A genuine conversion will be the most helpful means of bringing his mind to a pure state of thinking.
The only test which a man has a right to make before or after marriage is a modest demeanor, absence of familiarity, a pure state of mind and an innocent expression in the face and look of the eye.
Young people cannot engage in “spooning” and maintain a pure state of mind.
It is, however, very difficult to preserve the varieties in a pure state; much of the seed usually sown containing, in some degree, a mixture of both.
This variety and the Intermediate are very liable to degenerate: they tend to grow larger and later, approaching the original variety; and can be preserved in a pure state only by a careful selection of the bulbs set for seed.
Between this and the Common Yellow, there are various intermediate sorts; and, as they readily hybridize with each other, it is with difficulty that these varieties can be preserved in a pure state.
Ammonium hydroxide has never been obtained in a pure state.
Most of them cannot be prepared in a pure state, and are known only through their salts.
The liquid obtained by heating wood in the absence of air contains a large amount of acetic acid, and this can be separated readily in a pure state.
The Earthy is now contained in a pure state in water without continuance of the silicious pole; the influx of water has now obtained the preponderance.
In the analysis of water, the body of heat emerges in a pure state as hydrogen, because the antagonism here subsists in an abrupt manner; in the air it is constantly changing.
Ytterbium is associated with other rare elements, and probably has not been prepared in a pure state.
The best salts are the oxalate and the acid tartrate of nicotine, from which to regenerate nicotine in a pure state.
Since, however, digitaletin is very insoluble in cold water, by treating the mixture with eight parts of its weight of cold water, digitalin is dissolved out in nearly a pure state.
To get the active principle in a pure state, this residue was extracted with alcohol and filtered and the filtrate was precipitated fractionally by lead acetate.
Pfaff thought that the volatile acid obtained by Maisch might have contained some of the poisonous principle as an impurity, but that it would not produce the dermatitis if prepared in a pure state.
The final precipitates consisted of the lead compound of the poison in a pure state.
Pfaff used the last fractions in obtaining his oil and stated that these precipitates consisted of the lead compound of the oil in a pure state.
We can sometimes obtain definite compounds in a pure stateby the action of appropriate solvents which dissolve the rest of the alloy and do not attack the crystals of the compound.
Various compounds of the alkali metals with bismuth, antimony, tin and lead have been prepared in a pure state.
Defn: Capable of being isolated, or of being obtained in a pure state; as, gold is isolable.
Note: Ytterbium is associated with other rare elements, and probably has not been prepared in a pure state.
It was the last which Cyrus Harding intended to forge, as he possessed iron in a pure state.
Metals are not generally found in the ground in a pure state.
By this means the lead and other impurities are driven off by heat in contact with a current of air, and the silver is left behind in a pure state.
On account of its extreme softness, when in a pure state, it is employed for filigree work, being utterly devoid of that elastic power which is found in the metal when alloyed.
It is harder than gold, yet in a pure state it is so soft that it can easily be cut with a knife.
This would bring them in contact with the metals in a pure state, which would of course oxidize, and become earths.
The metals being in a pure state, or nearly so, in the bowels of the earth when projected upwards by the force of subterranean power, would be injected into the rocks in the direction of the operating force.
This sketch, drawn from a savage Hottentot, is still a flattering portrait, for there is as great a distance between a man in a pure state of nature and a Hottentot, as there is between a Hottentot and us.
To form a proper judgment between them, a savage man and an ape should be viewed together; for we have no just idea of man in a pure state of nature.
When it cannot be conveniently had in a pure state, particles of the same kind can be separated in sufficient quantities from their admixture with other substances.
So great an extent of passages necessarily requires some special means of keeping the air within it in a pure state, such as will render it fit for the workers to breathe.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pure state" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.