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Example sentences for "thankless"

Lexicographically close words:
thankfully; thankfulness; thanking; thankings; thankit; thanklessness; thanks; thanksgiving; thanksgivings; thankt
  1. Ah, she is a thankless Pole that for such love she does not love.

  2. If the Sultan doesn't make me a pasha, or hospodar of Wallachia, he is a thankless fellow, for I have made two Turkish saints.

  3. Oh why didst thou cast away thy precious life for such a heartless, thankless thing as I am!

  4. I closed my eyes in thankless impatience of my prolonged existence.

  5. Bold streams untamed by helm or prow, And rocks of gold and diamonds thou To thankless Spain shalt show.

  6. Now, how one I had so handsomely benefited could yet run into this excess of obstinacy as she did, I stood astonished to consider, and in my heart called her a thankless wench, and myself a preposterous ass to remain there any longer.

  7. Your Spring hath issued into a passing fruitful Summer," I said very low in his ear, "and I think you did well to leave your lyricks for this art, and the thankless Apollo for thieving Mercury.

  8. So that's all you get for feeding that thankless bird a whole year!

  9. That's your reward for feeding that thankless bird a whole year!

  10. Excuse me, madam; indeed I am not thankless of your thought of me.

  11. And add to Solon the lines of Æschylus, 'You did not disdain the honour of the thighs, O thankless one after all my frequent kisses.

  12. Is it not monstrous and thankless to say so, seeing that we enjoy the divine bounty, which is dealt out to us richly, and never abandons us in our straits?

  13. But you must find it thankless work; this gospeling in the wilderness," I ventured, when all was said.

  14. Twould be a thankless task to take you with us stage by stage on our cross-country gallop to advertise General Greene of the victory at the cow pastures.

  15. Nay," said I; "that would be but thankless work.

  16. Thankless as the post of wicket-keeping is at times, yet from the frequency of his opportunities the wicket-keeper must often gain some solace.

  17. Give o'er the thankless task; forsake The fools who know not ill from good Eat, drink, enjoy thy own, and take Thine ease among the multitude.

  18. During what long thankless nights had she worked out her fingers for little Georgy whilst at home with her; what buffets, scorns, privations, poverties had she endured for father and mother!

  19. She is thankless for Amelia's constant and gentle bearing towards her; carps at her for her efforts at kindness or service; rails at her for her silly pride in her child and her neglect of her parents.

  20. Twas a thankless task: a matter of thirty miles to Jimmie Tick's Cove and thirty back again.

  21. Twas a thankless task, indeed; but 'twas a task to which the fool of Twist Tickle addressed himself with peculiar reverence.

  22. What from thy thankless arms can we expect?

  23. It will be enough if I repeat with Raleigh: Go, Soul, the Body's guest, Upon a thankless errand.

  24. To tend the homely, slighted, shepherd's trade, 65 And strictly meditate the thankless Muse?

  25. To tend the homely, slighted, shepherd's trade, And strictly meditate the thankless Muse?

  26. Did I do so I should be thankless indeed--thankless as madmen are who do not know the good done to them.

  27. He changed colour slightly at her generous and trustful words, but he answered without a moment's pause: 'Whenever I am so thankless to fate I will confess it.

  28. Her influence, her relatives, her sovereign, had given him one of the highest honours conceivable, and he did not choose to even say why he was thankless for it!

  29. For the indefinite continuance of chaos and bloodshed in Macedonia, after the other powers had really braced themselves to the thankless task of putting the reforms into practice, Germany alone was responsible.

  30. The last named, in particular, would involve us in so ticklish and thankless a task, that one can only be thankful for the Turkish caretaker there to-day, and loth to see him dismissed.

  31. Nay, I had forgotten it; I am as thankless as thyself.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thankless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bad; bitter; despised; disagreeable; displeasing; distasteful; lowly; misunderstood; sour; thankless; ugly; unalluring; unappetizing; unappreciative; unattractive; undesirable; uninviting; unmindful; unpalatable; unpleasant; unpopular; unsavory; unsung; unvalued; unwelcome