After expiration the chest and abdominal pressure is relaxed and the next inspiration prepared for.
Of the three kinds of inspiration mentioned in most books on singing and termed clavicular, abdominal or diaphragmatic, and costal, neither completely fills the bill.
Similarly in an unusually powerful, explosive fortissimo, a momentary use of pure abdominal breathing may be excusable.
Maintain the chest firm and expanded, and add, as occasion requires, to the natural inward and upward pressure of the abdominal muscles.
The median, longitudinal, abdominal band of the same color as the upper parts in M.
The white color of the underparts is restricted to a thin line on the abdominal region, but widens out posteriorly in the inguinal region and anteriorly over the pectoral region, throat, chin and lower lips.
One of the most noteworthy of the several unique characters of this large, tropical weasel is the longitudinal, median, abdominal band.
Pacific Coast interrupted in some individuals by brown of upper parts encircling body in the abdominal region.
Differs from Mustela africana stolzmanni by absence of median, longitudinal, abdominal stripe of same color as upper parts; presence of p2 and two roots rather than one root on P2; from Mustela frenata helleri, M.
The opposite extreme, in a specimen also from the type locality, is where the least width of the light-colored underparts on the abdominal region is a third of the circumference of the body.
Differs from Mustela africana stolzmanni by absence of median, longitudinal, abdominal stripe of same color as upper parts, by presence of p2 and by two roots rather than one root on P2; from M.
The female often differs from the male in having organs for the nourishment or protection of her young, as the mammary glands of mammals, and the abdominal sacks of the marsupials.
In Heterocerus, which belongs to another family, the rasps are placed on the sides of the first abdominal segment, and are scraped by ridges on the femora.
In Blethisa the transverse ridges on the furrowed border of the abdominal segment do not come into play, as far as I could judge, in scraping the rasps on the elytra.
Hippocampus, that the walls of the abdominal pouch of the male in some way afford nourishment.
The thoracic and abdominal viscera were perfectly healthy.
The heart was sound, and the abdominalviscera were not conspicuously diseased.
I regret, from a promise which had been made to the friends, of inspecting the head only, that the thoracic and abdominal viscera were not examined.
The last cephalic, the seven thoracic, and the three abdominal segments, are all equally destitute of appendages.
In no other way, I believe, can it be explained, why the last cephalic segment and the three abdominal segments should differ from the seven thoracic segments, in the entire absence of the oblique lateral muscles.
Again, in the Thoracica there are no abdominal appendages, excepting the terminal or caudal, whereas in Cryptophialus the abdomen bears three pairs of biramous cirri.
In the males of Scalpellum vulgare, ornatum, and rutilum there is no mouth or stomach, but there is a thorax with four pairs of minute, modified cirri, and a large abdominal lobe.
The intestinal form is marked by high temperature, great prostration, small thready pulse, tumultuous action of the heart, laboured breathing and symptoms of abdominal pain with straining and diarrhoea.
The peculiar form and arrangement of the anterior abdominal segments have already been described.
The hinder abdominal segments and the stings of the queens and workers resemble those of other stinging Hymenoptera.
They have an alterative or deobstruent action, are therefore applicable to a long catalogue of maladies arising from congestion and obstructions of the abdominal viscera.
They are an excellent tonic, and administered in leucorrhoea, dropsy, engorgements of the abdominal organs, paralysis, and sterility.
They have proved very beneficial in chronic rheumatism, paralysis, chronic catarrh, alterations in the abdominal viscera, and in some nervous affections.
Fah: The waters are successfully employed in chronic diseases of the abdominal organs, spasmodic asthma, rheumatism and gout.
Their heat and stimulating qualities peculiarly adapt them for the cure of obstinate chronic rheumatism, diseases of the lymphatics, chlorosis, incipient disorganization of the stomach, bowels, and other abdominal viscera.
They are recommended for their utility in rheumatism, scrofula, chronic affections of the abdominal viscera, leucorrhoea, chlorosis, but more particularly in diseases of the skin.
Fruit with meals, especially at breakfast, plenty of water between meals and before breakfast, exercise, particularly of the abdominal muscles, and regular habits will all help to correct this evil.
Half hour before breakfast a glass of hot water, exercise of abdominal muscles, laxative foods, form habit of moving bowels after breakfast.
The higher forms of the Crustacea have only two regions in the body, a fused head and thorax, called the cephalothorax, and an abdominal region.
Wherever the fertilized ovum remains and implants its villi the tube becomes turgid and swollen, and the abdominal ostium gradually closes.
When the abdominal ostium remains pervious the ovum may escape into the coelomic cavity (tubal abortion); death from shock and haemorrhage into the abdominal cavity may result.
Hydroperitoneum, a collection of free fluid in theabdominal cavity, may be due to tumours of the abdominal viscera or to tuberculosis of the peritoneum.
