They might be more excusable in over-valuing human reputation to whom all beyond the grave was dark and cheerless.
To this unexpected remark Pallet answered, that among the connoisseurs he would not pretend to appraise his picture; but that, in valuing his works, he was obliged to have an eye to the Gothic ignorance of the age in which he lived.
But there is another way of valuing manures, and that is by attempting to ascertain what their intrinsic worth is in producing an increase in the returns of the crops.
Valuing friendship more than any other earthly blessing, I think it wrong for girls to encourage that moodiness which flatters them they can do without friends, especially of their own sex.
He had no conception of making a bargain or valuing wares, and a trader could unload his goods on him at any price, and a soldier demand any pay.
They went about surveying the several estates with their own eyes, and, valuing the victuals paid from them, reduced the same to a sum of money.
Not preferring God and our everlasting happiness before the prosperity and pleasure of the flesh; but valuing and loving fleshly prosperity above its worth.
Man's nature is so prone to go too far in valuing our esteem with men, that we should more fear lest we err on that hand, than on the other, in undervaluing it.
And it tendeth to delude you in point of assurance of salvation; taking your own over-valuing self-esteem for true assurance; which is not ordinarily to be expected, till grace be come to strength.
I have named to you all these sad effects of over-valuing your beginnings in religion, that as you love your souls, you may avoid them.
So we might get a public knowing the difference between good and bad in objects of use, valuing the good, and ready to pay a fair price for it.
The under-valuing celibacy, the not possessing religious orders, seems a system of christianity without the cross.
He was a thorough, knowing man of the world, keen, sharp as a razor, and valuing nothing but the tangible and the ponderable.
V Another source of confirmation for the man who, valuing Christian experience, seeks assurance that it is intellectually justifiable, is to be found in the effect of Christian faith on life itself.
My aunt Martha used to chide me very frequently for not sufficiently valuing myself.
While there dwells in each the tendency to utmost activity under the given conditions, yet, since the valuing subject is master of only a limited energy of valuation, i.
It may be worth adding, that Maimbourg always affected to say that he had never read Bayle's work, but he afterwards confessed to Menage, that he could not help valuing a book of such curiosity.
The same argument might be applied to the valuing of any business or profession.
Parliament, followed by some state legislatures and many courts in America, even made it the authorized standard for valuing annuity charges and reversionary interests.
The arrangement was itself a discovery, exhibiting at a glance the essential data for valuing life-risks, and suggesting solutions for problems which had puzzled the ablest students.
Another modification of the net-premium method has been advocated for valuing policies entitled to bonus additions.
Thus there was a commercial and social pressure for some intelligent method of valuing life contingencies.
The phenomenon, then, of the evolution of new simple sounds should caution us against over-valuing phonetic differences.
Something more, she fancied, aboutvaluing something more than something else.
The Contempt of Scutcheons is as much a Disease in this Age, as the over-valuing them was in former Times.
The serious Folly of wise Men in over-valuing the World, is as contemptible as any thing they think fit to censure.
To be too much troubled is a worse way of over-valuing the World than the being too much pleased.