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Example sentences for "remaine"

Lexicographically close words:
remade; remain; remaind; remainder; remainders; remained; remaines; remainest; remaineth; remaining
  1. By reason whereof least the see might otherwise remaine void, (if speedie remedie were not prouided) the king did in commendam bestow the bishoprike of Elie vpon this Lodowike Lischburne archbishop of Rone, by office, Card.

  2. The towne perceiuing that it was not able to resist the force of the Englishmen anie long time, tooke appointment, that the towne should remaine neuter.

  3. For that harlot briberie, with hir fellow couetousnesse, ran so fast abroad with French crownes, that hard was it to remaine vncorrupted.

  4. I pray you come: While I remaine aboue the ground, you shall Heare from me still, and neuer of me ought But what is like me formerly Menen.

  5. The People will remaine vncertaine, whil'st 'Twixt you there's difference: but the fall of either Makes the Suruiuor heyre of all Auf.

  6. Let's fetch him off, or make remaine alike.

  7. Greeks] that the memorie of the woundes do remaine at this present, even to the mountaines of Thomao and Pindus: he subjugated .

  8. Florens, and hauing not wherewith to pay the condempnation, their head should remaine for gage.

  9. What they have judged to be heresie heretofore, ye cannot be ignorant of; and whether they remaine in their former malice or not, their fruits and travels openly declare.

  10. And this victorie to his wourde, and terrour to all fylthie lyvaris, did oure God wirk by such as yit leave and remaine witnesses (whither thei will or not) of the foirsaid workis of our God.

  11. Whereof they were so exceeding glad, that the pleasure caused them to remaine a long time as men without sence: whereby they let the Pinnesse flote this and that way without holding any right way or course.

  12. Which I made as though I would grant vnto them, to the ende I might alwaies remaine their friend vntil my last departure.

  13. Yet seeing it is not my first crossed voyage, I remaine contented.

  14. I aduertised them that hee was sent thither by the king of France, to remaine there in my roome, and that I was sent for.

  15. See better Lear, and let me still remaine The true blanke of thine eie Lear.

  16. There remaine some among the wild people, that vnto this day eate one another.

  17. Here in this countrey in stead of Iohn Whithall they haue called me Iohn Leitoan: so that they haue vsed this name so long time, that at this present there is no remedie but it must remaine so.

  18. Of that litle remaine I had, I haue wasted in effect all herein.

  19. They are in number about foure hundred, who onely remaine there during the time that the Spanish fleet dischargeth, and is loden againe, which is from the end of August to the beginning of April following.

  20. For it was a very large and a populous citie, but it is nowe in a maner brought to nothing for there doe scarce remaine 200 houses, the inhabitants whereof are kept in extreame bondage.

  21. From hence they retired into Comania, and there some of them remaine vnto this day.

  22. And as it was told vs in court, by the clergie men of Russia, who remaine with the foresayd Emperour, many ambassadours were sent from them vnto the Emperours court, to obtaine Peace.

  23. Only some more added, as that they should be bound here to remaine till y^e generall partnership was ended.

  24. The signes and marks of it will remaine this 100.

  25. I will remaine The loyall'st husband, that did ere plight troth.

  26. Neither know I What is betide to Cloten, but remaine Perplext in all.

  27. You are not well: Remaine heere in the Caue, Wee'l come to you after Hunting Arui.

  28. Feare it not Sir: I would I were so sure To winne the King, as I am bold, her Honour Will remaine her's Phil.

  29. This hath beene Your faithfull Seruant: I dare lay mine Honour He will remaine so Pisa.

  30. About the building of which towne of Shaftsburie, Aquila a prophet of the British nation wrote his prophesies, of which some fragments remaine yet to be scene, translated into the Latine by some ancient writers.

  31. Many parts of this wall remaine at this time, on both sides of the Church, but couered for the most part with dwelling houses.

  32. A people newly subdued by force, will so long remaine in obedience, as they finde themselues not of force to resist.

  33. That the King should require nothing of the sayd Churches, whilest the Sea should remaine vacant.

  34. You wil say, I heare and vnderstand very wel that these things are not mens soules, which continually remaine in their appointed places, I pray you then what are they?

  35. To view dailie that papers remaine upon doors xxviii daies or to place newe.

  36. Dunstane also long before prophesied of the slouthfulnesse that should remaine in this Egelred.

  37. Would'st thou haue thy selfe fall in the confusion of men, and remaine a Beast with the Beasts Ape.

  38. Pius Antoninus sent ouer Lollius Vrbicus as lieutenant into Britaine, who by sundrie battels striken, constreined the Britains to remaine in quiet, and causing [Sidenote: Julius Capitol.

  39. Shalt thou being set apart, and chosen foorth of all thy linage for thy godlie deserts, be reserued to liue an hundred yeares, or remaine on earth till thou be as old as Methusalem?

  40. Britaine Armorike, there to remaine out of danger with their vncle the king of that land.

  41. Augustines) remaine inuiolablie obserued vntill this daie within that countie of Kent.

  42. Sidenote: The ancient liberties and lawes of England remaine in Kent onlie.

  43. Sidenote: Some write that he was so stubborne-harted, that after he knew he should remaine in perpetuall prison, he refused his meate, and so pined himselfe to death.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remaine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    remained alone; remained here; remained motionless; remained silent; remained some; remained standing; remained till; remained until