In extraperitoneal rupture the foetus may occasionally remain alive until full term and be rescued by abdominal section, if the condition is recognized, or a false labour may take place, accompanied by death of the foetus.
Severe pressure upon the large abdominal veins may retard the upward flow of blood to the heart and so give rise to piles; this is apt to happen in the case of disease of the liver, malignant and other tumours, and pregnancy.
If diagnosed before rupture, the sac must be removed by abdominal section.
It is, however, probable that there is a direct relation between the brain and the spinal nerve centres which control the costal and abdominalmuscles independently of the respiratory centres of the medulla oblongata (vide fig.
This centre, as we have seen, acts automatically, and exercises especially its influence upon the diaphragm, which is less under the control of the will than the elevators of the ribs and the abdominal muscles.
Not only does the contraction of the abdominalmuscles permit of control over the expulsion of the air, but by fixing the cartilages of the lowest six ribs it prevents the diaphragm drawing them upwards and inwards (vide fig.
It occasionally happens that after operation the scar of the wound in the abdominal wall yields under the pressure from within, and a bulging of the intestines beneath the skin occurs.
There may also be abdominal appendages--in the form of simple unjointed stylets (fig.
There are, however, other cases less well defined, in which the mischief pursues a latent course, producing little more than a vague abdominal uneasiness, until it suddenly advances into a violent stage.
The fifth abdominal segment is the genital, and the sixth the anal somite.
The third abdominal segment usually carries a pair of short appendages whose basal segments are fused together; this is the "catch" (fig.
The eversible sacs on the abdominal segments are shown, some protruded and some retracted.
The facial expression becomes more anxious, and the accumulation of gas in the paralysed intestine causes an increase in the abdominal distension, so that the patient lies with his knees drawn up.
In most Collembola the spring appears to belong to the fifth abdominal somite, but Willem, by study of the muscles, has shown that it really belongs to the fourth.
The individual strings of the cluster are quite thin, but they are decorated with the yellow and brown straw-like material above referred to in connection with abdominal belt No.
These are worn by both men and women at dances, the ribbons hanging round the body from the abdominal belt or a cord, three or four or five of them being worn by one person, and one of these commonly hanging in front.
Abdominal belts are commonly worn by both men and women, but not as a rule by children.
As the after-birth peels off, the firmly contracted womb gradually rises in the abdominal cavity, and by the time when the separation has been completed reaches the region of the navel.
The restorative changes in the abdominal wall involve the skin, the fatty tissues, and the muscles.
The confinement in bed, restricted diet, relaxation of the abdominal wall, and sensitiveness about the region of the rectum, all have a tendency to prevent spontaneous movements of the bowels.
On account of the growth of the uterus the abdominal wall is stretched during pregnancy.
Their size and number vary with the degree of abdominal distention, which in turn depends upon various factors, such as the size of the child and the quantity of amniotic fluid.
Much more important than the question of weight is the recovery of the abdominal wall from the strain imposed by the enlargement of the womb.
Any difficulty in breathing that may have existed in the latter part of pregnancy disappears when the abdominal distention is relieved, and the respiratory rate becomes normal.
After the birth of the child it is easy to feel through the mother's abdominal wall, which has now become lax and flabby, the organs which lie beneath it.
It often happens that the cramp-like abdominal pain of threatened miscarriage is confused with that associated with intestinal indigestion.
In this they now receive assistance from the voluntary contractions of the abdominal muscles.
Up to the end of the third lunar month it cannot be felt through the abdominal wall; but in the course of the fourth month, on account of its size, it must rise into the abdominal cavity.
By means of a series of painless manipulations through the abdominalwall of the mother, the head, the body, and the extremities of the child may be mapped out, and the conclusions verified by locating the fetal heart-sounds.
It was adherent to the abdominal wall, liver, spleen, and omentum.
In this case an incision was made and a fetus of about eight months' growth was found lying loose in the abdominal cavity in the midst of the intestines.
It is most commonly seen in persons with pendulous bellies, and is sometimes of enormous size, in addition to the ordinary abdominal contents, containing even the stomach and uterus.
Timaeus mentions a child of five who swallowed several leeches, and who died of abdominal pains, hemorrhage, and convulsions.
She ruptured her uterus, and a dead child with a fracture of the parietal bone was found in the abdominal cavity.
After death it was found that the cavity in the left side of the chest was entirely filled with abdominal viscera.
It consists of a deficiency of the abdominal wall in the hypogastric region, in which is seen the denuded bladder.
It occasionally happens that the ureter is wounded in the removal of uterine, ovarian, or other abdominal tumors.
Rydygier mentions a case of obstruction of the intestine during the sixth month of gestation, showing symptoms of strangulation for seven days, in which he performed abdominal section.
