While it is the endeavor of Germans to purify their language by expelling as far as possible any foreign word and element therefrom, Anglo-Saxons are constantlyadopting new words from foreign languages.
The German language, whose idiomatic expression is centripetal, on the other hand, does not possess the same capacity for adopting foreign words and adapting them to its idiom.
Before re-admitting them in our turn, before adopting them after they had been thus transformed, we asked only that they should be able to serve the progress of reason and of humanity.
There are three things to be said about that: One--you can't make people moral by adopting the attitude of the schoolmaster.
And he would think of her as she used to be--well and happy--adopting unconsciously the methods of those mental and other scientists whom he looked upon as quacks.
On the other hand, nothing prevents our adopting the second definition, which is founded on the measurement of the director couple which tends to orientate the magnetic needle.
Or else we may elevate it into a principle byadopting conventions such that the proposition may be certainly true.
Having made up my mind to coax the gentleman into adopting me, I devoted myself entirely to him for the evening, and ignored the rest of the party, as serenely as a cat knows how.
Meanwhile it may interest you to hear of a bird (not of your wisdom, but with parts, and a respectable appearance) who secured a somewhat similar seat in adopting that kind of home which you would not.
But in adopting the idea, the Deists were on the same level as the Christians.
They proceeded towards the stairs, adopting every precaution they could take to prevent any surprise and any attempt upon the object of their solicitude.
Mr. Perkins gained the confidence and won the love of the people by making himself one of their number, by adopting their customs and speaking of Assyria as "our nation.
The ancient church tried to attract and hold the people by adopting the same kind of preaching and Sunday-schools as were being carried on by the evangelical branch.
In adopting the native dress it must be remembered of him that he wore the hat commonly worn by aged religious men.
In other words, these judges held that by adopting several distinct statutes of Iowa in one act, it necessarily embraced more than one object.
Meantime the bolters completed their destructive work by organizing a separate convention in Baltimore, by adopting the report of the majority in the Charleston convention as their platform, and by nominating John C.
The opposition had overthrown the great DeWitt Clinton only by organizing and adopting the convention system.
However, by the third article of our treaty with Spain, in 1819, all our pretensions to extend the territory of Louisiana towards Mexico on the Rio Grande, were abandoned by adopting the river Sabine as our boundary in that quarter.
If Wagner ever thought of adopting such an insane procedure he would have been puzzled to know how and where to start.
A formidable word, that of citizen, imported by Rousseau, has entered into common speech, and the matter is settled on the women adopting it as they would a cockade.
According to the enemies of radicalism it has always meant a political principle that strikes at the root of the constitution; but it was not that meaning of the word which induced the first Radicals to commit the imprudence of adopting it.
Adopting a tone of confidential intercourse, as with an equal, this magnate now bade Sarchedon look round amongst these lords and captains for the familiar face of a countryman.
He assured them there was no danger in adopting foreign methods and foreign manners,--on the contrary, that to do so was the only means of safety to the empire.
Is it customary for little girls to roam the streets at night, wandering about the world alone, adopting homes according to their whims?
But it seems such a simple remedy for the difficulty that I cannot see how you can mind adopting it, if you care so much for me as I do for you.
Lady Constantine showed such alacrity in adopting the idea of having Swithin to dinner, and she ignored his 'youthful errors' so completely, as almost to betray herself.
And Saint Aireran, by adopting this opinion, seems to afford us another proof of the great familiarity of our Irish scholars with the writings of the great Pontiff and Father of the Church.
But his irresolute mind was not capable of adoptingso determined a design, and under the soothing influence of some hope, he preferred being considered part of his own spoil.
You will in your wisdom determine upon the propriety of adopting such a plan and upon the measures necessary to its effectual execution.
The reasons in favor of the propriety of adopting at an early period proper measures for that purpose were explained by the Secretary of the Treasury in his annual report and recommended to your attention by myself.
Her good sense enabled her to move among these people as a studious observer of this aspect of human nature, neither adopting their costume nor imitating their manners.
Louis, adopting a vacillating policy, in his endeavors to conciliate each party was losing the confidence and the support of all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adopting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.