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Example sentences for "fair play"

  • Fair play in discussing this phase of the subject demands careful and patient inquiry into the past history of a people concerning whom little or no minute data of a national character was kept.

  • The nearest approach to fair play is to be had in the larger towns and cities of the South, and even here the chances are against the Negro.

  • For my sense of fair play, my sporting sense, had abruptly changed my mind, and I had rescued the underdog, instead of killing him.

  • But I do know that he has claimed undeserved credit, which is an unforgivable breach of the Cupian ethics of fair play.

  • But my New England spirit of fair play deterred me, and I decided to settle with Yuri myself and personally; though how I ever hoped to escape from the ants, in order to do so, I did not stop to consider.

  • Fair Play's" shone resplendently in the columns of the Illustrated London News.

  • I am moved to it only by the spirit of FAIR PLAY.

  • I have not learned who "Fair Play" is; nor do I wish to know.

  • That in itself points to an adherence to fair play.

  • With Ellen Seymour managing the teams, we are all sure of fair play.

  • Let us answer as a love of fair play suggests.

  • Every race has a right to fair play in the world and to make the most of its capacities, and to the help of the more favored in the attempt.

  • But in a trice the dog had him, and the boys stood off in a circle, with stones in their hands, to see what they called "fair play.

  • Hands off, Belle," said the other woman; "do you call it fair play to interfere?

  • Or is the love of justice, the love of fair play, at the heart of the law?

  • The latter part of the article dealt with a long letter signed "Fair Play," which was printed in the Daily Telegraph of the same day.

  • In such narratives as the one herewith presented, subsequent travelers and other experts, with no other interests to serve except those of fair play, have critically examined the material.

  • But the storm of a sensation-seeking press later so thickened the atmosphere that the public, from which one has a sure guarantee of fair play, was denied a clear view.

  • But the door is open wide, and if there are any who don't believe in fair play and a fair hearing all around, they are at liberty to depart at once.

  • Without heeding her he confronted the young farmer and asked, "Do you believe in fair play?

  • The gentleman who last addressed you now in the spirit of fair play offers to listen to me.

  • One example: Under normal training conditions, it would be fair play, and the acceptable thing, to rotate men and their junior leaders to such an onerous task as guard duty.

  • He has a belief in fair play; it must be honored.

  • The privilege of appealing to the judgment and sense of fair play in a group of one's fellow officers is a very comforting thing in any emergency situation, requiring a desperate decision, and engaging conflicting interests.

  • It's a kittle cast she has gien me to play; but yet it's fair play, and I winna baulk her.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fair play" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    break the next morning; dear niece; fair and; fair chance; fair child; fair complexion; fair copy; fair cousin; fair dame; fair field; fair girl; fair knowledge; fair land; fair mistress; fair number; fair statement; fair system; fair uncle; fair weather; fairy story; great iron; not confined; other ladies; parliamentary division; party government; younger brothers