As much of the fluid as possible was removed, and the abdominal incision was enlarged to allow of the removal of the large tumor.
The abdominal and lumbar muscles were divided and turned up, exposing the colon in its passage across the belly.
The air passes into them freely, but the power to expel it is lost to a great extent by the lungs; therefore the abdominal muscles are brought into play.
Distention stretches the mucous membrane and eradicates the valvular fold referred to, and also makes it possible for more pressure to be exerted upon the stomach through the contraction of the abdominal muscles.
The contraction of the abdominal muscles and pressure of the intestines during neighing seem to open the umbilicus and induce hernia.
Ventral hernia is most common in pregnant mares, and is here due to the weight of the fetus or to some degenerative changes taking place in the abdominal coats.
In course of time, however, the imprisoned gut becomes filled with feces, its return into the abdominal cavity is prevented, and it becomes strangulated.
This consists of the passage of any of the abdominalviscera through a rent in the diaphragm (midriff) into the cavity of the thorax.
On percussing the abdominal walls we find that dullness exists to the same height on both sides of the belly; by suddenly pushing or striking the abdomen we can hear the rushing or flooding of water.
A middle-aged woman entered one of the Boston hospitals and complained of severe abdominal pains, which she attributed to cancer of the stomach or intestines.
At once they directed their attention to the other abdominal organs, examining them one by one.
Pay particular attention to the movement of the abdominal muscles, letting all the rest (except the shoulders) move as may be easy to you.
Thus individuals and races of high stature have the face and abdominal limb a little more elongated than individuals and races of short stature.
It must be noted that it may also be merely a consequence of abdominal obesity, pregnancy, or steatopygia.
The variations of length for the abdominal limb do not extend further than from 45.
Ashmead proposes to separate the Agriotypidae (which are remarkable for their aquatic habit, being parasitic on caddis-worms) from the Ichneumonidae on account of their firm ventral abdominal segments and spined scutellum.
The stylet A (process of the 8th abdominal segment--8) is turned over to show its groove a, which works along the tongue or rail b.
The union of the first abdominal segment with the metathorax has been already mentioned.
These processes are not altogether homologous with those of the ovipositor, being formed by inner and outer lobes of a pair of structures on the ninth abdominal segment.
Only three or four abdominal segments are visible, the hinder segments being slender and retracted to form a telescope-like tube in which the ovipositor lies.
The right sheath C (outer process of the ninth abdominal segment--9) is shown in connexion with the guide B formed by the inner processes of the 9th segment.
In certain cases there is a catarrhal condition of the membrane lining the nasal cavities, larynx, and bronchi; sometimes the animal testifies to the existence of abdominal pain, and the faeces are then soft or fluid.
The typical insectan ovipositor, so well developed among the Hymenoptera, consists of three pairs of processes (gonapophyses) two of which belong to the ninth abdominal segment and one to the eighth.
Several kinds of female bees seek the bugloss exclusively for food for their larvae as well as for themselves, sweeping up the abundant pollen with their abdominal brushes as they feast without effort.
I regard the flower as especially adapted to the early flying bees with abdominal collecting brushes for pollen - i.
So many orchids fasten their pollinia upon the faces and tongues of insects that it is interesting to find one which applies them regularly to the first abdominal segment.
Deficient chest capacity, deficient abdominal capacity, disproportionate and excessive development of the limbs; insufficient muscularity.
In this brachyscelous type it may happen either that the whole trunk (that is, both the thoracic and abdominal cavities) is in excess, or else that the excessive development is confined to the abdomen.
Such a man feels, even though unconsciously, that the abdominalorgans are incapable of assimilating sufficient nutriment, and that his lungs, unable to take in the needed quantity of oxygen, render his breathing labourious.
Whoever, on the contrary, is overdeveloped in abdominal dimensions, will be subject to disturbances of the digestive system and of the liver.
In woman the thoracic segment is shorter and the abdominal is longer than in man; but the total sum in woman is relatively greater in proportion to the whole stature.
These movements strengthen the abdominal muscles and draw fresh blood to the weakened parts, and cause quickened circulation in addition to restoring the displaced organ to natural position.
The moistabdominal bandage is a very excellent means of relieving nausea during pregnancy.
When strength sufficient is acquired the exercises for anteversion will be found useful, and any other exercises which strengthen the abdominal muscles, such as bending backward and forward, and sideways.
Persons who feel unable to purchase an elastic or other abdominal supporter can make a substitute (not so good, but of considerable service) from unbleached muslin made in the shape of the letter T, and having the cloth double.
Forty-nine abdominal sections, fifty odd more operations of a graver sort, one hundred miscellaneous of less gravity than above, over one hundred operations upon female perineum and uterus.
An abdominal supporter should be worn constantly during the day for a year or so, then left off gradually an hour or two at a time.