Manie great offenses he willinglie pardoned and receiuing at a time a great blow by a wicked man which compassed his death, he onelie said; "Forsooth forsooth, yee doo fowlie to smite a king annointed so.
His wife, bicause she neuer consented to his dooings, nor yet willinglie to the marriage had betwixt hir and him, was acquited of all blame, and so likewise was his sonne Thomas.
All which opinions as I absolutelie denie not, so I willinglie leane vnto none of them in peremptorie maner, sith the antiquitie of our historie carrieth me withall vnto the former iudgements.
To all these conditions (bicause they touched not the prerogatiue of his kingdome) Pandrasus did willinglie agrée, and likewise performed.
And to performe this promise, he receiued a corporall oth, whether willinglie to win the more credit, or forced thereto by duke William, writers report it diuerslie.
Furthermore, about the same time the king taxed the Jewes, and greeuouslie tormented and emprisoned them, bicause diuers of them would not willinglie pay the summes that they were taxed at.
A childe of this nature, will earnestlie loue learnyng, gladlie labor for learning, willinglie learne of other, boldlie aske any doute.
And they themselves to be pˀtakers thereof to w{ch} intent they dide more willinglie undergoe the former taxac͠ons.
And that gude opinioun haif I of the fidelatie of the Scribes that willinglie thai wald nocht adulterat my originall, albeit I left diverse blankis subscryvit with thame; and so I acknawlege boith the hand write and the dytement.
The Duik requyreit him and the Lord James to write thair freindlie and confortabill letteris to his sone, quhilk thay baith maist willinglie did, and thairefter addressit thame to thair jornay.
He willed him likewise to haue in consideration the oth which he willinglie had receiued, that is, that he should aduance the honor of the church, and the ministers thereof cherish and mainteine.
In what I can, that ye like to speir at me, I will willinglie and freelie tell my opinion, and if I proue it not sufficiently, I am heartely content that a better reason carie it away then.
Here the archbishop would haue willingliestarted from his promise, if first the bishops, and after the earles of Leicester and Cornewall, [Sidenote: Ger.
And therefore considering that the kingdome of Palestine (as the rumor ran) was of greater reuenues than that of England, there was no cause why they should staie for him, who would not willinglie leaue the greater for the lesser.
His estimation was such among outlandish princes, that few would willinglie offend him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "willinglie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.