Some few girls will need to be shown the possibilities which lie in independent productive work.
Oftener the process is one of elimination, or of building up from a general foundation of the girl's abilities and limitations, and her possibilities for training sufficient to make her an efficient worker in the line chosen.
Beginning with the nursery rimes, the stories will gradually broaden in theme, and if their dramatic possibilities are at all realized by the story-teller, the children will broaden in their conception of the lives and feelings of others.
The teacher or vocational guide is fitted by the place of observation she holds to help the girl to study herself and the possibilities that life holds out to such as she thus finds herself to be.
No other places are open to them, and their possibilities in any place are few.
The possibilities for the girl entering upon work connected with dressmaking with the ultimate object of becoming a dressmaker herself are far wider than in the case of the machine worker in shop or factory.
Congestion means discomfort within the home and decreasing possibility for satisfying there either material or social needs; while on every hand are increasing possibilities for satisfying these needs outside the home.
She must have in addition a truly altruistic spirit, a deep earnestness which will survive discouragement, and a real insight into the circumstances, handicaps, and possibilities of others.
Social work, possibilities in and qualifications for, 191 ff.
The little girl who knows presents no possibilities to the perverted mind which seeks to astonish and excite her.
Now I love you for thepossibilities that I see in you.
I love you for the wonderfulpossibilities I see in you.
But before all that, you are a woman of exquisite possibilities and I am a man who by all of nature's laws would make a fitting mate for you.
The career of the future social pictorial satirist is," he continues, "full of splendidpossibilities undreamed of yet.
He brought such possibilitiesof style over from his romantic period in The Cornhill Magazine, and it must be admitted that the effect in this drawing seems too powerful for the music-hall comedy it has to carry off.
Oersted does not appear to have given thought to the practical possibilities of his discovery.
Father Gattoni seems to have realized at once the possibilities for great advances in science that lay in Volta's wonderful powers of observation, and encouraged him in every way.
He considered the possibilities and found that they were practically non-existent, for the country round about was too hopelessly rough for laying out any sort of holes.
And who then shall say that, if "only a game," golf has no possibilities and powers in such high crafts as diplomacy?
He should remember that that old one has served him well, and the possibilities are that he will have to stand by it after all.
If correspondingly exact statistical data were available from China and Korea a similarity full utilization of cultural possibilities would be revealed there.
Manchuria has great forest and grazing possibilitiesawaiting future development, as well as much mineral wealth.
To my mind at that moment the speaker had passed from the region of the uncultivated person into the possibilities of the cultivated person.
We followed factory inspectors on a round of duties performed with a thoroughness and a trained intelligence which were a revelation of the possibilities of public service.
Then, after he had turned over twenty possibilities in his mind, he walked out of the parlor and down the passage leading to the stairs.
Whether he was hunted as a conspirator against the state or as a spiller of innocent blood were possibilities that pointed only to the one grim issue.
Nor was all this cunning of his wasted upon chimerical possibilities and feverish fancies, as the event soon proved.
The allusion to a severe illness suggested possibilities of relapse, of a weakening of the constitution as much from lack of proper attention and nourishment as from disease.
Just a moment's hesitation came over the young mistress, with visions of Dingee and possibilities of Mr. Falkirk, and one glance at her ring.
Any one of these suggestions holdspossibilities for photographs useful to a newspaper; and many more events are just as promising.
I do not maintain that there is a fortune awaiting the man with the camera; but I do say there are unlimited possibilities for salable photographs and almost an unlimited number of markets for them.
Just so far as he opens the ravishing possibilities of life in commanding reconciliation with the formal civilization of a particular time, he does his true work.
He goes forward with the rest, known and yet unknown, a man of very definite limitations, and yet also of possibilities which the future will ever be defining.
They come upon the scene to prove what they are; he and the reader study them together; and when best known, their possibilities are obviously unexhausted, the unknown remains in them still.
He is to show that the high possibilities of growth can be realized here.
His business it is to find the ideal possibilities of man here, in the midst of actual society.
To run off, get up a fancy world, and then picture these possibilities as coming to fruition there, would be a mere toying with his readers.
Understand yourself and your Divine possibilities and you will cease to think you are misunderstood.
When a couple begin to live together, they have within themselves the possibilities of heaven or of hell.
He tried argument, persuasion, entreaty, every form of rhetoric that occurred to him as holding out possibilities of usefulness; but all alike failed to move in the slightest degree Charmides' abject determination.
He said it because, with omniscient vision, He saw the wondrous, folded-away possibilities imprisoned within the little child.
The pliable period of early childhood is the time most favorable to the eradication of vicious tendencies, and to the development of the latent possibilities for good.
Even had she been made aware of all the possibilities that might arise out of her brother's short intimacy with the Groves, she never could have regarded the matter as one in which she had a right to interfere.
And so, as the days went on, the possibilities of the future ceased to terrify her.
Nor could he retreat with the possibilities of being shot at staring him in the face.
I am glad, and I think you will agree with me that the possibilities of a thoroughly enjoyable fortnight under canvas are far greater there than at Southend.
The nature of these "dividends" is set forth in an article which should receive the careful attention of promoters elsewhere as a model of the possibilities of exploiting contracts.
The revelation of the militaristic possibilities of America is another serious factor.
These are not remote possibilitiesnor vague prognostications.
This he knew involvedpossibilities of imprisonment, of exile, losses and suffering.
When they are young, however, they represent the possibilitiesof the human animal in all things external.
The influence is a very pronounced and decided one, and its effect will be to awaken the latent possibilities of you at this time.
Ethel Lord has learned truly the infinitely rich possibilitiesof our nerves when we make them our friends.
Providence only knows thepossibilities latent in a union of these poor children of wealth.
There were possibilities in this highly organized girl which could have led her into an unusual wholeness of living.
And thesepossibilities are all dependent on the superb, complicated nervous system.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "possibilities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.