Besides, he made them many presents of small, and to him, valueless articles, though they esteemed them very highly.
I could furnish him with, and which he chose rather to obtain from the simple natives with a piece of old valueless hoop iron; thus depriving me of useful articles which my necessities required.
Any phase of education, though it may be a seemingly necessary one, that has the characteristics of drudgery is valueless in itself.
Blind hoarding and collecting of objects sometimes valueless in themselves results.
Each of these is examined in turn; as they seem to be valueless for the purpose of the thinker, they are rejected.
Are you sure Count Tristan said the property of Maurice would be valueless but for the advent of this railroad?
All this assumed silence of writers whose works are lost is absolutely valueless against the direct and explicit testimony of the Paschal Chronicle.
There was not the slightest change in the character of the distant interior, but the vicinity of the Darling was thickly timbered for more than three-quarters of a mile from its banks, but the wood was valueless for building purposes.
If the line could have been extended to the Murray river, it would have been as well, but the desert country beyond it is valueless to civilised man.
Of course, if a man gets hold of it in an unscrupulous way, or goes back on his bargain, it's as valueless to him as so much waste paper.
He said it clearly didn't belong to the murdered man, that it indicated that the murderer had himself been wounded in the tussle, but as yet it had proved utterly valueless as a clue.
The fraudulent practice of crediting Shakespeare with valueless plays from the pens of comparatively dull-witted contemporaries was in vogue among enterprising traders in literature both early and late in the seventeenth century.
Your services will be valuelessto his heir,--a sober man, whom poverty has preserved from vice.
It is like throwing 'half a brick' at you, which, utterly valueless in itself, still hurts you when it hits you.
It would be as valueless as words from the lips of a maniac, words which have no weight because the mind does not direct them.
It is also my desire to be able to recommend you,” said he curtly, carelessly taking up a package of the banknotes and playing with ten thousand florins as if they were so many valueless scraps of paper.
The essential plant-foods often occur in insoluble combinations, valueless to plants; only the plant-foods that are soluble in the soil-water or in the juices of plant roots are of value to plants.
It is very likely, however, that many of the leguminous crops which have been developed under conditions of abundant rainfall will be valueless on dry-farm lands.
Most of the ordinary exercises of this kind carry the arms above the head; this always releases the effort of the shoulder muscle and is therefore nearlyvalueless as an exercise for these members.
Time may be money in England, here it is as valueless as the sand of these deserts.
Time is not the estate of these people; rather it is their lavish, valueless waste.
At least one college professor, whose method and textbooks were launched thirty years ago, has recanted all his early work in teaching composition and pronounced it valueless or worse.
I wrote out a careful description of the processes by which they converted food out of the valueless elements--valueless because of their abundance--and put it carefully away for use in my own country.
It was valueless indeed, save from the associations which, in the mind of him who wore it, were entwined with every thread.
Seleneck thought you might have pity, and the papers are valueless now that there is to be no war.
Why will you render my honors valueless when I have acquired them?
I hope you don't forget that the marriage certificate which you hold is perfectly valueless now.
The prize is valueless as regards money; the flesh is given to Kaffirs who are sent after it; the head and horn are too heavy to carry--but the tail is the prize.