Its unsuitableness for such sports determined Julius Cæsar, in his dictatorship, to construct a wooden theatre in the Campus Martius, built especially for hunting.
The unsuitableness in point of natural feeling between scenes of mourning and scenes of liveliness did not at all present itself.
The reason why we do not observe the growth of alcoholic ferments, especially at the commencement of the experiments, is because of the unsuitableness of those media for the life of yeast.
This will at once show its unsuitableness for repairs and restorations, especially of the kind now under consideration.
The quality of being improper; unfitness or unsuitableness to character, time place, or circumstances; as, improperiety of behavior or manners.
And the correspondence arises from the action being conformable to the higher principle; and the unsuitableness from its being contrary to it.
Upon comparing some actions with this nature, they appear suitable and correspondent to it: from comparison of other actions with the same nature, there arises to our view some unsuitableness or disproportion.
This spirit may be suited to one age and not to another; it may be local or universal; on its scope depends the existence and spread of the order; its decay or unsuitableness will portend the extinction of the body it animated.
The reason of this was chiefly theunsuitableness of the place to the working of our vocation.
She had almost started from the couch, when, apparently discovering the unsuitableness of her dress, she checked her impetuosity, and remained leaning on her elbow.
And even while they looked on him, a dim feeling of the unsuitableness of his lot filled their minds.
But the noblest of their neighbours refused to appear; not from pride, but because of the unsuitableness and carelessness of such a mode.
He was sure, from the unsuitableness of the motion to the business now before the house, and the want of time to consider it, the gentleman's candor would induce him to withdraw it.
The judge shall consider and determine the suitableness or unsuitableness of age in marriage; he shall make an inspection of the males naked, and of the women naked down to the navel.
Ferdinand now became convinced of the unsuitableness of a position, which neither admitted of easy communication between the different quarters of his own camp, nor enabled him to intercept the supplies daily passing into that of his enemy.
There is so great a diversity of temperaments and degrees of understanding, that there are scarce any two persons in the world, but there is some unsuitableness between them.
And so far have respect to parentage and education, as that there be no great unsuitableness of mind, nor any prejudicate opinions in religion, which may make you too unequal.
Nor must impatience make either of them ungroundedly despair of the cure of any unsuitableness which is really curable.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unsuitableness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.