The winning side then changes to zeros if they were crosses or vice versa.
Some of the games for "Adults" can be played by the younger ones, and vice versa.
The object of the game is to find the state to which the capital belongs or vice versa, as the case may be.
Hence the evil of mortal sin can be most effectively illustrated by contrast with the glory of divine grace, and vice versa.
Consequently, grace is augmented as charity increases, and vice versa.
A question of greater practical importance is this: Is the increase of sanctifying grace accompanied by a corresponding increase of the infused virtues, and vice versa.
If my head must of necessity lose as much weight as my trunk gains, and vice versa, then it is a clear case that I shall never be heavier.
All admit that it is not human thought that makes essences possible: they are intelligible to the human mind because they are possible, not vice versa.
We cannot predicate a real part of its real whole, or vice versa.
The same reality cannot be one and manifold under the same aspect; though obviously a being may be actually one and potentially manifold or vice versa, or one under a certain aspect and manifold under another aspect.
For the reason why anything is desirable, why it is the object of a natural tendency, is because it is good, and not vice versa.
It may be logically, if not ethically, defensible that a Christian should call a Mahommedan an infidel and vice versa; but, on Dr.
Hence it is in itself sinful for a woman to wear man's clothes, or vice versa; especially since this may be a cause of sensuous pleasure; and it is expressly forbidden in the Law (Deut.
Fibers passing between the spinal cord and the cerebrum cross to opposite sides—most of them at the bulb, but many within the cord—so that the right side of the cerebrum is connected with the left side of the body, and vice versa.
While the blood is necessary as a carrying, or transporting, agent in the body, the lymph is necessary for transferring materials from the blood to the cells and vice versa.
We are now to consider the passage of materials from outside the body to the cells and vice versa.
What is easy to you may be hard to me, and 'vice versa'.
Yet my Henriette turned the difficulty so cleverly that the Frenchmen would have liked to be Spaniards, and 'vice versa'.
Order of distribution of cards, whether by three and two, or vice versa, once selected, dealer must not change it during game.
The dealer gives five cards to his adversary, and five to himself, by two at a time to each and by three at a time to each, or vice versa.
Thus, the Welsh Gurgust appears in the Irish Annal as Fergus, or vice versa.
Just as we expect a priori aber occurs when inver is not to be found, and vice versa.
In the latter case great differences may exist, and a heavy clay is often found lying on an open and porous sand, or on peat, and vice versa.
It is well known that there are many soils in which ammonia acts more favourably on the turnip than phosphates, and vice versa, and the difference is often due to the previous treatment.
Maps of the Moon therefore, being drawn from the image formed by the telescope, show the north in the lower part, and vice versa.
Now, as under the same circumstances a certain height can cast only a certain shadow, of course a knowledge of the one must give you that of the other, and vice versa.
Neither does a neglectful husband justify a scolding or spiteful wife, nor vice versa.
It is said there cannot be a model husband without a model wife, and vice versa.
A cell whose resistance becomes greater as the battery power becomes greater, and vice versa, I call an "L B cell" signifying Like the Battery power.
Things meant for Anzac go to Helles, and vice versa: or, not infrequently, stores, supplies or luxuries arrive and are sent off on a little tour to Alexandria and Malta before delivery.
So the first question has been whether to reinforce Gaba Tepe from Helles or vice versa.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vice versa" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.