Therefore it is safe to assume that admixtures of races of different grades of evolution will, if carried to any great extent, tend to render the superior race more liable to the action of the factors producing degeneracy.
Separation of earthy admixtures which are incombustible and hinder draught.
The accidental admixtures of soil often greatly affect the appearance and value of a peat, but on the whole it would appear that its quality is most influenced by the degree of decomposition it has been subjected to.
And the profound mysteries of the Nile were degraded by a hundred meretricious and frivolous admixtures from the creeds of Cephisus and of Tibur.
The color of his garments was brown, no popular hue with the Pompeians; all the usual admixtures of scarlet or purple seemed carefully excluded.
Admixtures of organic and focal phenomena are quite in the order of everyday occurrence.
If it is absolutely stable, individual variations of an hereditary kind can occur only as results of sexual admixtures of germ-plasm, and Weismann’s theory of evolution is established.
For, in the absence of this postulate, there is no basis for the theory that admixtures of germ-plasms in sexual reproduction furnish the sole means whereby heritable variations can be supplied for the working of natural selection.
By “absolute stability of germ-plasm” I mean to indicate that degree of stability which he has hitherto postulated as the necessary basis for his doctrine of heritable variations being solely due to admixtures of germ-plasm in sexual unions.
Fogs which have a peculiar smell at some seasons of the year, remind us of these accidental admixtures in the lower strata of the atmosphere.
Most of them were found to contain admixtures and wholly pure samples were very rare.
In the presence of many admixtures these solutions easily give a brown polymeric substance, which is also formed in a solution of potassium cyanide.
Again, it is to be remembered that Christianity has always been restrictive and opposed to admixtures with other systems.
The Vaishya, or farmer caste, has furnished the principal groundwork of manyadmixtures and subdivisions, until at the present time there are endless subcastes, to each of which a particular kind of employment is assigned.
They saw also the specious admixtures of Gnosticism, and they met them squarely.
The admixturesof an alkali or base with an acid in such proportions that neither shall predominate.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "admixtures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.