When your little cakes are baked, turn them out of the molds and when cool turn them upside down and remove the inside, leaving a deep hole and a thin crust all round.
Turn them out of the teacups, and if you have rubbed the inside of the cups with a little butter this will be easy, and sprinkle over the top of each mold plenty of chopped parsley.
It would grow almost anything, if only scratched, and no healthier place for a walk could be found; but wisdom is not justified of her fathers, when she goes to turn them up.
Here there was a settlement of white men, hailing from every land under the sun almost, where it doesn't turn them black, and make niggers of them.
Turn them, side by side, on a large heated platter, pour over the fresh mushrooms and serve at once.
Turn them into a saucepan, stand in a pan of hot water, stir with an egg-beater until they are thick and jelly-like.
Turn them into a buttered square pan, stand this in another of boiling water, and cook in the oven until the eggs are thoroughly "set.
We turn themout to pasture, when we can, in lots of 200.
Turn them out to pasture, and feed lightly on food calculated to develop bone, muscle and feathers.
If these eggs are kept on end it is not necessary to turn them as often.
Must it be, if they turn themselves, or do something to merit of him to turn them?
And cast thy law behind their backs; slew thy prophets which testified against them, to turn them to thee, and they wrought great provocations.
If his infants cry he doth not therefore knock out their brains, or turn them out of doors.
Lauener said that we ought to turn them by crossing to the south-west side, immediately below the Moench.
A small man, whose muscles are in perfect condition, and who knows how to turn them to account, can accomplish what would really appear to be almost impossible for any one of his size.
But it was obviously necessary toturn them by some judicious strategical movement.
Just before dinner, turn them out on a large dish.
When cool, turn them out, and fill them with marmalade, jam, or any very nice sweetmeats.
When quite done, take them up, dip them in cold water, turn them out of the cloths, and send the dumplings to table immediately.
I then took post behind the nearest clump of shrubs, and told Bigg to go on ahead as far as he could, and then, showing himself, turn them towards me.
They intend just at eight bells, in the middle watch, to seize the captain and all the officers, and those of the crew who won't join them, and to turn them adrift in the long boat.
The Queen turned angrily away from him, and said to the Knave "Turn them over!
When they begin to grow soft, turn them into a pudding dish, sprinkle sugar on them.
Boil the plums slowly in the syrup ten minutes--turn them into a dish, and let them remain four or five days, then boil them again, till the syrup appears to have entered the plums.
When brown on the under side, turn them--when brown on both sides, they are sufficiently cooked.
When they have stewed about four or five minutes, turn them into a dish, and add a little butter.
The end has been a very considerable gain to the Government, one with which they profess to be perfectly satisfied, and they are quite confident of being able to defeat any attempts to turn them out.
The Government, though safer, are not stronger, and nobody thinks they can go on very long, though without any clear idea what is to turn them out, or what is to succeed.
Once they got the lead of him or even with him it would be almost impossible to turn them.
Turn them loose, boys," directed Pan, to whom they looked for instructions.
They appeared bent on running Pan down, and he had to resort to firing his gun to turn them.
If we run into some bunches haidin' this way we'll turn them back an' thet's work for us.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "turn them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.