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Example sentences for "passe"

Lexicographically close words:
passait; passano; passant; passar; passd; passed; passel; passen; passenger; passengers
  1. And in the townes whereas they passe along, Proclaimes him king, and manie flies to him, Prepare your battels, for they be at hand.

  2. Then let the earth be drunken with his bloud, Ile kill my horse because I will not flie: And here to God of heauen I make a vow, Neuer to passe from forth this bloudy field Till I am full reuenged for his death.

  3. As for these silken coated slaues I passe not a pinne, Tis to you good people that I speake.

  4. Did I let passe the abuse done to my neece?

  5. Passe forth youre way in silence and in pees.

  6. Whereupon Master Sheriffe of the Countie of Lancaster, by direction of the Court, made returne of a very sufficient Iurie to passe betweene the Kings Maiestie and them, vpon their liues and deaths, with such others as follow in order.

  7. A2] After he had taken great paines to finish it, I tooke vpon mee to reuise and correct it, that nothing might passe but matter of Fact, apparant against them by record.

  8. There is no man aliue more vnwilling to pronounce this wofull and heauy Iudgement against you, then my selfe: and if it were possible, I would to God this cup might passe from me.

  9. Grave-stones tell truth scarce fourty yeers:[98] Generations passe while some trees stand, and old Families last not three Oakes.

  10. Many sorts of wild ducks which passe under names well knowne unto the fowlers though of no great signification as smee widgeon Arts ankers noblets.

  11. E469] [2] But he that will attendance haue, a chamber by himselfe, Must more regard what pains do craue than passe of worldly pelfe.

  12. The wise will spend or giue or lend, yet kéepe to haue in store, If fooles may haue from hand to mouth, they passe vpon no more.

  13. Besyde these iiij natures of chese, there is a chese called a rewene chese, the whiche, yf it be well orderyd, doth passe all other cheses, none excesse taken.

  14. Wherby some peece of monie must needs passe vnto their purses to stop their mouths withall, or else my lord will not like of the corne: 'Thou are worthie to loose thy lease, etc.

  15. E457] Though goose go in stubble, I passe not for that, let goose haue a goose, be she leane, be she fat.

  16. What better bed than conscience good,[2] to passe the night with sléepe?

  17. The wals of the yard may almost passe for a miracle because of their curious workmanship and extent.

  18. Gospell decaying heir will in all probability passe over to America.

  19. Its a custome in Pictou that if a gentlewomen would have hir galland passe his gates[240] or any other to a other they have no more ado but to set the wood on one of the ends of it in the chemly and they wil not readily stay.

  20. Whow comes it to passe then, quoth the Capycin, that ye kisse your wifs mouth and not hir arse, whey have ye more respect for hir mouth then hir arse, since they are both of on mater?

  21. They passe it in eating, drinking and singing excesivelie.

  22. Scotts) the true and just value at which the forsaids legs dollars ought to passe and be current in this kingdome is 56s.

  23. It specifies what each of them vieghs and what the King ordaines them to passe for.

  24. I willingly let passe other mischiefes wrought by them, of which many things are deliuered in the Canon and Ciuill Lawes, in the Schoole-men, and Diuines both ancient and moderne.

  25. Heere will I stand, till Caesar passe along, And as a Sutor will I giue him this: My heart laments, that Vertue cannot liue Out of the teeth of Emulation.

  26. There is no terror Cassius in your threats: For I am Arm'd so strong in Honesty, That they passe by me, as the idle winde, Which I respect not.

  27. As they passe by, Plucke Caska by the Sleeue, And he will (after his sowre fashion) tell you What hath proceeded worthy note to day Bru.

  28. Madam not yet, I go to take my stand, To see him passe on to the Capitoll Por.

  29. It is also vsed to lodge such iudges as are sent by the king to execute his commandement, when they passe by anie of such cities or townes.

  30. From thence I traueiled 18 dayes journey further, and came vnto a certaine great riuer, and entered also into a city, whereunto belongeth a mighty bridge to passe the said river.

  31. They haue it for a thing most certaine amongest them, that looke how they are in disposition that day, so shall they passe the whole yeare, eyther sorrowfull or merrie.

  32. They giue themselues much vnto musike, wherewith they doo passe away the time.

  33. Likewise, if their iourney be to passe by water (as many times it hapneth), then ye boat-men do make their barks readie.

  34. Of the kings royall counsell, and the order they haue to know euerie moneth what dooth passe in all the kingdome.

  35. Thus came things to passe in sundrie places with so good successe as duke Henrie could wish, wherevpon meaning to follow the steps of prosperous fortune, he marched foorth to Stamford, [Sidenote: Stamford was taken.

  36. It shall be your parts then to follow me, who will lead you the waie: for euen now my mind giueth me, that I shall passe thorough the battels, tread the capteines vnder foot, and run the king through with this my sharpe sword.

  37. This no doubt came to passe by the prouidence of God, though such accidents are commonlie imputed to casualtie or chance medlie.

  38. This (as manie tooke it) came to passe by the prouidence of almightie God, that those should suffer for their periuries, which contrarie to law and right had consented to crowne him king.

  39. It was a verie hard winter that yeare, the Thames and other riuers thereabouts were frosen, so that both man and horsse might safelie passe oner vpon the yce, the fields were also couered with a thicke and déepe snow.

  40. Nay, and thou passe vpon me, Ile no more with thee.

  41. God send you sir, a speedie Infirmity, for the better increasing your folly: Sir Toby will be sworn that I am no Fox, but he wil not passe his word for two pence that you are no Foole Ol.

  42. The Dogstarre spits new fire till't came to passe Each eye became his neighbours burning glasse.

  43. This confirmes It was no apparition that contemnd My willingnes, but he, his reall selfe, Mockt my integrity: he must not passe soe, To blase abroad my infamy.

  44. Twilbe needles; I am resolvd to meet her in revolt, Hug infidelity with as strong a faith As she can possible; and if mans mallice Can passe a womans, my dispight shall winne Preheminence.

  45. But now to yee, I faith; come on, what can you say that Judgment shall not passe against you?

  46. Ile not despaire if he were cur'd of modesty, which is the whole fault in his behaviour; but he may passe without contempt.

  47. If you will venture your lungs let me heare more impossible stories to passe away the tyme.

  48. Must all theis glories vanish into darknes, And Barnavelt passe with 'em and glide away Like a spent exhalation?

  49. Come in, sir, where I will pay all that you can demand: Noe other quarrell, sir, shall passe your hand.

  50. This coyne may passe in England: what is your Donship calld, I pray.

  51. Oh, to preserve the Reputation Of noble ancestry that nere bore stayne, Who would not passe through fire or dive the mayne?

  52. This game of come and go and give and take is alive in France; witness the old song: Qu'est-ce qui passe ici si tard, Compagnons de la Marjolaine?

  53. The sorowes depe doe passe my ioyes, as Phebus light with stormes caste [Sidenote: Hector.

  54. Whether dooe the giftes of the mynde, passe and excelle the giftes and vertues of Fortune, and the bodie.

  55. Que si celuy qui a escrit cette lettre a leu la Relation de ce qui se passe au Paraguais, qu'il a veu ce qui se fera un jour en la Nouuelle France.

  56. Commend me to my louing Countreymen 1 These words become your lippes as they passe thorow them 2 And enter in our eares, like great Triumphers In their applauding gates Tim.

  57. Aske nothing, giue it him, it Foles me straight And able Horses: No Porter at his gate, But rather one that smiles, and still inuites All that passe by.

  58. Nevertheless they will take it in corners; and are so ignorant therein, that that which in England is not saleable, doth passe here among them for most excellent.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "passe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ago; antiquated; antique; archaic; belated; bygone; date; dated; dead; deceased; defunct; departed; disused; dowdy; elapsed; expired; extinct; finished; forgotten; fusty; gone; irrecoverable; lapsed; moldy; musty; obsolete; old; out; outmoded; outworn; over; passe; passed; past; prehistoric; rococo; superseded; vanished; vintage; past; prehistoric; rococo; superseded; vanished; vintage

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    passed along; passed away; passed close; passed down; passed from; passed out; passed over; passed several; passed the; passed them; passed through; passed upon; passenger cargo; passenger traffic; passenger train; passenger trains; passengers carried; passengers were; passerine birds; passes over; passes through