Rowit, who tolde him that they were al Merchantmen, vsing trafique in honest sort, and seeking to passe quietly, if they were not vrged further then reason.
After so long time and tedious trauels, God of his goodnesse vsing his accustomed fauour, changed their sorow into ioy, and shewed vnto them the sight of land.
As for Sables and other rich Furres, they bee not euery mans money: therefore you may send the fewer, vsing partly the discretion of the skinner in that behalfe.
To whom it belongeth to haue a sure rane vpon his toong, that he maie be knowne from a child, or a man vsing childish conditions: of whom I trust I maie say, as the wise man saith in his prouerbs, Prouerb.
After this was a parlement called by the duke of Lancaster, vsing the name of king Richard in the writs directed foorth to the lords, and other states for their summons.
There he supposeth, that these are the workes of Angels by the dispensation of Gods prouidence, vsing vnto good purpose, both good and euil Angels, according to the vnsearchable depth of his iudgements.
And then descending out of the image, he committed adultery with the woman much abashed and afraid, vsing most profane and wicked gloses vnto her.
Nicephorus= saith in his Ecclesiasticall history, that a woman vsing to walke by night, is called by the name of =Gilo=.
Wherevpon their vnnaturall mother, vsing hir naturall malice for the death of hir one sonne (without regard of the loosing of both) miserablie slue the other in his bed mistrusting no such treason.
Wherevpon he marched straight to their campe and giuing them battell, vanquished them: and vsing the victorie as reason moued him, he lead his armie against those that inhabited the inner parts of Wales, spoiling the countrie on euerie side.
I cannot helpe it now, Vnlesse by vsing meanes I lame the foote Of our designe.
Ile be so bold to take what they haue left: The Cry of Talbot serues me for a Sword, For I haue loaden me with many Spoyles, Vsing no other Weapon but his Name.
Into this figure may ye reduce your ditties by vsing no moe verses then your verse is of sillables, which will make him fall out square, if ye go aboue it wil grow into the figure Trapezion, which is some portion longer then square.
Others there be that fall into the contrary vice byvsing such bombasted wordes, as seeme altogether farced full of winde, being a great deale to high and loftie for the matter, whereof ye may finde too many in all popular rymers.
Then after this, he returned into Denmarke, where vsing himselfe like a right godlie prince, at length he there ended his life, being a verie old man.
On the other side he himselfe vsing the like good successe amongst the rebels at home, ouercame them, and chased them out of the land.
Vsing the thinges of my house, as they were your owne.
And when you sitte in your regall seate, vsing the authoritie of life and death ouer your subiectes, do in no wise forget the fortune, wherin you were before you were made king, ne yet for what purpose you did receiue it.
Wherefore vsingalwayes the counsaile and seruice of M.
Scholemasters, in vsing correction, than commonlie there is.
E479] "In vsing there his will," that is, in doing so he acted of his own free will.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vsing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.