But the day natural, that is to seyn 24 houres, is the revolucioun of the equinoxial with as moche partie of the zodiak as the sonne of his propre moevinge passeth in the mene whyle.
And thilke space is as moche as the pool artik is hey 5 in the same place fro the orisonte.
That faste by the sonne, as hye As kenne mighte I with myn ye, Me thoughte I saw an egle sore, But that hit semed moche more 500 Then I had any egle seyn.
To moche trusted I, wel may I pleyne, 2525 Upon your linage and your faire tonge, And on your teres falsly out y-wronge.
As cold as any frost now wexeth she; For pite by the herte her streyneth so, And dreed of death doth her so moche wo, 2685 That thryes doun she fil in swiche a were.
But er I bere thee moche ferre, 600 I wol thee telle what I am, And whider thou shalt, and why I cam To done this, so that thou take Good herte, and not for fere quake.
Suffolk's commonsense spoke truth when he said they could not compel Francis to "gyf soo moche wyet howth (without) he lyst.
Page 1079 This letter A, in latyn, is asmoche to saye as without, and tomos is divysyon, than Atomos is without divisyon.
The parfyte is moche lyke the preterit indiffynityve of the indicatyve, as a ma uoullente que jaie aimé.
Par quoy uous uoiez manifestement que la bonne uiande faict the good understandyng and good reason; holde you than to the le bon entendement et bonne rayson; tenés uous doncques a la beste and take nat to moche therof.
Poloponesians, their cause pleated before the Athenians, so moche their eloquence in a truthe [Sidenote: Corinthians[.
TO speake as moche as maie bee saied, in the praise of theim: their praise would rise to a mightie volume, but this is sufficiente.
MOche more the life and gouernement of wicked Ne- ro, might be intreated of, but this shall be sufficient: to shewe how tyrannically and beastly, he gouerned vnmete of that throne.
This oracion of a common place, is like to the laste argu- ment or Epilogus of any oracion, whiche the Grekes doe call Deuterologian, whiche is as moche to saie, as a rehearsall of that whiche is spoken of before.
So moche Italie was adorned, and beautified with the cunnyng of the Grecians.
THerefore, the diligence of the Ante in this Fable, not onelie is moche to be commended, but also her example is to bee followed in life.
Undoubtedly there was noo journey made into Scotland, in noo manys day leving, with soo fewe a nombre that is recownted to be soo high an enterprice as this, bothe with thies contremen, and Scottishmen, nor of truthe so moche hurt doon.
For as it is but madnesse to trust to moche in surete, so it is but foly to hope to moche of vanyteys, for vayne be all erthly thinges longynge to men, as sayth Davyd, Psal.
Nefretykes must putte awey ire, hyghly and moche besynesse and almanere [business and all manner of] thynge that longeth to the soule saff [save] only joye.
And sum ben a-bydyng there yn for evyr, for they ben falle soo moche owte of hem selfe that hyt ys uncurerabylle unto man.
But yet is not free wil in gettinge of that thing so mokel thank-worthy as is grace, ne in the kepinge therof 60 so moche thank deserveth; and yet in gettinge and keping bothe don they accorde.
Moche better were, by way of gentilnesse, Of one sory, to make twayn wel at ese, Than him to stroy that liveth in distresse!
A slye servaunt in his owne helpe is often moche commended; 115 knowing of trouth in causes of thinges was more hardyer in the first sechers (and so sayth Aristotle), and lighter in us that han folowed after.
But thou that playnest of losse in richesse, hast founden the most dere-worthy thing; that thou clepest unsely hath made thee moche thing to winnen.
Many men there ben that, with eeres openly sprad, so moche swalowen the deliciousnesse of jestes and of ryme, by queynt knitting coloures, that of the goodnesse or of the badnesse of the sentence take they litel hede or els non.
It is so mochethe lighter,' quod Love, 'to prove our entent.
Trewly, lady, I ne wot whether I shal say welcome or non, sithen thy coming wol asmoche do me tene and sorowe, as gladnesse and mirthe.
