The idea of a future state is first found highly developed in the long-lived cults of the long-civilized but unprogressive Egyptians; and the Babylonians were developing in the same direction.
The desire for education, however, does not come from any real dissatisfaction which the Filipinos have with themselves, but from eagerness to confute the reproach which has been heaped upon them of being unprogressive and uneducated.
We cannot imagine Eli Whitney buried in thought, wondering how he could make a cotton gin to disprove the statement that the Americans are an unprogressive people.
The distracted housekeeper struggles with these unprogressive girls, holding to them not even the well-defined and independent relation of employer and employed, but the hazy and constantly changing one of mistress to servant.
More and more every year the unprogressive methods of small shopkeepers foster the success of large multiple retailers.
Nor is this principle in any way unprogressive or injurious to the commonwealth.
Therefore one may conceive of matter as being loaded with force in the unprogressive static period, and this Herr Duehring appears to mean by his unity of matter and force if indeed he means anything at all.
Once introduced, these practices never die out among the conservative and unprogressive class of peasants; and, every now and then, they attract the curiosity of philosophers, or win the belief of the credulous among the educated classes.
If the history of religion and of mythology is to be unravelled, we must examine what the unprogressive classes in Europe have in common with Australians and Bushmen, and Andaman Islanders.
And because its peculiar topography is bound to make the evil results of unprogressive medieval methods more serious than in other cities, it should take the pains to surpass, rather than to lag far behind, in this respect.
The unprogressive Macrognathomys and Pliozapus line which remained in North America may have become extinct.
Since the retreat of the last ice (Wisconsin) the unprogressive coastal Z.
The movement in this direction, singularly enough, emanated from the monarch of the most unprogressive of civilized lands, but one whose size and power give prominence and influence to any proposition coming from its court.
Of these European possessions in Africa, all are held with a strong hand except those of Portugal, which unprogressive state may soon give up all claim to her territories of Angola and Mozambique.
But in the thickly settled countries this radical solution of the problem is not to be looked for, and the white man has before him the burden of lifting these unprogressive populations into a higher state.
But I reserve my right to think you an unambitious, unprogressive what's-your-name.
Jack found by his companion's avowal that at least one person besides Bertie Tunstall held the same unprogressive but eminently safe opinions.
He went over Fred Tunstall's arguments, which he thought were well enough in their way, but savoured of a nature unprogressive and too easily contented.
For to give a naturally unprogressive race legislative superiority over an inevitably progressive one, is but to prolong a contest, or make more desperate an immediate struggle.
Central Europe languished for centuries, under a sham Empire, in theunprogressive anarchy of feudalism.
Yet even in these cases again, Australia still maintains its proud pre-eminence as the most antiquated and unprogressive of continents.
For the eternity of unprogressive events involved in the future on Kant's hypothesis, is not only thinkable, but any change is, as observed, irreconcilable with our ideas of energy.
The simple loyalty of the habitant to his Canadian home and to his religion is no slight offset to his narrowness of political outlook and his somewhat unprogressive habit of mind.
A certain unprogressivespirit hampers the Frenchman, and gives a striking commercial and industrial advantage to the English population.
The Catholic Church in Italy continued for years to exert an unprogressive and anti-intellectual influence.
The present law discriminates against the progressive majority of fishermen in order to benefit a small unprogressive element.
Similarly, a town composed of individuals who are naturally uncultured and unprogressive will tend to preserve its uncultured and unprogressive characters more than another that has alert citizens to carry on its activities.
II An Unprogressive Farm Most of our friends, Jonathan's and mine, are occupying their summers in "reclaiming" old farms.
Very old and very, very unprogressive is the farm itself.
Where the caste system is highly developed and rigidly maintained, as among the Hindus of India, its conservative unprogressive tendency is obvious enough.
Wherein lies the charm of these unprogressive little country towns, whilst modern cities, though they may be fine, are generally so uninteresting, is as difficult to explain as the attraction of personality or character.
Under conditions existing up to the close of the eighteenth century, in part persisting up to the middle of the nineteenth on the continent, and still found in unprogressive lands, a close limitation of the rights of labor was maintained.