I opened and read as follows: "To Clara Wieland, "What shall I say to extenuate the misconduct of last night?
He accepted that as a fact, and then went to work in his misery, making her as wretched as himself, through the misconduct and harshness of her husband.
He wanted to make her understand that this change of intention on his part was caused by the unexpected misconduct of her uncle.
In some pious remarks of hers when she expected death, she only asks Heaven to 'mend' Darnley, whosemisconduct is the cause of her malady.
The Calamities of Children are due to the Negligence and Misconduct of Parents, those of Age to the past Life which led to it.
But, in spite of Maximilian's protests, the reports of King Christian's misconduct soon became too persistent to be ignored.
He ends with a half-joking promise to make the Church a gainer through his misconduct (supposing that the secret has been kept from her), by a beautiful picture which he will paint by way of atonement.
If the misconduct of human beings could produce storms or a disturbance of the elements, the world would be cursed by a perpetual hurricane.
What put the thought into the heads of the mariners, that the storm was caused by the misconduct of some person on board?
I have no doubt that this first instance of misconduct will be readily corrected.
The misconduct of the judges, however, on this subject, has been considered by the gentleman the more aggravated, by an attempt to extend the principles of the Sedition act, by an adoption of those of the common law.
It is willing to ascribe this breach of compact to the unauthorized misconduct of certain individuals, rather than to a want of good faith on the part of His Catholic Majesty.
If we are to rush at once into the territory of a neighboring nation, with fire and sword, for the misconduct of a subordinate officer, will not our national character be greatly injured?
If ever injuries were done immediately to society itself, if ever there was an abuse or violation of public trust, if ever there was misconduct of a public man, all these are now before us in the case of Andrew Johnson.
Similar misconduct among us must result in similar consequences, with all the tragedies of bankruptcy.
Otherwise there is special immunity for the President whose misconductrendered it necessary, and Congress is exhibited as legislating for some future unknown President, and not for Andrew Johnson, already too well known.
This barbarity made a deep impression on the public mind, and, to aggravate the misconduct of the judge, a rumor was propagated that the late virtuous chief justice had been displaced because he had refused to concur in it.
After perusing the trial, I must say that his misconduct upon it was most atrocious.
Her commanders will not, as formerly, temporize and raise hosts of enemies by their misconduct and delays, but they will hasten to punish them with all the rigour of war.
The father conceals the misconduct of the son, and the son conceals the misconduct of the father.
Pepys, in his Diary, has several sharp remarks on the misconduct and unpopularity of the bishops, though himself an episcopalian even before the restoration.
A man comes home from his school at night, perplexed and irritated by the petty misconduct which he has witnessed, and been trying to check.
If a detained vessel is lost by the negligence and misconduct of the prize-master, compensation must be rendered, and the actual captors are responsible.
One man threatening to complain of another, is saying that he will report misconduct to the officer in charge of the quarter-deck.