Certes, in dignite of office, the werkes of the occupyer shewen the malice and the 30 badnesse in the person; with shrewes they maken manyfolde harmes, and moche people shamen.
To me art thou moche holden, that in thy kynde course of good mening I returne thy mynde.
Anothers is moche surer: and thyn the worst of all.
Or weryth by his symple wyt, and vanyte Gyuyth by his foly and vnthryfty gyses Moche yl example to yonge Comontye.
Thus it appereth playne and euydent That wyse prouysyon, prose and good counsayle Are moche laudable, and also excellent And to mankynde great profyte and auayle.
But suche as ar voyde of wysdom and counsayle Inclyneth theyr erys to sclander and detraccion, Moche rather than they wolde to a noble sermon.
He that is symple, and on the grounde doth lye And that can be content with ynoughe or suffisaunce Is surer bymoche than he that lyeth on hye.
And she was alweye accustomed for to be longe to araye her, and to make her freshe and gay, insomuch that it annoyed and greuedmoche the parson of the chirche, and the parysshens.
And for als moche as it ne reynethe not in that contree, but the eyr is alwey pure and cleer, therfore in that contree ben the gode astronomyeres; for thei fynde there no cloudes, to letten hem.
This Josaphathe was kyng of that contree, and was converted by an heremyte, that was a worthi man, and dide moche gode.
And als moche takethe the amyralle be him allone, as alle the other souldyours han undre hym.
Bur he turned azen from thens, from whens he was come fro; and so he loste moche peynefulle labour, as him self seyde, a gret while aftre, that he was comen hom.
And it is wel a 15 journeyes of lengthe, and more than two so moche of desert: and it is but two journeyes in largenesse.
And for als moche as he was the moste myghty, and no man myghte withstonde him, he cleped himself the sone of God, and sovereyn of alle the world.
And thoughe there be nevere so moche taken awey there of, on the day, at Morwe it is as fulle azen as evere it was.
So moche hathe the erthe in roundnesse, and of heght enviroun, aftre myn opynyoun and myn undirstondynge.
And his lond marchethe unto Prestre Johnes lond; and he holt so moche lond, that he knowethe not the ende.
A comfirmacion of this is, that the laborouse and thinne dieted people, either had it not, because they dyd eate but litle to make the matter: or with no greate grefe and danger, because they laboured outmoche thereof.
And for so moche as weke folkes and sicke shal also by other causes not sweate, consider if in his sickenes he hath swette moche or no, or hath ben disposed to it and coulde not.
Consider whether the lusty person were in foretyme geuen to moche drynkyng, eatyng and rauenyng, to moch ease, to no exercise or bathinges in his helth, or no.
And I trowe, that unethe scholde ony contree have so moche peple with in him, as lay slayn in that vale, as us thoughte; the whiche was an hidouse sight to seen.
The thridde ryvere, that is clept Tigris, is as mochefor to seye as faste rennynge: for he rennethe more faste than ony of the tother.
And fro him comethe out smoke and stynk and fuyr, and so moche abhomynacioun, that unethe no man may there endure.
And zif the merchauntes useden als moche that contre an thei don Cathay, it wolde ben better than Cathay, in a schort while.
The folk of that contree begynnen alle hire thinges in the newe mone: and thei worschipen moche the mone and the sonne, and often tyme knelen azenst hem.
For sith men wolde that wymen sholde Be meke to them echeon, Moche more ought they to God obey, And serue but Hym alone.
Once the first difficulties vanished, I applied myself so ardently to study thatMoche was astonished.
Moche was a strict teacher, and insisted on the observance of all religious rules and traditions.
Moche often repeated to me, to pique me into emulation, that, following the rabbins, the world rests on the breath of children who learn the law of God, and not on the intelligence of savants.
Now ben they cleped chiefetaines, for as moche as they be chiefe, and of hem springen alle other sinnes.
And geveth suche mede an mete, And povre men refusen; In youre deth deynge, Ich drede me sore Lest tho maner men To moche sorwe yow brynge.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.