynst Catiline: Thynkest thou that thy counselles are not knowen?

  14. Then as it were agaynst reason in ver or springe tyme to seeke for a rype grape, and a rose in autumne, [Sidenote: Autumne is the tyme betwyxt somer and wynter.

  15. At one supper a dashynge agaynst the mischeuous rocke of dice, and so hauynge shypwrake, thei lose two hundred poũd, and yet they saye they be at coste, if vpon theyr son they bestowe aboue .

  16. And that mans donge helpeth agaynst poyson, the Panthers haue taught vs, and many mo remedies we haue learned of Brute beastes: yea and craftes also that be verye profitable for mannes lyfe.

  17. And also we haue learned by the teachyng of lysardes, that dictamum doth confort vs agaynst the byting of serpentes.

  18. In so moch that at length certen of my frindes did move me to take in hand to practise, which thing I did I trust not unluckyly" (Of the Auctorite of the Word of God agaynst the Bisshop of London).

  19. Of the Auctorite of the Word of God agaynst the Bisshop of London.

  20. There bee a thousand recordes and examples in the holy Bible agaynst such as be farre wyde from knowledge, and lye now walteryng styl in ignoraunce and will not looke vpon the bible.

  21. She'd fixed it up agaynst the wall her own self her own way.

  22. And so marriage was but a little thing to Hank--agaynst such a heap of advantages.

  23. Why stele ye mens children for to make hem of youre 105 secte; sith that theft is agaynst goddes heste; and sithe youre secte is not perfit?

  24. Why make ye you so many maisters among you; sith it is agaynst the techinge of Christ and his apostels?

  25. And if all suche shuld do so, certes, wel nigh al the world shuld go aboute and begge as 175 ye do: and so shulde there be ten beggers agaynst oon yever.

  26. Don Jhon de Austria ys come w^[th] his galles to Genova & the Venecians goith outwarde agaynst the tourke who hath augmentyd there forces.

  27. C, whiche is the syde that lieth agaynst the sharpe angle, the square marked with G.

  28. C, (whiche is the side that lyeth agaynst the right angle) shall be as muche as the two squares of A.

  29. B, there is made an vtter corner, whiche is C, and this vtter corner C, is equall to bother the inner corners that lye agaynst it, whyche are A.

  30. Ther was a mon in the (pillory) in Chepe for spykyng agaynst the Mayre and his br(ethren).

  31. All they, that were of the new trycke, 25 Agaynst the churche thou baddest them stycke; Wherfore nowe thou haste touchyd the quycke.

  32. It seemeth he hath long been debating for and agaynst y^e church, and at length finds his mind so stronglie set towards it, as he can keep out of it noe longer.

  33. I may say to you, Will, as Socrates to Agathon, 'You may easilie argue agaynst me, but you cannot argue agaynst the truth.

  34. No lesse than I imagynd, fearfull seidge Agaynst my name & honor.

  35. Our pore retyred famylie must plante Theire braunches in the broade ayre, not be plashd[91] Or propt agaynst the walls of pallaces.

  36. Thys is well, Exceedinge well: upbrayded by my slave Armed by my trust agaynst me!

  37. I say you are a man that haveinge longe Practysd agaynst myne honor in myne absence At last didst deale with thys just gentyllman (For so I must repute hym, though hys pyttie Be myne afflyction) to poyson me.

  38. For hys deathe I murderd theise: thys temporyzinge knave Buryed him last nyght; all I can aleadge Agaynst hym is concealment of the murther.

  39. Thys that Ive kepte as a stronge cordyall Agaynst your vyllanyes.

  40. I am lost in treason: my fordgd hand Hathe whored my liveinge syster & displays All my basse plotts agaynst the emperoure.

  41. And yf any one do agaynst this ordinaunce, at the firste tyme he to lose his minstrelsie, and at the second tyme to forsweare his craft, and never to be receaved for a minstrell in any house.

  42. For me thinke that this young Lorde ought rather singularly to loue and cherysh his liuetenaunt that faithfullye and trustily had kept his Castell and Forte, than to prepare agaynst him so Trayterous an Attempt, and Ambushe.

  43. Why brake yee not, agaynst some Rocke or Bay, The keele, the sterne, or els blew downe the Mast, By whose large sayles through surging seas I past?

  44. Agaynst whom if no reply be made, it may seeme that he doth well and hath spoken a truth, and that we by silence do condemne our selues to be those most wicked women whom hee alleageth vs to be.

  45. Be it knowne therefore vnto you, that our husbands agaynst duety of loue, lawes of mariage, and against all reason, do make their heauy complaynts, which by and by I will make playne and euident.

  46. Of whych hir two enimies, Ardizzino was the greatest, agaynst whom hir displeasure was the more, for that he was the first with whom she entred skirmish.

  47. As I have no other object than that of declaring the truth, I cannot but rejoice in every added means of contributing to its completeness.

  48. St. Maloes, "the English had well a four hondred gonnes, who shot day and night into the fortresse, and agaynst it.

  49. I se well, ye wyll nat issue out of your barryers; therefore I will entre, and I can, and wyll prove my knyghthode agaynst yours; wyn me and ye can.

  50. Why then doe we neglect the search of this excellent discouery, agaynst which there can be nothing sayd to hinder the same.

  51. And, after, with the selfe same wine are little manchets made, Agaynst the boystrous winter stormes, and sundrie such like trade.

  52. The sayd Solyman hauing this victory, being swollen and raised in pride and vaineglory, turned his heart agaynst Rhodes.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agaynst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.