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Example sentences for "agaynste"

Lexicographically close words:
agatized; agave; agayn; agayne; agaynst; agaze; age; agean; aged; ageean
  1. An other kynde is by increase, whyche is when the thynges goyng before beynge exaggerate, we come from them to the hyeste: As agaynste Verres.

  2. They are called common places, because thei be entreated of, of bothe partes, althoughe not in all one cause: as he that is sore spoken agaynste by witnesses, swadeth that we shulde not geue credite to witnesses.

  3. Of Aurelian the emperour, that was displeased, bycause the citie Tyana was closed agaynste him.

  4. Englande rydynge on a lusty courser of whych horse the noyse of the trumpettes so prycked the corage, that the squyer could nat him retayne; so that agaynste his wyll he ranne vpon hys enemyes.

  5. Forgyue vs our synnes done to the as we forgyue them that trespas agaynste vs.

  6. But what can Thirtie or Fortie Men doe agaynste the Force of a whole Countrey, and where the Generall was one of the most valiaunte, and wisest Captaynes of hys tyme and who was accompanied with the floure of the Neapolitane Fotemen.

  7. But I beseech you my friendes to haue pitty vppon these lyttle Babes and innocent creatures: let them not feele the smarte whych I am assured my Brethren beare agaynste their Poore vnhappy Father.

  8. But seeing the Courage, and the approch of theym that came agaynste him, began to feare, his heart almost fayling him, and repented him that he had required his Enimy to that which he thought neuer to haue obtayned.

  9. They eche agaynste other, and he agaynste al three,-- Thus can these iiii in no maner agree!

  10. But yf that I maye have, trwly, Goode ale my belly full, I shall looke lyke one (by swete sainte Johnn) Were shoron agaynste the woole.

  11. Mutezuma béeyng carelesse of the thing that Fortune hadde prepared agaynste hym, was also very merrie, and pleased with that conuersation.

  12. Cortes wente to lawe with the Licenciat Villa Lobos the Kings Attourney, aboute certayne of his vassals, and also the Vizeroy assisted agaynste him as muche as hée myghte.

  13. And if it so happened, that the Lorde of that place made that Spaniarde a Captayne, agaynste the Culhuacans theyr enemyes, for Mutezuma made them warre béeyng farre from Mexico, bycause they had entertayned the Spaniardes.

  14. Iames Velasques procéeded on hys iourney wyth a greate companye agaynste the Rebelles.

  15. For thys kynde of beastes fyghte naturally agaynste serpentes, of whom whẽ they be hurt, they haue ben espyed to fetche theyr remedye of that herbe.

  16. It is agaynste nature that women shulde haue rule vpon menne: besyde that, nothynge is more cruell then that kynde, if they bee moued with anger, as it wyll soone be, and wyll not cease tyll it be full reuenged.

  17. Shuld he not do all agaynste gods forbod which wold trim his cap, lettyng his head be vnkempt, and all scabbed?

  18. Wherof the Emprour in the Code doth saye / that yf he shulde commaunde anye thinge agaynste righte / he wolde not that any suche decree of his shulde auayle in iudgementes.

  19. For when he commaundeth those thinges whiche are agaynste God / he dothe not the office of Goddes minister / to him thẽ therin thou dost owe neyther faith nor obedience.

  20. Here was Willm̃ Brode and brought in an answere agaynste the complaynt of Edward Saunders for lykeninge hym to Esoppes dogge and they were appoynted to be ffrends and to brynge the matter no more in question.

  21. And for this present time I say vnto thee that I am disposed to accompt the accusation made agaynste thee to be true, and confessed by thy self.

  22. And besyde these fautes he was a great folysshe babler / and ryght foule mouthed / and ful of debate and stryfe / car- rynge alwayes agaynste the heddes and wyse men of the armye.

  23. THe frenche men in olde tyme made myghty warre agaynste the Romaynes / and so sore be- sieged theym that they were by compul- cion constrayned to fall to composicion [C.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "agaynste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.