When Grattan extorted from England's weakness the unworkable and impracticable constitution of 1782, the danger which had always been present became immensely increased.
The terms and conditions of a United Kingdom federation would necessarily differ in almost every respect from those of an Imperial Federation, and a constitution framed for the one object would be unworkable for the other.
The Estates, however, did not agree to this proposal; it was easy to foresee that it would be unworkable and productive of evil.
Luther, however, by abandoning the Church’s ethics, came to teach a strange mixture of perverted, unworkable idealism and all too great indulgence towards human frailty.
It gave me an unworkable code of conduct which I never tried to follow, but I got into trouble for it.
And therefore consider again, before you brand beliefs and the teachings and enthusiasms as untruths, because they are exaggerations, because they are unworkable as they stand.
Segregation becameunworkable when the Army lost its power to limit the number of black soldiers.
Negro personnel would be unworkable in the sense of creating a personnel shortage.
These arguments may not have swayed Hastie, but in the end he dropped the idea of a regular quota system, judging it unworkable in the case of the officer candidate schools.
The only reason for not raising these very weighty points is that we find society unworkable except on the assumption that every man has a natural right to live.
But there is a still more unworkable assumption which must be discarded before discussions of marriage can get into any sort of touch with the facts of life.
Lord Macaulay once ventured the prediction that the Constitution would prove unworkable as soon as there were no longer large areas of undeveloped land and when the United States became a nation of great cities.
But, if it should prove unworkable or unsuccessful, then the great body of the people will soon send it on the same road as the Scott Act.
Wherever any clause in it has been found unworkable it has been quickly altered, and every possible legal device has been used to ensure the destruction of the drink traffic.
With military revolts, as with paper constitutions of an unworkable type, Castlereagh had no sympathy; and in this particular case the revolution, in his opinion, was wholly without excuse or palliation.
The real argument consists in the fact that war, and still more the ideas out of which it arises, produce ultimately an unworkable society.
There is only one way of putting an end to English tyranny in Ireland, and that is, not by scolding at it from the other side of the Irish Sea, but by making it unworkable over here.
If glass be made too soft it may fall so completely out of shape as to become unworkable except in very skilful hands.
The greatest care is needed at the earlier stages of re-heating to prevent the glass from collapsing into a formless and unworkable mass.
So far from being Federal, it was a clumsy andunworkable Legislative Union of the two Provinces, which lasted as long as it did only because the principle of responsible government, established in 1847, covered a multitude of sins.
The stagnation of Western Australia was originally due to the cession of hugeunworkable estates to a handful of men.
Such an ordinance as this last is of the commonest and most frequent occurrence in the enactments of fifteenth-century England, but always unworkable as warring against the most elementary principles of international trade.
The one case of nation-wide socialism had proved too great a failure not to impress the laboring classes in the more advanced countries of the world as a visionary and unworkable scheme.
Trusts and monopolies would become more common, and gradually capitalism would become so unwieldy and so unworkable a mechanism that it would finally fall to pieces of its own weight.
In the last chapter I explained how hopelessly unworkable is the particular scheme of Home Rule which is contained in the present Bill.
So, with this true idea, unworkable because based on false information, the generals and admirals dispersed to their vessels and waited.
Monopolists sold dispensations fromunworkable laws, which was sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad.