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Example sentences for "encountering"

Lexicographically close words:
encore; encored; encores; encounter; encountered; encounters; encountred; encountring; encourage; encouraged
  1. Cicely's spirit quailed at the prospect of once more encountering the unknown horrors that might be lurking in that dark attic.

  2. They reached the top storey without encountering even a servant.

  3. On the next day he left home and went up the Catawba river, when, encountering a considerable body of Tories near Mountain Creek, he returned and immediately hastened to inform Gen.

  4. His punishment had impressed him with no sense of shame, and he did not experience that feeling on encountering his chastiser.

  5. As to the little minstrel, he probably prefers encountering the Philistines with no other weapon than his flute.

  6. Poor Mrs Hadwin's anxious looks of suspicion had added to the distaste with which he thought of encountering again the sullen shabby rascal to whom he had given shelter.

  7. The intense blue eyes in the pale face of the man who had resigned closed half way upon encountering the blushing eavesdropper.

  8. For a moment he regretted his audacity in encountering the curious eyes of Hong Kong society, a society in which there would inevitably be present a number of his enemies.

  9. He had met Queenie there more than once since their first encountering in those sheltered nooks: already he was not quite sure that he was not looking forward with increasing pleasure to these meetings.

  10. She lifted them towards the Coroner and, encountering his placidly benevolent gaze, let them remain there.

  11. Johannes was quite as much astonished at unexpectedly encountering such an assemblage as the guests were at his entrance with a veiled lady, who was evidently embarrassed and desirous to withdraw when she saw so many people.

  12. But how can I set aside my will without encountering Leuthold's bitterest hate?

  13. As for the people at large, their liberal spirit is attested by the fact that five fathers who were in Osaka castle at the time of its capture made their way to distant refuges without encountering any risk of betrayal.

  14. It was twenty-eight miles to the next stage, at Kala Tso, and there was considerable risk of encountering Tibetans on the way; but I argued that there was less risk immediately after a repulse than there might be a day or two later.

  15. Ever since her adventure with the little boy and his sister, Ruth had habitually avoided encountering these happy--innocents, may I call them?

  16. But he walked two miles farther without encountering any team.

  17. He wished especially to avoid encountering Luke Robbins, with the strength of whose arm he was disagreeably familiar.

  18. Yes—thither she was determined to proceed without delay, even at the risk of encountering Rosamond; though she could scarcely believe that the wronged girl had returned home.

  19. Not that he was afraid of encountering Old Death and the doctor; but he knew not what principles of danger the establishment possessed, and which might be turned against himself.

  20. From the point of encountering blades to the hilt Sabres and swords with blood were gilt; But the rampart is won, and the spoil begun, And all but the after-carnage done.

  21. The voice of armies rose With rallying shout through the starred firmament, And with a mighty war-cry both the hosts Encountering closed.

  22. They had passed the whole day in absolute solitude; encountering neither plant, bird nor even the least insect.

  23. During this action, fortune gave Nennius an opportunity of encountering Caesar.

  24. Nor was Eldol less active in all parts of the field, running to and fro to assault his adversaries; but still his main endeavour was to find opportunity of encountering Hengist.

  25. Then it is that we hear most of the suppressing of horse-races and the like, and that we are least surprised at encountering such a piece of information as that "players were taken in Newcastle and whipped for rogues.

  26. Next day (May 6) he had sent a message to the House to meet him in the Painted Chamber next morning; and, casually encountering Desborough again, he had told Desborough what he intended.

  27. The Greeks stood, each corps at its own assigned station on the line, forming a mass so firm and immovable that the charge of the Persians was arrested on encountering it as by a wall.

  28. We shall conquer Europe, and then return in peace, I feel assured, without encountering the famine which you dread so much, or any other great calamity.

  29. We drove over to Greba that afternoon, and took the "message" with us, knowing there was no fear of encountering the gibes of my fox-hunting friend at three P.

  30. Who could this be that thus recoiled from him at encountering his glance?

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encountering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.